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Grey Knights - My +++E Tenebrae Lux+++ entries

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Alright, calling it a day. Here's what I got so far (cell phone pic so colours are somewhat off):




Managed to reasonably fix the paint that was ripped off by the masking tape. It's not perfect, but that would probably require stripping the entire thing, so this will have to do.


Painted up the side doors and ramp, added some light weathering, inked in the armour plates with nuln oil and highlighted with pure chainmail.

Had some more time to paint, so made some decent progress - mostly all the fiddly details everywhere. The end is in sight. smile.png Crappy cellphone pics incoming:


The pilot. Hard to get a good picture of due to the reflective canopy, but here we go. Also check out the heat stain effect on the multi-meltas. smile.png


The servitor gunner. Had to use flash to even register there's someone in there. smile.png More heat stain on the assault cannons.


Front ramp. Used the Forge World rhino doors to add some more GK bling to the bird.


And the overview shot. Still needs a base and some pictures made by a decent camera with decent lighting. I'm considering adding some decals to the red heraldry on the nose, but I kinda like it this and I'm not sure which decals I would add. I wish GW made a decent GK decal sheet already, instead of the fifth Ultramarines one in a row...


And painted up the base:


I have the Secret Weapon Miniatures flagstone themed bases for my Grey Knights, but the oval ones are a bit boring on their own, especially for a flyer where the bases are empty safe for the flight stand.


So added some extra bits from Dragonforge. For gaming pieces I don't like those bases where the flyer is carrying around half a building, so I kept it relatively simply.


Added some modelling sand with PVA glue.


And coloured in the mosaic in as many colours of grey I could find. Not quite fifty shades, but getting there. msn-wink.gif


Add a wash, some drybrushing and some static grass and I'll call it a day.


Little trade secret: as the resin bases have a smooth bottom, they slide about over the Realm of Battle boards. I found a few rolls of felt that is used to cover books with for a few euros, which when glued to the bottom of the base makes a nice grippy surface. The softness of the felt also helps to avoid damaging the table when sliding miniatures around.

And here we go, it's done! Made some pictures in my light box:












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