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Your hopes for 6th in relations to BA?

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Here are a few more predictions that are crazy wild shots in the dark that rely on a lot of guesstimating.



1. BA will rise to be (even more) serious contenders than before.

2. BA will have a surge of popularity - both good and bad (WAAC types).



My thoughts based on these nuggets (gigantic IFs apply:



1. FNP on 5+ means that before where PWs drilled us- we get to save 1/3 of our marines.

2. Sang Guard are stronger in combat vs. anything without a fist.

3. Fast vehicles look to be very good.

4. Jump Pack TROOPS have chainswords (AP5?) and all sorts of movement bonuses.

5. DC potentially (big IF here) lose the downside to rage.


If this is the case (and im most dubious of #5) then the Death Company are going to smash so hard onto the scene, with the rest of the BA in tow, that the enemies of the BA will tremble something fierce.



That being said, through buff or nerf....




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That being said, through buff or nerf....





Right there with you mate!!!!


That was almost inspirational!!!!

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So many rumors. At this point, we'll know for sure in less then a week.


My worst fears about a Psychic Phase and terrible, game breaking powers seems unfounded. I think this is going to be a buff for the Blood Angels, though we have some awesome psychic powers as is, and access to more Librarians then any other MEQ army.


Vehicles are changing. I'm not quite sure why, as I think the rules were spot on in 5th. Hard to say if this will be a buff or nerf to Blood Angels.


Allies? Bleh. We'll have to see if every army will be "allied" with the BA so they can field 1-3 Sanguinary Priests and get a cheap, 6" FNP bubble. The only thing I can think that I would want from others armies for my Blood Angels would be Storm Talons. Great marketing move on GW's part to get people to buy more models to ally with their armies.


Random Charge Distance? Teh SUCK! I want to know what happens during a failed charge. If it's like Fantasy, your unit is going to be in seriously bad shape next turn. BA is an assault army, and GW just made our assaults a toss of 2d6. This is going to be a serious nerf to us.


Challenges in assaults? Again, we'll have to see the full rules for this one. It works in Fantasy, but it's set up for it. This will also be an interesting mechanic when you fight a unit that doesn't have a leader. Again, we'll just have to see the rules. Could be a buff to BA for when our special characters get into the assault.


Snap Shots are a nerf to us. BA are an assault army, and now the unit we are assaulting can shoot us as we assault. Interestingly enough, this is a huge buff to Space Wolves as they all have counter charge. "So I can randomly charge you, and get shot, or I can just rapid fire you this turn, and when you assault next turn, I can snap fire at you and get counter charge? Let me think..." LOL Yes, it's BS 1, but it's still shooting, and more rumors are talking about higher BS for Snap Fire for certain armies/psychic powers.


Wound Allocation- Gonna have to dig into this one. My two biggest gripes about 5th- True Line of Sight and Wound Allocation. They didn't touch TLOS, (Bad GW! BAD!), but they did change wound allocation. Closest to farthest and and only shooting at partial units, is great for shooting, but we have no idea how it's going to work in the assault. Not enough info to say Yeah, Bleh, or SuX0rz for BA yet.


Pre-measuring? Meh. Not really going to change anything game wise. Some people think it's huge and game breaking. I say go play any of the other games that have come out in the last 5-10 years. They all allow pre-measuring. If anything, it gives you more information to make decisions with, but that random charge distance... Welcome to the 21st Century of Game Design, GW!


FNP- it's a wash if the rumors are true. Yes, it goes up to 5+, but we now get it against far more weapons then we did before. How many armies out there have two saves? I'm not going to complain about this one at all.


AP Value on close combat weapons- I feel sorry for all the Xenos armies out there. It's bad enough that they don't get a armor save vs. our shooting, but now they won't get a armor save against our most common close combat weapon- the Chainsword. A buff for us.


I'm sure there is more that could be said. Right now, just seems like more questions and rumors then answers and facts. Blood Angels will just have to wait for the rulebook and FAQ. I think Blood Angels will be OK.

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One of the more recent rumors running around is that FnP is only on a 5+ now, but AP1-2 does not cancel it anymore! The only thing that cancels FnP is Insta Death attacks. If this is the case and Corbs still gets his FnP on a 2+ I think he just became one of the toughest characters in the game and a total steal at 105 points!



I noticed this too. And it made me think that maybe they just havent referenced the AP thing? Or maybe PWs in combat etc..


IF its not the case and its ONLY double toughness...then....



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So if we can use pistols in combat would it be worth it to put a couple of infernus pistols into death company or sang guard?

If its true, plasma and infernus pistols will become much more popular.


I already run Corbulo half my games (Dante the other half) he might be more used if some of these rumors are correct,

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3. Fast vehicles look to be very good.


This is based on what? I haven't seen the rules for Fast vehicles mentionned anywhere.


Here's an interesting tidbit:


In addition, his psyhic hood will usually augment any rolls to Deny the Witch within 6" to a 4+ making hime awesome at countering any enemy psychic powers.


So, psychic hoods are nerfed something fierce if all they do is boost the Deny the Witch save. This is very, very good for us, what with all the psychic powers we have. I wonder if Runes of Warding, SitW and the RP staff will get the same treatment.

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I actualy missed the pdf edition, and kinda forgot about it, so was wondering what in terras name some poor planetary defence force had done....

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I actualy missed the pdf edition, and kinda forgot about it, so was wondering what in terras name some poor planetary defence force had done....


Haha, yeah. That poster would have a whole different meaning if it had a Flesh Tearer marine in it. :tu:

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In addition, his psyhic hood will usually augment any rolls to Deny the Witch within 6" to a 4+ making hime awesome at countering any enemy psychic powers.


So, psychic hoods are nerfed something fierce if all they do is boost the Deny the Witch save. This is very, very good for us, what with all the psychic powers we have. I wonder if Runes of Warding, SitW and the RP staff will get the same treatment.


Nope nope. According to rumours everyone gets a 6+ save vs. powers. If the roll is now 4+ or else, then its a buff. Before it was a roll off. Straight 4+ is better for us. (And for our enemies).

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Mort: from what that little blurb says, the hood, instead of having a range of 24" and being able to nullify (or try to, at least) all powers, now all it does is give units within 6" of the libby a boost to their 6+ psychic nullification roll, turning it into a 4+. The severely limited range, and seamingly inability to stop non-targeted powers like Wings or Shield tells me this will make using Mephy and Libby dreads much more reliable. I say that is a definite win for us.
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Mort: from what that little blurb says, the hood, instead of having a range of 24" and being able to nullify (or try to, at least) all powers, now all it does is give units within 6" of the libby a boost to their 6+ psychic nullification roll, turning it into a 4+. The severely limited range, and seamingly inability to stop non-targeted powers like Wings or Shield tells me this will make using Mephy and Libby dreads much more reliable. I say that is a definite win for us.

If this is true, our powers get a huge boost. No chance to nullify Unleash, Sword, Shield or Wings? Awesome.

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Mort: from what that little blurb says, the hood, instead of having a range of 24" and being able to nullify (or try to, at least) all powers, now all it does is give units within 6" of the libby a boost to their 6+ psychic nullification roll, turning it into a 4+. The severely limited range, and seamingly inability to stop non-targeted powers like Wings or Shield tells me this will make using Mephy and Libby dreads much more reliable. I say that is a definite win for us.


I didnt notice the range change, matey! Good point, then. Yeah - def nerf as far as that is concerned then!

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5. DC potentially (big IF here) lose the downside to rage. [/img]


I'd say hold your horses until you see the errata - the unit may get new rules a-la PDF codex or 3rd Ed Codex-let where you need certain characters to control them, if at all.

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5. DC potentially (big IF here) lose the downside to rage. [/img]


I'd say hold your horses until you see the errata - the unit may get new rules a-la PDF codex or 3rd Ed Codex-let where you need certain characters to control them, if at all.


Nah, for sure :) It is a "hopes"thread.


Although, I see them sooner giving Rage a downside than them giving new rules to the BA/DC. I figure they will want to do as little fiddling with codex rules as humanly possible. We're not the only units with Rage after all.

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mort , it doesnt matter what DC does and what it attacks. rage gives them more A on charge. they are like ultra zerkers now . actualy it maybe worth gluing some up with jump packs all over again. better movemnt FnP helps against anything that isnt a melta or ap2 , sure it aint awesome as it was before [they will still have to FAQ stuff like corbs "ultra" FnP else he ends up +5 or RAW wirse if a dex says your FnP is +4 it will be +4 as codex >rule book] .
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mort , it doesnt matter what DC does and what it attacks. rage gives them more A on charge. they are like ultra zerkers now . actualy it maybe worth gluing some up with jump packs all over again.


I was thinking that with all their special rules- AND Hammer of Wrath - Jumping DC may be back on track - even at 35points a pop.

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Don't know if anyone else has spotted this, but in the most recent WD all Daemons are mentioned as causing Fear (its in the blurb on the page featuring the Daemon army on p 35). If its anything like fantasy, where you have to pass a Ld check or be reduced to WS1 for that combat round, it could have a fairly sizeable effect on combat based armies. Didn't see anyone else mention it, so I thought I should flag it up for attention.
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