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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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Yeh, im convinced it will come with a bane too - buff and bane for sure.



- Every army must select a "Warlord" or single general to lead the army, this leader gets an ability. They can choose between three different types of abilities, "Personal", "Inspirational" or "Strategic". They then roll on one of those charts to see what ability it is. The two examples given were a Grand Master giving all friendlies within 12" his Ld of 10 (Inspirational), and a Chaos Lord being a scoring unit (Personal, the ability itself was called "Immovable Object")


Who would like to wager, that this is clarified in the FAQ that only our Commanders can do this? Anyone? Just a thought of mine.

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I just heard apparently rage now give a +2 attacks on the charge. Death company just got a big boost!!



I just got MENTAL giddy with reading that from Tan. I wonder what nerf though? ><;


Man- this isgonna be a BIG shake up if those WD rules Tanhausen just posted are true.

You know I made the right decision with my Lemmy led DC in my new 'Raven with its 'hit on a 6' flat out, and just imagine the DC dread!! Mwwhahahaaa


As far as move towards the closest target I am cool with that and I am sure that it will still be the case, I mean come on can't have that much cake and be able to eat it.


However when I see it I will believe it, fun to speculate though :lol:

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Who would like to wager, that this is clarified in the FAQ that only our Commanders can do this? Anyone? Just a thought of mine.


Or we could just stack it on Meph, Honestly what would really tickle my pickle is if this "warlord" ability couldn't be stack on named charatars at all.

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Yeh, im convinced it will come with a bane too - buff and bane for sure.



- Every army must select a "Warlord" or single general to lead the army, this leader gets an ability. They can choose between three different types of abilities, "Personal", "Inspirational" or "Strategic". They then roll on one of those charts to see what ability it is. The two examples given were a Grand Master giving all friendlies within 12" his Ld of 10 (Inspirational), and a Chaos Lord being a scoring unit (Personal, the ability itself was called "Immovable Object")


Who would like to wager, that this is clarified in the FAQ that only our Commanders can do this? Anyone? Just a thought of mine.

As in Captain? Could make them worth it finally

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- Now we're on the topic of the FOC, the rules for allies weren't laid out specifically, but it is heavily implied that its not the same as in WHFB. They refer to allied units as "Detachments", and there is an example of a player with a Chaos Space Marine force having some detachments of Chaos Daemons in his army. Basically, I was given the impression that it is far more common (and frequent) for a detachment from another 40k army to join a larger one, than it is for a Fantasy army to have Allies. Think more along the lines of the Storm of Magic rules for using TK, VC, or Daemons.

I hate that allies are included. It is neat to think of all the potential units you can take in your army. Then I realize that almost everyone can potentially use DC, DC Dreds, Furioso libby Dreds, Stormravens, SG. I hate HATE the idea of almost everyone getting access to our goodies.

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True, but if this is to be the case then we can use Assassins again.


@ Jun 19 2012, 06:36 PM) *

I just heard apparently rage now give a +2 attacks on the charge. Death company just got a big boost!!




I just got MENTAL giddy with reading that from Tan. I wonder what nerf though? ><;


FnP is apparently down to 5+, or do you mean a nerf to Rage?

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True, but if this is to be the case then we can use Assassins again.
@ Jun 19 2012, 06:36 PM) *

I just heard apparently rage now give a +2 attacks on the charge. Death company just got a big boost!!


I just got MENTAL giddy with reading that from Tan. I wonder what nerf though? ><;


FnP is apparently down to 5+, or do you mean a nerf to Rage?


Yeh, nerf to rage. Or what the wording is. Im convinced they'll keep it as is, or make it that every model must move as fast as possible - then with the +2

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True, but if this is to be the case then we can use Assassins again.
@ Jun 19 2012, 06:36 PM) *

I just heard apparently rage now give a +2 attacks on the charge. Death company just got a big boost!!


I just got MENTAL giddy with reading that from Tan. I wonder what nerf though? ><;


FnP is apparently down to 5+, or do you mean a nerf to Rage?


Yeh, nerf to rage. Or what the wording is. Im convinced they'll keep it as is, or make it that every model must move as fast as possible - then with the +2


Even thats not so bad, will make Storm Raven loaded with DC into an even bigger wrecking ball than they are now, especially if the other USR means they still get the +1 I and S, along with a chappy or lemartes re-rolls!!


On a slightly different note, and apologies if this is slightly off-topic, but I do have a rules question: Does the Chappys liturges of blood also effect DC dreads? I've not looked into the dreads too much yet.

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From everything that I am reading, playing Mech BA will be kinda pointless, as everyone will have "fast" tanks (i.e. move and shoot ability), so it will be jump BA or bust.


Doubt that highly. Everyone can move 6" and shoot (its rumoured). But, you're also assuming that everything else remains the same as 5th, and theres a lot gonna change. Especially with fast vehicles.

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I'd add that SRs seem great and that's mech (and with SRs come more dreds, even though it remains to be seen how they will do). If skimmers have this 'jink' ability they may remain effective, especially if they get anti-aircraft weapon options.


If anything, mech elements seem to be meshing better into jumper lists. From the way things are looking, I can't imagine running a jumpers list without some mech (for can opening and anti aircraft at least).



And since the BA codex was design (in part) around fast transport lists being a strength, I'd be surprised if they didn't throw fast transports a bone.

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It looks great. I just hope we don't get too good. I don't want to be the 'new' GK.


Weird how that would be a concern for a lot of peeps, yeh?


I was reading a thread in the GK section the other day about a guy getting fed up about all the looks/comments he gets from just playing GK.



Im sure the rules in partiality will result in various people just freaking out about various armies/combos without looking at the whole thing.

I mean, i've mentioned already but 100points for 10 gaunts that put out 12 marine wounds a turn at 18" from PE ..thats pretty amaze - but doesnt take into consideration all the other rule chages.


For us, the rage rule is a big one along with fast vehicles.


I'm not aaaas worried as Leks about people taking "our" stuff..but i would be a bit bummed if they got access to units like Mephy and dreads etc.

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Allies is was and always will be a bad rule....


You can fluff ANYTHING.

It took Eisenhorn a decade or so to go from "there is no grey" to having two pet deamons.

Would eldar team up with Tzeentch?

Against Slaanesh?


Who'd team up with Tyranids? Or Necrons?

Well, its not that hard to make up a reason


Puts soap box away.

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I'm not freaking out about allies yet. From the word "detachments" it might be inferred that you can slot in certain pre-made detachments from another codex. So maybe it won't be a matter of cherry picking the best units and characters from another codex. You might just have, say, 5 per-determined detachments to choose from for the IG codex. Like 2 IG squads and a Commissar, or a squadron of Multi-laser Sentinels, or a Single Leman Russ Exterminator. That would allow some fun fluff and variety without allowing the sort of game breaking combos that players are bound to come up with if ground rules aren't laid down.


I could be totally off, but it strikes me as an interesting idea.


Also, what do you want to bet that skimmer transports moving flat out will only be hit on a six, but that if your ride is wrecked or explodes, the unit inside is removed from play --maybe they'd be OK if they have jump packs.


The news about fast vehicles has me a little worried. So its rumored that you won't be able to shoot ANYTHING if you move over 6"? Is that for all vehicles including fast? That's really going to hurt HF/MM speeders and Flamestorm Baals which will make me sad. Or maybe they will change it so that any vehicle can move up to 6" and fire all weapons, but a fast vehicle can move another 6" in the shooting phase and still fire one weapon. Basically just wording the vehicle movement rules slightly differently and fixing a lot of the ridiculous problems with "defensive weapons" for normal units while still allowing things like Flamestorm Baals to zip in and flame something.


Here's hoping...

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I'm not aaaas worried as Leks about people taking "our" stuff..but i would be a bit bummed if they got access to units like Mephy and dreads etc.

Despite being greedy with my toys, I'm looking forward to a thread about stealing units from the other children.


Now it is a matter of finding out who we can ally with. I wonder what our list will be.

The first 2 on my list of guesses would be Necrons and GK.


It is hard to say definitively since the rumors are that GW is evolving the fluff as they move forward past 999.M41

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Yeah. I'm really hoping the allies rules are a lot of fun.

I totally admit that the main reason I started playing blood Angels instead of vanilla marines was because of the Stormravens BA got. If I could ally some of my vanilla codex stuff along with my BA stuff that would be cool! Landspeeder Storms and Stormtalons with my Stormravens would be fun to see on the table together.


And it would also encourage people to pick up cool models of other codices even if they don't plan on making a whole new army around it. I just hope that however the rules for allies work out, that people will not automatically assume you are a WAAC player if you happen to have an allied force.

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I'm not aaaas worried as Leks about people taking "our" stuff..but i would be a bit bummed if they got access to units like Mephy and dreads etc.

Despite being greedy with my toys, I'm looking forward to a thread about stealing units from the other children.


Now it is a matter of finding out who we can ally with. I wonder what our list will be.

The first 2 on my list of guesses would be Necrons and GK.


It is hard to say definitively since the rumors are that GW is evolving the fluff as they move forward past 999.M41



I am with Leks I dont want to share DC, Ravens or any fast stuff. I dont want my Sanguinary Guard playing with those other kids full stop.


I dont need or want assassins if I did I would play GK.


I think we all get the Tau by the sound of it they are the incorruptible race apparently. I dont want my Blood angels babysitting sentient slugs or chickens with attitude.


If Sanguinius wanted this he would have told us it was going to happen I am still happy a lot of what I am hearing will not nerf us thats fine.

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