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Questions about a Thousand Sons Kill-Team


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Hello sons of Magnus, I come before you with a question regarding a Thousand Sons Kill-Team.


In my calculations I opted for the following setup for a friendly match in my gameclub, as a perparation for the upcoming Kill-Team tournament.


Chaos Sorcerer

- Gift of Chaos

- Melta Bombs


6x Thousand Sons Rubic Marines


Total: 196


Now this combination gives me a force weapon, some chance to insta kill or harass the enemy with a Chaos Spawn and solid firepower and toughness to coup up with those Terminator Kill-Teams.


I wonder if this setup is viable and the psyker power any useful since I have never used it before but it sounds fun and random enough to offer some laughs.


Also which special rules should be applied to my Kill-Team since I can choose three of them.

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I'd probably go with bolt as has far more range then gift, plus would be good against hi toughness units and things like necron destroyers are good targets for it.

On the special rules I'd probrly go for something like Furious charge or Feel no pain on the Asp. Sorcerer, can they take the same special rule? If so I'd proberbly go for Feel no pain for all :) Model them in MkIII armour or something to show it though.

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From what I unserstand Bolt of Change is a "shooting" attack, thus I am limited to one psyker power + force sword per turn. While I was considering to field it when Terminators appear I presumed that Gift of Chaos is more generic since I can cast it twice per turn.


Sure it increases the chances of a Perils of the Warp on my sorcerer but if I manage to carry it trough I have a pretty hungry chaos spawn on the board.


So whats your idea about this?



The rulebook says one generic rule per character, so I can kit up three marines. FnP seems a good combo for my sorcerer but wouldnt Furious Charge make him more killy, or should I switch rules each encounter?


The Thousand Sons are good with Counterattack and Preferred Enemy?

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You can't cast gift twice in a turn, only Ahriman can do that...and he can even do it three times if he chooses...


With the hefty price tag on the rubrics and sorcerer I'd say go for survivability!

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They can, as long it is not a shooting power.


To paraphrase the codex:


A psyker may only attempt to use one psychic power per turn. The ONLY EXCEPTION to this is a model with the Mark of Tzeentch, which can attempt to use up to two psychic powers per player turn, but not two powers that count as firing a weapon, as a model can only fire one weapon per Shooting phase.


Codex: Chaos Space Marines, page 88 - Psychic Powers



So this roughly translates that I can use a power and the force sword at the same turn or use two non shooting powers per turn. For example I can use twice Gift of Chaos since it is not a shooting power, or Bolt of Change and a force sword attack since Bolt is a shooting power. Still all depends on which power do I take for my sorcerers.


On a side note, my friend suggested me a Warptime + Melta Bomb combo. Has anyone tried this?

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What Excessus is trying to say is that you can't use the same power twice in the same turn. You could use two separate powers, but only once each.


As for special rules I'd probably suggest feel no pain for the sorcerer.


Warptime isn't as good as it used to be because you now have to re-roll all hits and wounds, even the successful ones. Personally I'd go for Bolt of change or wind of chaos.


Good luck at the comp :)

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Codex: Chaos Space Marines, page 88 - Psychic Powers

Aaah, how many a time I have pointed to that page in various posts over the forums...I think the most important pages to have under control is #61(Daemons and summoning), #81(Icons) and #88(Psychic powers). But the answer you seek lies not within these pages, but within the FAQ that states the fact that "normal" psykers can't use the same power twice in a turn. Ahriman is an exception to this rule, and his FAQ entry is worded differently than the more generic one...


On a side note, my friend suggested me a Warptime + Melta Bomb combo. Has anyone tried this?

As kizzdougs mentioned, Warptime is nowadays overpriced and nigh useless after the FAQ on it. Melta bombs are, well, against vehicles. I don't really know the kill-team rules, are you allowed vehicles in it? And even if you did take warptime and melta bombs, you would only be able to re-roll misses with it, since you don't do wounds to a vehicle.


The major drawback of the GoC is the range, 6" is just too little. I think I'd go for wind or bolt myself if I created a team. The major positive thing with gift is the fact that you not only kill a person on a successful roll, you gain an ally as well, which could be useful in a low modelcount game.

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Thanks for the illumination on the rules, still I am psyched about playing a sorcerer and even such a great miniature in a low points game.


The rules for Kill-Team, as from the book Battle Mission allow the next:


0-1 Elites

0-2 Troops

0-1 Fast Attack


Ammount: 200 points


This means that on the board can appear anything from a rhino to a dreadnought and even a mechanized veteran squad in a Chimera...so you get the idea why I have included the melta bomb.


I plan to switch the psyker power as per encounter, using Gift in games against low toughness armies and Bolt of Change against those uber meq lists with terminators and other heavy armour units/vehicles. Warptime sound a great investment if I want to create a melee sorcerer for some fun, giving him Furious Charge, afterall he has a force weapon and even solid stats that allow him to land a hit or two on a vehicle or multi-wound models.


I presume that the inferno bolts will be quite useful in dealing with many armies since each model counts as an independant character. I wonder wich rules should I apply to my Rubic Marines, since I have to choose between two different.

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  • 4 months later...

Now in proper Tzeentchian style I will resurrect this dead thread.


Thousand Sons Kill Team 6th Edition version...


Now here is my vision of it:


Thousand Sons

+ Gift of Mutation

+ Thousand Son

+ Melta Bombs


Now this gives me a demi-terminator squad with a psyker and a force weapon to deal with the enemy tougher units. AP 3 bolters, a psychic power and some reasonable rolls on the table of the Dark Gods should carry me trough the kill team action.


Since every model counts as a character, should I roll on the table every time I kill an unit?


Which special rules should I add to this setup?

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champion of chaos lets you roll on the boon table after a won challenge.

gift of mutation can be used by anyone even those without champion of chaos.

Firstly, champion of chaos gives you a roll after your character kills an enemy character at any time, not only in challenges...but it needs to be a character with the rule, and only the sorcerer has it in the squad...

Secondly, gift of mutation only gives the model that bought it a roll on the boon chart, which usually means a champion or IC.

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champion of chaos lets you roll on the boon table after a won challenge.

gift of mutation can be used by anyone even those without champion of chaos.

Firstly, champion of chaos gives you a roll after your character kills an enemy character at any time, not only in challenges...but it needs to be a character with the rule, and only the sorcerer has it in the squad...

Secondly, gift of mutation only gives the model that bought it a roll on the boon chart, which usually means a champion or IC.




The point being that in kill team, everyone is a character.


That means that your sorceror gets a roll on the table every time they take out an enemy model.

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A tough call, but I will probably switch to the main psychic power. All in all the TSons seem to be a well rounded kill team but playtests will reveal their ups and downs. I think that MEQ armies have much to fear from a Tsons squad and the force weapon on the sorcerer is a boon indeed, instakill if I am lucky with my rolls, also the rapid fire + charge combo can be useful too. Well I have to decide to to either GoM + Melta Bombs or an additional Son...hmm questions, questions...
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