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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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It's in the Weapons list in the back of the book, which just states the ML has flakk missiles as well. Probably just to show the stats of the missile. I believe pg.57 clearly states that flakk missiles are an upgrade.

teehee.gif I rate before 8 months after the original post he found his answer :P

Interesting thread to res though! What are people's thoughts now that we're more than half a year into 6th?

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I'm pleased with 6th edition, even though the BA-typical ranting may occur from time to time (FC nerf ).

What I really like is the new wound allocation, removing the model closest to the attacking unit gives you some true tactical possibilities, especially with our rule Descent of Angels.
New bike rules are awesome, T5 makes them really resilient against S8-9 weapons, along with their jink-saves. Put a Priest in range and you're good to go.

Flyers happen to be our new big strength, not a unique one anymore, but a big strength still. The Stormraven is possibly the most flexible and best armed flyer in the game, and it can transport a Dreadnought, should the need arise to drop it in later turns. Simply to have the option makes it a worthy inclusion.

New powerweapon rules are a good addition, though our Chaplains suffer a bit against SM armies, but against every other race, they've gained a lot of advantages in close combat.
A more elegant solution regarding the initiative of axes could include a negative modifier to one's initiative when using an axe, maybe -1, just like in real life. To wield an axe, you need strength and training to keep it under control, but your blows won't be insanely slow, they're just slower than the ones when wielding a sword, due to the axe's weight and momentum.

What else...overwatch is an interesting new factor in the game, but overall stolen from Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Also, hitting on 6es isn't good, but at least you're allowed to shoot.

Vehicle rules are censored.gif . It was probably done to boost flyer-sales, but if my fast tanks moved over 12", you can't tell me that everyone and their dog can hit them on 3s. I'm not too happy about hullpoints, either. That means that my stuff can be glanced to death without problems. As if Necron weapons weren't annoying enough already....dry.png

New psychic powers are awesome. I find myself taking a Epistolary more often, just because I want to be able to use the second psychic power from the Divination table. They just got class. 4+ invulnerable save for my Death Company? Well, here you go! Terminators re-rolling successful armour saves? Here, have some! Using full BS for overwatch? Can be crucial in certain moments, so why not! Gotta love it. Pair any of those with Prescience and your units will wreck face.


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I have no problems with any of the new vehicle rules. Apart from not being able to Assault out of a vehicle even if it was stationary. That's basically wiped BA mech.


BA Troops kinda suck. have to just accept that and move forwards.

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Haha, yes I didn't look at the previous response date. The thread just showed up on my side bar in the main page so figured it was recent. Little late...pinch.gif

I have found in 6th I have been wanting to take more tactical squads over assault troops just for more rate of fire. 6th is very shooty, and with overwatch in there, flamers have become pretty handy with d3 auto hits. I like being able to move and shoot heavy weapons from the hip if I need, or even just keep them stationary while everyone else moves, and in my previous game, managed to get 6's every time with my krak ML's while shooting from the hip.

Vehicle rules are so so for me. I still dislike the fact that if a vehicle is assaulted by a unit, and they juuuuuust make it to the front armour, that they strike it in the rear. I know the rules state that the enemy is finding a weakness in the armour etc, but I just have to bite down on that one I guess.

I use to love taking chaplains for my HQ choice, but sadly I haven't fielded them in most games with the nerf of the crozius. Librarians are back for me, and I had my first game using Divination powers. Much more useful than the codex powers.

I haven't fielded, or played against any fliers yet, so I don't know really. I don't mind 6's to hit them since I field a lot of ML in my army anyways, and I'm bound to get 6's on 16 dice... And since most fliers aren't over AV12, str8 is good enough for me.

I was actually going to start a thread about fortifications. I like the addition to them in 6th, and was curious how often people field them, and if you do, what do you like to field, and how have your game experiences been with them??

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I really like 6th edition.  I don't like way things are going for BA in 6th.  


I'm struggling to find an thematic and strategic identity for BA army that fulfills two roles: 1) I like the theme, and 2) I couldn't run the strategy better with another codex.

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The more I play the less I like it. 


  • If you don't have a flyer, you're pretty hosed IMO. The entire flyer rules don't mesh well with other vehicles.
  • Change to power weapons slows the game down IMO and penalizes models that used the "rule of cool" over rules.
  • Chaplains seem better at wrecking vehicles than killing MEQs.
  • Same day FAQs for releases.
  • Even more MEQ codexes. 

OTOH, there's always joy in seeing a new army painted. I still enjoy playing among friends, so until they quit playing, I can enjoy the social aspect of the game. I enjoy seeing Foregworld in the game and that seems to be increasing.


I'm reminded of the reception the current Warhammer edition amongst veteran players. At least, that's how I feel about it. 

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WD Daemons and now Heldrakes have negatively affected my enjoyment


Well, having presumably sold enough Flamers and Screamers, the new codex has kicked them in les ballons so at least you won't have to worry too much about them anymore. Wonder how long it will be before the Helldrake receives a similar kicking?


This is possibly the most worrying thing about 6th edition. The idea that GW can release rules for models that makes them unbelievably good and 'forces' people to buy loads of them only for the rules to be changed a few months later. Good thing I don't buy new model releases!

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Yeah WD Daemons were totally broken. But the new codex seems better? Minus the Warpstorm instant win/loss table. Force a leadership test on 3D6 for an enemy psyker? Laaaaaame. Lose an entire unit for no reason? Laaaame. Get entire new units randomly? Laaaaame.


But that's another problem entirely.


I do like 6th, but I didn't get enough games with 5th to get a good feeling for it. I think the nerfs to assault hurt us a lot, but that means you have to be craftier in order to win, using our fast movement and force multiplication to gain any advantage we can. It feels like I win 50% of my games or so, but many of the ones I lose I at least had a chance at. And we're the MEQ army that's best prepared to deal with the hellturkey, with FNP (the only save you can get) and Stormravens.

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