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Storm Talon


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Okay so the Escort craft rule allows the talon to escort something coming on from reserve, not deepstriking, not another talon and no more than one talon per unit


if you have a unit of terminators with 1 talon as their escort, place them in reserves inside a storm eagle (separate unit, not a dedicated transport, fast attack slot) then attatch a talon to the eagle you can bypass the talons own rule about "more than one"


is this an oversight on gw's behalf? assume tournament mentality with this question if you dont mind.

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For reference, this is the rule:


"If a Stormtalon Gunship is kept in reserve, it can be assinged to escort any friendly unit in reserve with the following exceptions:

- A Stormtalon cannot escort a unit arriving by Deep Strike.

- One Stormtalon cannot escort another Stormtalon.

- A maximum of one Stormtalon can escort each unit.




Your question can be simplified: Can a Stormtalon escort a transport that contains a unit? The answer is, obviously, yes you can. Why? The transport and unit co-exist as a single unit, and since the Stormtalon is still escorting only one unit, you're good to go. This isn't an oversight in the slightest. You simply can't have two talons escorting a transported unit and the transport because they are one unit, and as per the third bullet point, you cannot have two talons escorting the same unit.


Short Answer: No you can't have two Stormtalons escort one unit (unit and transport count as one), as stated in the rules.

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can you reference where it states they count as one unit please?


a squad of terminators (example) is one elites unit, a storm eagle (other example) is a fast attack unit..


if you look at page 66 it never says that they become "one unit" it just says the entire unit must be embarked..


page 67 dedicated transports "the only limitation of a dedicated transport is that when it is deployed it can only carry the unit it was selected with."


again refering to them as separate units.. as does page 87 for the dedicated transports within the force organisation chart for things like dawn of war etc etc..


the only deviation from this i know of is the fact you can assault the passengers if the transport explodes.


without reference to them co-existing as one unit, it cannot be simplified as the precedent atm is set that they are separate units.. and if you so wanted you could "escort" a character, a unit and a transport separatley but have 5 units appear via 1 dice roll.. as the talons are connected to a character, a unit and a vehicle separatley thus not contradicting their own rules..

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can you reference where it states they count as one unit please?

I don't see where it matters. The rule, as quoted by Seahawk, states "it can be assinged to escort any friendly unit in reserve". It doesn't say that the unit has to be alone, or anything similar. It could be assaigned to escort a friendly unit called Marneus Calgar, who is attached to an Honor Guard, with an attached Chaplain, embarked in a Land Raider. And I see no reason, by the RAW, that another Talon couldn't be assigned to escort the Land Raider.

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it matters because if he can show a reference to the transport and the unit inside being 1 unit then i will agree with his deduction that only 1 talon may be attatched, but until that reference is provided i am of the opinion that as you have stated (and myself) that marneus, his mates, and his transport all count as SEPARATE units and thusly can have separate talons attatched to them.
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it matters because if he can show a reference to the transport and the unit inside being 1 unit then i will agree with his deduction that only 1 talon may be attatched, but until that reference is provided i am of the opinion that as you have stated (and myself) that marneus, his mates, and his transport all count as SEPARATE units and thusly can have separate talons attatched to them.

Well, Marneus, Chaplain, and Honor Guard do form a single unit, per the IC rules on Pg.48 of the BRB. But a unit embarked in a transport still count as two seperate units that simply "co-exist" while the one is embarked.

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yeah so 2 talons can fly escort duties.. one on the unit & one of the vehicle.



From what i've read in the thread - yes.

For the same reason that we deploy a transport and its occupants as 2 TROOP choices in Dawn Of War set up.


It does sound like an oversight- but it does say two units.

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Oops, my bad. I thought the FAQ said they were considered one unit, this one:


Q: Must passengers fire at the same target that their

vehicle is firing at? (p66)

A: No, they are a separate unit (albeit they are

temporarily co-existing with the vehicle) and so can fire

at a different target.


But it's the very opposite of what I thought!


So then yes, a stormtalon can escort a unit and its transport. Still, I'd say no oversight whatsoever.

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Not an oversight- but prevents someone from outflanking a single scout unit accompanied by 5 or 6 talons...

No, but a Scout squad, a LS Storm, and two StormTalons appears doable.

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We currently have a thread in Tactica Astartes on how best to use the Stormtalon, and have already discussed at great length whether bikes can go in a Land Raider. Lets keep this to the Stormtalon's rules and not get side tracked. Thanks.
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Dont have the rules in front of me, but can a stormraven carry an embarked unit AND a dreadnought? So that'd be 3x stormtalons that could be brought in as escort?

Except Stormravens are C:BA/C:GK, while Stormtalons are C:SM. So Apocalypse only.

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