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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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but i would be a bit bummed if they got access to units like Mephy and dreads etc.

Prepare for bummage! :lol:


I read this:

Did the Force Org chart change?


No, the force org has not changed. It is still 1 HQ and 2 Troops. 3 Fast Attack, 3 Elites, 3 Heavy Support. Although, allies allows you in certain situati...ons to to add an HQ from another army and 1 Troop. You also, once you have satisfied the minimums can take 1 Fast, 1 Elite and 1 Heavy for you allies also. After your list is 2,000 pts, it appears you can double the Force Org chart. So up to four HQ with allies.

So an ally could take Mephiston, a unit of DC, unlocking a Furioso libby, a SR and DoA VVs.

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What sort of nerfs could cheap transports be given that aren't general vehicle nerfs?



I thought that the rumour, if true, of added damage chart results for multiple glancing hits would deal with it quite nicely. There would be a fairly good chance of at least imob. a AV10 vehicle with MEQ - so a tac squad with the other rumour changes would finally be a viable choice on its own - wooot!. Also the reported introduction of hull points to AV14 vehicles would help balance it even more.

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According to the WD scans, BA can use 4 of the 5 psychic disciplines: Biomancy, Divination, Telekinesis, and Telepathy.


We don't get to use Pyromancy.


BA actually make out quite well with only 3 other armies being allowed to use 4 power sets.

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Ugh, allies. I just hope the list of allies you can take is extremely limited...I'm feeling the same way as Leksington regarding our Baals, our SRs, the Furiosos and other great, great stuff that our codex provides for the Sons of Sanguinius. I don't want to fight my own army mixed up with some boys in blue, yellow, grey or, the worst case, silver.

Could be fluffy if done right, though.




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I can actually see blood angels being quite a popular allie. Especially with Death company being a troop choice!



My predictions are that GW will not exclude our specialist units from selection for ally duty.

So, prepare to see DC everywhere.

My prediction is based on the fact that it would require too wordy an explanation to exclude things like DC -unless they do it in the FAQ, and I just see it being too much admin for them.

Why randomly restrict some units and not others? Additionally, more sales the better, no?


Prepare for the other kids to come play with out toys :angry: Especially the neighbourhood bully :)


I do however see them restricting named Characters. However, this may also be too wordy for them. So, its actually more of a wishlist than a prediction.


Lets see.


Irrespective, I hope that the ally system gets more people interested in the history and fluff of BA and has a greater spill-off effect and our army support base grows bigger.

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I read this:
Did the Force Org chart change?


No, the force org has not changed. It is still 1 HQ and 2 Troops. 3 Fast Attack, 3 Elites, 3 Heavy Support. Although, allies allows you in certain situati...ons to to add an HQ from another army and 1 Troop. You also, once you have satisfied the minimums can take 1 Fast, 1 Elite and 1 Heavy for you allies also. After your list is 2,000 pts, it appears you can double the Force Org chart. So up to four HQ with allies.

So an ally could take Mephiston, a unit of DC, unlocking a Furioso libby, a SR and DoA VVs.

Well, I guess we'll see a lot of 2X Space Wolves Rune Priests instead of a Librarian. Although it will be nice to field my Leman Russ Exterminator in my Space Wolves army again.

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I confess that I've always wanted to field a small Necron detachment alongside my Blood Angels, just because I know it would make some of my friends hilariously angry.




I refer to your sig........

That was a good thread.


Less trollishly, though, I would like to field some Guard regiments or something, just for flavor. Or maybe Black Templar? I love Black Templar, but then I couldn't field any Librarians or my Libby Dread... :wub:

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To be honest I will definetly take advantage of the new Allies system myself, but I cant see it as anything other than a very cleaver way for GW to sell extra stuff! How many people are going to pick up an extra codex and add to their model count. Its so perfect they have me hook line and sinker!
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The new psychic powers I have seen strike me as fairly powerful. Since Mephiston currently doesn't get to pick his powers, could this be a stealth nerf to good old Mephy?


Not really. According to the rumors I've heard, psychic powers from the new tables [the ones available to your faction] will be able to replace your default or codex-chosen powers. So Meph might decide he's tired of the same old powers day in and day out. Maybe he'll feel like trading in, say, his Sanguine Sword ability for Hemorrhage or somesuch.


I think the Lord of Death will still be pretty boss.

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Maybe some sweet relief for Fast Vehicles: Snap Fire (not to be confused with defensive fire)!


Snap fire is if you move you fire heavy weapons at BS 1. I read that this is for vehicles too.


So if a vehicle moves at combat speed, it fires 1 weapon at full BS (potentially a second weapon at full BS with PotMS) and the rest of the weapons are fired at BS1.


edit: In case it wasn't entirely clear, I am insinuating that fast vehicles should be able to fire all their weapons at full BS if they moved at combat speed.

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