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Another New Marine

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Hello all,


As I posted already in the "show me your colors" section, I figured I'd at least attempt some kind of introduction. I'm a new 40k player, coaxed into the game by my younger siblings. They play Tyranids and Dark Eldar. And to be honest, I hated the look of the xenos armies. I tinkered with the idea of Imperial Guard (being a National Guard Soldier, they hold a special place in my heart) but the look and sheer power of the Space Marines eventually won out. I've been trolling various forums/tactica articles/etc and decided to make my own Space Marine chapter. After a bit of tinkering with the "theme" (I prefer a kind of armored column approach instead of the deep strike/drop pods) I came up with the following "list".


1750 Space Marines (Aegis Astartes)



Captain in Power Armor: 150

Relic Blade, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, and MeltaBombs


Command Squad: Apothecary, Company Champion, and 3 Veterans. 255

Champion has Meltabombs

Razorback Dedicated Tranport:

TL Assault Cannon, Extra Armor, Pintle-Mount StormBolter,

Dozer Blade.


Tactical Squad: 255

Sergeant with MeltaBombs, Chainsword, and Combi-Meltagun

9 Marines, 1 with Meltagun, 1 with Missle Launcher

Rhino Dedicated Transport:

Extra Armor, Dozer Blade, Pintle-Mount Storm Bolter

Tactical Squad: 255

Sergeant with MeltaBombs, Chainsword, and Combi-Meltagun

9 Marines, 1 with Meltagun, 1 with Missle Launcher

Rhino Dedicated Transport:

Extra Armor, Dozer Blade, Pintle-Mount Storm Bolter

Sniper Scout Squad: 95

Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Sniper Rifle, Camo Cloaks, Meltabombs

4 Scouts: Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks,


-Heavy Support:

Whirlwind Battle Tank: Dozer Blade, Extra Armor, Pintle-Mount Storm Bolter 115


Predator Battle Tank: Dozer Blade, Extra Armor, Pintle-Mount Storm Bolter 160

TL Lascannons, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Searchlight, Smoke



Predator Battle Tank: Dozer Blade, Extra Armor, Pintle-Mount Storm Bolter 160

TL Lascannons, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Searchlight, Smoke


-Fast Attack:

Land Speeder Squadron: 3 Land Speeders with Multi-Meltas and Assault Cannons 300



Total Points: 1745


Any and all advice/comments are welcome. Thank you in advance!

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Hail and welcome, brother! If you'd like C&C of your army list I suggest visiting this subforum. You'll have a bigger chance of someone who knows their stuff seeing it, there. :)


I've been trolling various forums/tactica articles/etc and decided to make my own Space Marine chapter.


I think you mean trawling, brother. Trolling is something entirely different. :)

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Sorry brother, you're right "trawling" not "trolling". One of the nice things about working the overnight shift at a hospital is you're able to spend copious amounts of time wandering various forums/blogs via celphone web browser. I'll go ahead and post the list to the aforementioned subforum. And thanks for the warm welcome.
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That is a fair bit of armour :)


Welcome to the B&C!


Be sure to post an article about your Aegis Astartes in the Liber Astartes sub-forum! As well, painting and modelling works are always appreciated in the WIP and Hall of Honour sub-forums!


Have a good one mate.

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