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So, I felt a bit creative last night.

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So, I was kind of bored last night and was feeling a little creative and decided not to wait until some models I ordered to arrive before trying out some oversized (not quite true scale) chaos marines. I'm currently working on a counts-as Abaddon for my Iron Warriors but am still waiting on 2 parts (both part of that order I'm awaiting): Grey Knights terminator daemonhammer as well as the apothecary head from the same kit.


Anyway, as I said, I was bored last night and decided to slap together a test model, just to see if I could pull it off, and this is what I ended up with. I decided to try for a Chaos warrior look for him as these guys will be used as beserkers and I want them to look truly brutal and like they would gain the +1S on the charge from size alone. I also didn't want to go with the typical beserker look since I don't feel they'd fit in with my Iron Warriors.


Right, you probably want to see the model, so I'll shut up and show you.










And a size comparison




He's probably not going to be one of the final batch, but you never know.

That my good sir, is :P ing awesome. Forget berzerker, the guy looks like he'd only deign a dreadnought as a proper challenge.


Definitely +1 strength on charge. And when walking. Potentially just from staring at the wall in a evil manner.

Thanks mate, I'm glad you like it, and this guy is just the test. I for one can't wait to see what I can pull out for one of the actual beserkers. I think I might steer clear of the boots in future, but that really depends on if I'm using chaos or loyalist termie legs on a model in question since I can't sculpt chaos trim for the life of me.


On the other hand, after that wall staring comment, I might touch this guy up and add him to the final count.

Might as well throw in a few of the other models I'm working on, just to keep things interesting, all still WIP.


One of my WIP chaos lords, almost finished.






Obliterator conversion 1






Obliterator conversion 2






And for giggles I made a "baby Daemon Prince", he's set up as close as I could get him to my actual prince.




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