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What gun on razorbacks?


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Title says it all, I'm going to have 3-5 6 man AS in razor backs and I'm going to have to buy the weapons to put on the back, I'm wondering though, twin linked assault cannon or las plas, both the same points.
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Well I've got 2 vindicators, not much else. My modules I have is 30 ish Assault Marines without jet packs, I have also a kind of death star but wondering of its too much points sink, a land raider and 7 terminators including a chaplain with termi armour and a sang priest in termi armour. I've got an AOBR dreadnaught and like 20 tac marines.


My planned list is sonething like this;


Reclusiarch in terminator armour


Sang priest in termi armor


5 assault terminators


Dedicated transport land raider crusader


6 asm in razorback x 3


Upgrades are flexible, can change out some units, like I say got a dread, some tacs, and more assault marines and some more razor backs and rhinos I can resalvage

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Well I've got 2 vindicators, not much else. My modules I have is 30 ish Assault Marines without jet packs, I have also a kind of death star but wondering of its too much points sink, a land raider and 7 terminators including a chaplain with termi armour and a sang priest in termi armour. I've got an AOBR dreadnaught and like 20 tac marines.


My planned list is sonething like this;


Reclusiarch in terminator armour


Sang priest in termi armor


5 assault terminators


Dedicated transport land raider crusader


6 asm in razorback x 3


Upgrades are flexible, can change out some units, like I say got a dread, some tacs, and more assault marines and some more razor backs and rhinos I can resalvage

How many points are we talking here?

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1500 - 2000 and in between I think 1500 is the standard for tourneys at my local game store and I'm happy to spend around £50-100 in order to finish the army for competitive purposes. The person I fight the most is my friend who plays DE mech (lots f skimmers / raiders etc)
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In 1500 I run something like:


Honor Guard with Blood Champion








Baal HB

Atk Bike x3 MMx3



Pred HB

That comes in at a shade under 1500 (1479)


With what you provided including Vindis I get 1399 with no upgrades in the RAS 80pts difference for very different armies. It also only leaves you with 101 pts for upgrades for infantry and transports. 35 pts for a AV 11/10/10 turrets is a premium you cant afford in 1500. Well...IMO.

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I'm in the same boat as Morticon. Use the more expensive turrets and mix them up!.


TLAC is great vs infantry and heavy armour.

TLLC is great at long range anti tank.

Las/Plas is great for pot-shots at long range, and shines vs Terminators and Paladins.

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5x upgraded turrets is a lot of points


Either enough to give all your units mm/pf,

Or enough to buy a whole extra unit.


In my mind, the assault squad is what matters, the RB is *just* there to get it in place and draw fire afterwards.

It doesnt need a weapon upgrade to get them their fast, and one might draw a bit too much fire to get them their fast.


A BolterBack isnt a giant threat on its own, but 5 of them is 15 S5 shots, they can glance anything but a Raven, a Raider, or a Pod at the side, and pen them at the rear..

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Thanks for the help guys, so here is the other thing, I will need to buy atleast one turret, even if I go for bolter backs, because one of them is missing :/ so you reckon maybe las plas? I say this because my force lacks long ranged fire power. Im thinking of maybe dropping the death star land raider / termies for meph and 2-3 more assault squads in razor backs as well as maybe 2 Baal preds? Then I could kit out say 3 razors with bolsters and 3 with las plas. As my main opponent will be dark elder mech / skimmer spam (like 10 vehicles all infantry start in yeah either raiders or the smaller skimmers) so I'll need some long range av but also a lot of troops to take objectives otherwise he might fly all over me. I might just save the raider / termies for fun games / high points, the only reason why they're in the list anyway is be ause they're really nicely painted.
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5x upgraded turrets is a lot of points


A BolterBack isnt a giant threat on its own, but 5 of them is 15 S5 shots, they can glance anything but a Raven, a Raider, or a Pod at the side, and pen them at the rear..


I'd still rather have 4 Lascannons and 4 Plasmas than 5 Heavy Bolters to be honest. 15 S5 shots to the side armor are 1.66 glances on average, you won't wreck anything with that. If they dont show you their side, you wont deal any damage at all.

The assault squads inside aren't really that threatening either, they're just too small in numbers to survive longer fights against real cc units.


Personally, I also prefer Las/Plas. It gives you great versatility and doesn't become useless at a weapon destroyed result. Also, especially vs DE the synced plasma shots is very powerful, more so if you can get withing 12''.

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30 assault marines are neither small in number nor unthreatening.

That they are in seperate units is not really a disadvantage.


But shooting tanks was just one example.

Why not start shooting or tank shocking support units, even just block LoS with your razorbacks.


A razor back side on blocks LoS for a devestator squad.

They move around it, cant shoot, and you move to block next turn.

They shoot it, which costs them a lot of firepower, and even that doesnt accomplish much.


They blow the tank up, maybe they suffer losses from the explosion, and can shoot next turn. Losing 1 turns shooting

If not, they wreck or immobilise the vehicle, and can move around it next turn. Either way, they lose two turns shooting

If they dont manage that, well, they have to shoot again.

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ok thanks guys, by the sound of it it seems like Las Plas is the way to go if you've got the points and if you need to cut points then its ok to go with heavy bolters. I've already got 2 heavy bolter turrets so maybe I'll go 2 HB 3 Las / Plas
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ok thanks guys, by the sound of it it seems like Las Plas is the way to go if you've got the points and if you need to cut points then its ok to go with heavy bolters. I've already got 2 heavy bolter turrets so maybe I'll go 2 HB 3 Las / Plas



Las plas are easy to convert from the existing twin las too!!

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Do you get all weapon options for the Razorback in the box? (HB, AC, TWLC, LC/PG, HF)

Just the HB and the TLLC.


The HF ive made from baal sponsons and the the TLAC from the HB + twin ac from a raven wing box set (of which you get three sets!!)

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Do you get all weapon options for the Razorback in the box? (HB, AC, TWLC, LC/PG, HF)

Just the HB and the TLLC.


The HF ive made from baal sponsons and the the TLAC from the HB + twin ac from a raven wing box set (of which you get three sets!!)

Really? And silly me I've been using Crusader upgrades.

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I think that a mix is the way to go. Flamers on one, assault cannons on another, TL plasma and lasscannons on another. That gives you a wide range of firepower for dealing with any situation you might find yourself in. But it depends on infantry upgrades, if you want to run your AS with meltas, powerfists, power weapons... I don't really know about storm shields, I've never tried running them. But spend any leftover points on the best turrets. they do their jobs well.


So, summary:


Mix it up!

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I used lasplas exclusively with my space wolves and they have been such brilliant all rounders I have never bothered to try the other options. I think there is a lot to be said for an assault cannon on a ras squad


The f

Amer is good if you can get some stern guard with maybe two with combi melts to kick out an opposing tank then using the rest of the squad with combi flames/heavy flamer as well as the razors flamer to pretty much wipe out termis etc through forcing the armor saves

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