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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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A change to the Rage rules would be nice. I quite like taking Death Company and would like to do so at tournaments.




I'm a Death Company fanatic and run them pretty much always. What they do with Rage in 6th Edition is the thing I look forward to most.


At the very least, I would like to see Rage rules that are much more detailed.

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Thanks Morollan. Yes, that's what I meant. Too much of 40K is tiny tweaks on the 50/50 rule. Whn you have a 2-12 rank (OK 2-10) it seems odd not to make use of it.


I think I most miss Rites of Battle from the PDF and I wonder if getting it for captains or equivalent HQ might be handy.

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You don't have to assault. Look at the BRB Errata/FAQ, it's fixed there.


And about a month before the new edition hits the shelfs, I find out that the errata I'd been waiting for quite some time has been around for about 6 months. :tu:

Thanks nonetheless, buddy! I should've really kept an eye open for some these erratas :wacko:




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Most recent rumors (6/11) specifically relevant to BA I've read:


FNP going to 5+

Jump Infantry getting a "free strike" at I10 when they charge into combat.

Charge range is 2d6, pick the highest of the two. (edit: some people are speculating that this rumor might mean base movement plus that 1 die)

Charge through difficult terrain range is 3d6 (drop the highest result, pick highest from from the other 2).


Vehicles can't contest objectives.

Ally rules are for team games only.

No percentage based FOC.

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Random Charges are 2D6 pick the highest (unless going through Difficult Terrain where its 3D6 and you drop the highest.) Move through cover I believe adds an extra D6


Hopefuly this means 6 inches plus 2D6 pick the highest… or else this is going to suuuuuuuck.


Vehicles are WS0 if stationary, and WS1 if they move, no matter how far they go.


So auto-hit if stationary or on 3+ if moving? Ouch.


Vehicles go the same distance in the movement phase (I believe 6" and fire everything regardless if fast or not) but in the shooting phase can make an extra move (apparently some kept forgetting what vehicles moved to fast to fire...


That is a big nerf to speeders and TLAC razors… Fuuuuuuu!


5+ Cover save for most things including ruins.


Not unexpected. Will certainly make plasma more attractive again.


Dueling is similar to challenges in fantasy but contrary to earlier rumors, they don't replace Combat res, just add to sides. A IC can challenge another IC in the same combat even if not in base to base. If the defending IC refuses, he simply cannot attack that turn, if he does he counts as being in b2b and no one else can hurt him apart from the attacking IC. I'm guessing this is to offset the Wound Allocation rules


Not the direction I expected GW to take WRT ICs in combat


Preferred Enemy is including shooting and you may reroll wound rolls of a 1 (either shooting or combat)


When does Unleash Rage activate again? Pretty brutal if it applies to shooting as well as CC.


Rapid Fire weapons may now can shoot at long range while moving. restriction on assaulting after rapid firing remains.


I guess my Tactical Squads might actually see gametime again. Second part of that rumour was and is still dumb.


Jump Infantry get a free strike at I10 when they charge into combat Nice! Makes sense too.


Psychic Power Decks using a dice system similar to Fantasy.


Hate that.


Flyers are in.


Again, nothing surprising there.


FNP drops to 5+ Save.


That's a pretty big nerf :-(

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What happens to Heroic Intervention if assault from Deep strike is true...

The very old rumor was that HI units would be able to assault farther on the deep strike and normal deep strikers assault a smaller distance.

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Vehicles are WS0 if stationary, and WS1 if they move, no matter how far they go.


So auto-hit if stationary or on 3+ if moving? Ouch.

There is speculation that it was a typo.

WS0 if it is not moving. WS10 if they move.


I've always thought that a WS for vehicles is a better solution than a flat x+ to hit, depending on movement. I don't see any reason why, for example, Lelith Hesperax is no better at hitting a moving vehicle than a Termagant. Simply having WS 0 or 1 (or hopefully 10) seems an improvement, although we'll have to wait and see what the 'to hit' table looks like in 6e to make a final judgement. Think they could have added in a few different levels though, with different WS values for fast vehicles, heavy vehicles etc.

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really hope its WS10 :) will suck so big if all vehicles get hit all the time on 3+

The guy chimed in and clarified that it was not a typo. WS1 when it moves.


Combine that with the hull point rumors, and a furious charging marine unit could blow up transports with just a couple lucky rolls and chainswords.

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really hope its WS10 :) will suck so big if all vehicles get hit all the time on 3+

The guy chimed in and clarified that it was not a typo. WS1 when it moves.


Combine that with the hull point rumors, and a furious charging marine unit could blow up transports with just a couple lucky rolls and chainswords.


Ouch. Definite shift in the game now ><;

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really hope its WS10 :( will suck so big if all vehicles get hit all the time on 3+

The guy chimed in and clarified that it was not a typo. WS1 when it moves.


Combine that with the hull point rumors, and a furious charging marine unit could blow up transports with just a couple lucky rolls and chainswords.


Ouch. Definite shift in the game now ><;


I mean I'm kinda glad they changed it towards more infantry, but that's a little harsh, or to be frank, it's the complete opposite of the 5th edition. Eldar/Dark Eldar/Rzrspam will have some huge trouble if you can reach their vehicles in cc.



On the other hand...imagine VV with heroic intervention at Init10! How bloody awesome that sounds! :)





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Well, isn't it always the same. Tanks are strong now, so people buy tanks. Infantry will become better in 6th, so people have to buy infantry :lol: But we'll see, I hope mech lists remain viable, I actually like my tanks not only because they're strong :/
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