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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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Last I heard, it seemed that you could choose to keep your regular codex powers instead of opting for the new ones.

A recent post today said you can make that choice psyker by psyker. 1 Librarian could use codex powers another could chose to roll.

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The new psychic powers I have seen strike me as fairly powerful. Since Mephiston currently doesn't get to pick his powers, could this be a stealth nerf to good old Mephy?


Not really. According to the rumors I've heard, psychic powers from the new tables [the ones available to your faction] will be able to replace your default or codex-chosen powers. So Meph might decide he's tired of the same old powers day in and day out. Maybe he'll feel like trading in, say, his Sanguine Sword ability for Hemorrhage or somesuch.


I think the Lord of Death will still be pretty boss.

Will vanilla GK troops get to trade in hammerhand and pick from the other disciplines?


Mephiston doesn't get to pick his powers in the same way GK troops don't get to pick their powers. Mephiston is going to need to be eratta'd if he is to be allowed to use something other than Sanguine Sword, Unleash Rage, and Wings of Sanguinius.

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Guys, DC is not what people will steal from us; be prepared to face every g-damn army with Sang Priests in them.


Purifiers striking at I7, S6 and with FnP... I puked in my mouth a little.


Well to clarify if they did go down the sang priest route they would have to take a troops choice (death company) first. That's the whole point of my concern. Death company are troops so easily accessed

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Guys, DC is not what people will steal from us; be prepared to face every g-damn army with Sang Priests in them.


Purifiers striking at I7, S6 and with FnP... I puked in my mouth a little.


Well to clarify if they did go down the sang priest route they would have to take a troops choice (death company) first. That's the whole point of my concern. Death company are troops so easily accessed


Ah I see. Fair enough, but I think you are most likely going to see people stealing ASM rather than DC - depends on how much a liability Rage remains beyond the fact that it gives +2 attacks on the charge now.

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The new psychic powers I have seen strike me as fairly powerful. Since Mephiston currently doesn't get to pick his powers, could this be a stealth nerf to good old Mephy?


Not really. According to the rumors I've heard, psychic powers from the new tables [the ones available to your faction] will be able to replace your default or codex-chosen powers. So Meph might decide he's tired of the same old powers day in and day out. Maybe he'll feel like trading in, say, his Sanguine Sword ability for Hemorrhage or somesuch.


I think the Lord of Death will still be pretty boss.

Will vanilla GK troops get to trade in hammerhand and pick from the other disciplines?


Mephiston doesn't get to pick his powers in the same way GK troops don't get to pick their powers. Mephiston is going to need to be eratta'd if he is to be allowed to use something other than Sanguine Sword, Unleash Rage, and Wings of Sanguinius.


Well, I don't know how it works for sure. It was my guess that if you had one or more psychic powers, you could exchange it/them for the new ones --no matter if you chose the original power or it came as a default with no option to change.


I see your point though since the Librarian in the WD batrep seems to have retained Hammerhand (the only power a "stock" GK libby must take and cannot choose.) Maybe, as you say, it's only for chosen powers. But then again, some units like the IG Primaris Psyker only have a few powers and no option to choose from a list and I'd be quite surprised if they don't get the option to choose from the new lores.


Wait and see I guess...

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Based on what we know now, I don't like the Allies system. At all. I think it was good that they got rid of it back then.


I foresee a lot of game-breaking combos in the future. But at least the miniature sales will go up... :lol:

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Guys, DC is not what people will steal from us; be prepared to face every g-damn army with Sang Priests in them.


Purifiers striking at I7, S6 and with FnP... I puked in my mouth a little.


Well to clarify if they did go down the sang priest route they would have to take a troops choice (death company) first. That's the whole point of my concern. Death company are troops so easily accessed



I do want to point out we dot know if allies have to scoring troop choices or just any troop or what restrictions there are on elit/fa/heavy choices. Also I'm lead to belive codex abilitiesare not shared, so priests will only affect c:ba units.


And meph will have his current powers only, I'm sure.

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Based on what we know now, I don't like the Allies system. At all. I think it was good that they got rid of it back then.


Aye, I agrrree. I think it's pretty ridiculous if you are trading SPs for example to get some lousy elite-section units that don't fit our playstyle....


After all...I'm still pretty sceptic. Would GW really(I mean, really?) completely overhaul the whole game(they just got rid of allies with the new GK and updated SoB codizes) just to boost their sales? I mean, even more than ususal.


It can make for fluffy epic battles of history, but I doubt that the majority of gamers will think about the background when including auto-win units.




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I hear your concerns. BUT...here is my thinking.


Take a look here guys ->





I believe that will be the same ally matrix that 6th will have. GW are using this in the doubles event this June/July.



Now if this is true, GK for example will only be allowed limited options from us and vice versa.

Assuming GW are smart enough to say no Unique units then even better.


The whole thing has been designed to not allow cherry picking of best units. How that eventually works out obviously remains to be seen, but I remain hopeful.

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Anyone else feel like with the new roumers from Warseer that the 'Raven has been nerfed. With it firstly having to enter a hover mode to deploy troops and then if it's destroyed dealing out a S10 hit to everyone with no armour save possible? I'd hope the assault ramp rule will go some way to making up for the first part, but skys of blood can't be the safest way to drop off our troops can it?
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It can make for fluffy epic battles of history, but I doubt that the majority of gamers will think about the background when including auto-win units.


Fluff, and cool, were the first things I thought of with this. I can actually field BA's, GK's and codex with my wolves and not have to worry about count as, where I'm making a tac marine seem like a Grey Hunter where the rules are a poor representation of the fluff. I could field SW and White Scar task force of speed. With sub optimal Blood Claw bikers with fast but brittle white scar bikers. Probably easy to beat, but fun and good looking(mypainting skills not withstanding)

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Anyone else feel like with the new rumors from Warseer that the 'Raven has been nerfed. With it firstly having to enter a hover mode to deploy troops and then if it's destroyed dealing out a S10 hit to everyone with no armour save possible? I'd hope the assault ramp rule will go some way to making up for the first part, but skys of blood can't be the safest way to drop off our troops can it?


All these rules rumors are very convoluted. I can't imagine that half of what I've heard is correct. I've also heard a rumor that fliers always start off the table in reserve and come in on a 3+. So that means you're coming onto the table Turn 2 at best. Then you have to move as far forward as you can on turn 2 (probably up to 36") which puts you in the exact same location that you can reach now on turn one (12" deployment zone + 24" flat-out movement, versus 36" flat-out from your own table edge). Then you'll either have to deploy your troops via skies of blood and allow them to get shot up for a turn, or you'll have to let them sit in the raven and pray that it survives the next turn so that your forces don't start taking automatic S10 hits. If your units stay in the Raven (and it survives a turn of shooting,) you have to have the Raven hover stationary for a turn in order for your troops to assault out, and at that point, why do you even have an assault ramp?

...then finally, somewhere around turn three or later you can finally assault. :P


So you are getting your troops to where they need to be at least a turn later than you can now, and they are subject to being blown up with the transport? Tell me how this is in any way a good thing if it is true. Something has to be wrong here or I'm missing something. I'm not panicking yet, but I'm really hoping a lot of this is incorrect.

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My fears were for naught:


Codex: Blood Angels

A BA Lib (inc Mephiston) may use the psychic disciplines found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, instead of those in Codex: Blood Angels. If he does so, generate two new powers from the Biomancy, Divination, Telepathy or Telekinesis disciplines (in any combination) before armies are deployed.

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^ with this, does this mean we'd still get to pick stuff from our own Psychic Powers, or does it look like we have to roll randomly for those?

Pretty sure you can chose the normal powers or chose to roll.

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With the "remove closest as casualty" I see great potential for jumpy and shooty squads and honor guards. Now we finally have a sure fire way to protect mephiston from hammers and such, without taking hits in return or relying on massed saves. Mobility will be more important than ever.


The general nerf to cover should help too.

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One of the more recent rumors running around is that FnP is only on a 5+ now, but AP1-2 does not cancel it anymore! The only thing that cancels FnP is Insta Death attacks. If this is the case and Corbs still gets his FnP on a 2+ I think he just became one of the toughest characters in the game and a total steal at 105 points!


If the above FnP changes are correct I am actually not that disapointed with the nerf to the roll as in 90% of my games I loose more of my marines to ap1-2 or monsterous creature attacks than I do to small arms fire anyway. So the nerf to small arms fire protection is easily made up for with the low ap protection


I know I am probably getting a little ahead of myself as there are still alot of IFS going around but imagine a squad of TH/SS Termies with Corbs and your Eldar allies casting fortune on them for saves rerolls

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