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Bloodspire-audio drama


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Yep sure have it's alright just for a differing spin on tycho. That said it isnt a very good story, it has it's moments but the pacing is odd feels rushed at the end and just doesn't have the same attention grabbing spectacle of the previous audio books.


It is very short and I doubt it's worth the cost so here's the bare facts if you can't be bothered to buy it






3rd company with the fifth are trying to break open a hive city. They can't get through and no matter what they fire at the walls they get pushed back. They try to send in the vindicator to help but it gets blown up in short order


Enter Sargent Tycho and 1st squad. They run through the hail of bullets to get the wounded driver to safety with the captain of the third racing over as well to narrate the heroics of tycho and his squad.


The third captain talks with his mate in the opposite company and comes up with a plan. Tycho, his squad and the 3rd company captain will stay outside the walls and continue to give the inpreasion there is a company worth of them still there by using servitors to drive back and forth in the rhinos and the squads running between vantage points to fire. Meanwhile in space the 190 other marines jump pack up and drop on to the hive pretty much tearing everyone apart. No one falls to the black rage which is marked as sanguinis smiling upon them. The hive falls within a day and the opposite captain comes down to see tycho and asks why he didn't join in the glory of taking the hive. Tycho speaks candidly and says there was no honor to be gained slaughtering civilians and the real honor was gained in keeping their brothers safe with the distraction. The two captains then essentially say tycho will either become a hero or fall because of his arrogant ways.





Trust me you aren't missing a heap if all you do is read the summary

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Thanks for the overview. It's a shame it doesn't quite hit the mark then. I wish black library would produce some slightly longer stories (3 or 4 hours) that can really develop characters and scenarios. The ones they make currently normally work if they slot in to an existing series and support books (for example fireborn) but as stand alone work you're right they just seem a bit rushed.
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Yeah, listened to it once it came out.


I'm going to voice a differing opinion, because I found the drama pretty good. ^_^ It's based on one of the short blurbs of our battles in the Codex and runs for something like 30 mins. Because of the length it's a bit cheaper than the usual audio dramas, and comes packed with assorted sizes of the cover for use as wallpapers.


I did like the fact that it showcased differing combat situations, from some scout action to Vindicators blasting stuff. As an audio drama it is not perhaps up to the likes of Throne of Lies, but I did like it for what it was.


I also enjoyed the fact that we are starting to get stuff not written by Swallow, since I think him and I have very differing ideas about the depiction of our Angels. Hopefully this means that we are getting different authors writing about "us" in the future.

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I also enjoyed the fact that we are starting to get stuff not written by Swallow, since I think him and I have very differing ideas about the depiction of our Angels. Hopefully this means that we are getting different authors writing about "us" in the future.


That's a good point I think all chapters should have a diversification in writers. Especially the big chapters just to offer different perspectives and in a business sense it can help draw in more customers as more books on those chapters should generate more interests especially if a particular writer is heavily disliked.


But the differing "combat" just felt like they were trying to pad out the four lines of actual story. I realize that's probably what it was but considering how much time was put into the initial assault when it would have been maybe 30-40 seconds real time? Felt a little forced and subsequently bland as any chapter could have been there. But if you do enjoy dramas and the BA or a fluff nut there is more then enough there that you don't feel ripped off really but you don't feel like you got a treasure trove.

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