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Very limited options, what should I do?


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I am starting a 1000 pt tournament this week, I'd like some thoughts on what to try out with my list. Just for the record I haven't played with these models even once yet so I'm going in headfirst and wee will see how it goes.


I have these models:






Sanguinary Guard (1x PF 1xPlasma Pistol 1xbanner, with deathmasks)



Death Companyx5 (1x Thunder Hammer 1xflamer, with jump packs or without)


DC Dreadnought (Currently has only Talons, Storm Bolter, and Meltagun painted, but anything can be switched out on magnets)

5xscouts w sniper rifles (1 can have a rocket launcher)


That is all. Without any upgrades it comes to exactly 1150 points. I have played around with making various lists. My current thought is to leave out Lemartes (He's only 50% painted yet anyway) and maybe buy camo for the scouts.


I've been thinking I'd try the following:


Sang. Guard w pf, plasma pistol

d/c with lemartes, t. hammer, flame pistol

scouts with cloaks

dc with claws


I can easily just put all the models but for lemartes on the table, and just ask my opponent to ignore the upgrades i've modeled on. I think some people will be doing some proxies anyway.


Just hoping for some thoughts.



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from what you have, i'd say...






5 Sanguinary Guards with PF, IP

5 DC with TH, 1 PW ad Lemartes

5 Scouts with Sniper Rifles add ML

DC dread with BT


Now that's a 1K point game that only has 17 models on the board. I would avoid using sanguinor in that points list. And since his main benifit is to "supe- up" a sargent the only sgt you have is your scout one. so I'd use Dante and benifit from his hit, and run, and surgical strike. plus he's pretty good if you use him wisely. team him up with the sang guards, drop the plasma pistol, and switch to infernus pistol. still keep lemartes since for 150 points he far better, at killing stuff, and you will need his greatness when you go for the final push. your list is limited and I understand... but you might want to invest in sang priests, or assualt marines. hope that helps, and good luck in your game.

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Welcome Brother. DeathKnight2000 has some great advice given your situation. 1k points is a difficult size in another way than larger armies. It's very difficult, even with many options, to balance shooty/cc/scoring in low points.

Best of luck with the tournament and I hope you get to love the BA. :D

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You have a short list to pick from so the first half is pretty easy to pick out. You only have 2 scoring units available and only when you take Dante. So...



Sanguinary Guard (PF 1xPlasma Pistol 1xbanner, with deathmasks)

Scouts (cammo cloaks, Missile Launcher)


That's 600pts


You have left




Death Company

DC Dread


The number of models on the board is important so the Death Company are in. But no matter how you do it your numbers are low. I'm thinking in order to keep your Scouts alive you are going to need the DC to keep up with the SG and get them mixed up with your opponent quickly. Ergo jump packs, any other transport would serve as well but it's not on your I have list.


The DC alone are 215 and with Lamartes still 35 pts short of what you have to play with. Swapping him out with the dread leaves you with even more extra points.

I don't like the dread here anyway, 12.5% of your army can be taken out with one lucky shot. All that leaves is the Sanguinor.


With the Sanguinor and 3 JP DC you have a fast hard hitting force although small. If you can drop the Banner you can put in the DC Thunder hammer in and add another Melta/Plasma pistol to the SG (agian if you have them), or even another DC.


At 1000 pts the Sanguinor should rock. I don't know what you are going to do if a Land Raider shows up but the only thing on your I have list that has a chance against it is the dread if you drop the talons.


Hey have fun!

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