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Scouts - Shotguns or Bolter


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Snipers all the way!

You get a cheap objective camper unit for 75p!

Also, you should add cloaks for the extra Cover (Make sure you are in cover from the start) and ML for the extra punch againt vehicles! (which is the prime target for the snipers)


The way I use them is:

6 scouts

5 snipers

1 ML

6 cloaks


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And what about the Red Thirst...


Only makes them better. I still would not field Scouts as a attack troop, they are only good against light vehicles and holding objectives from camping distance!

I don't see why you would take them with anything else considering that there are several troops that can attack and deal out damage much better than the scouts!

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Right. Red thirst confers Fearless and Furious Charge. I am guessing from your post, but you may have it confused with Black Rage which requires movement toward the nearest visible enemy.

Yeah, black rage, misunderstanding between me and my brother. And they have of course no problem with the rage, as they are not affected. Then of course sniper rifle for objective holding, but what about assaulting

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Right. Red thirst confers Fearless and Furious Charge. I am guessing from your post, but you may have it confused with Black Rage which requires movement toward the nearest visible enemy.

Yeah, black rage, misunderstanding between me and my brother. And they have of course no problem with the rage, as they are not affected. Then of course sniper rifle for objective holding, but what about assaulting

I'd use Assualt Marine, Vanguard vets, Death Co. , Assault terminators, Honor Guards, Sanguinary Guards, etc. over scouts for assualting any day. I'd use then as last ditch effort if all else was killed, or not near to assist.

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I mix it up. In a 5 man squad, I always go 4 snipers and 1 ML. If I run a full 10 man squad, I like 5 snipers, 1 ML and 4 bolters. My 9 year old son likes running 4 snipers and a heavy bolter with his Crimson Fists army. He's insanely effective with that set up. He had them camping in a fortified building with camo cloaks and a Thunder Fire Cannon and Techmarine as company. Talk about a pain in the butt to get rid of.
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After reading the entire topic i was asking me: Scouts as cheap assault unit? i.e.: 10 Scouts with shoot guns or 2 CCW + PFist are 165 + Sang Priest on foot 50 =215 maybe in raven or deploying then near a deepstriking Honour Guard (without the Sang Priest), what do you think?
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In before the typical "there are better options available" comments.


But to answer your question in previous editions many Blood Angel players used to use Scout Squads in this way: as cheap Assault Squads. However they did have WS4 back then... If I were to run an assault-based Scout Squad again then I would have them equipped with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword except for one or two which would have a Shotgun (similar to how I run my Assault Squads [one/two Special Weapons] and Death Company [one/two Bolters]). Obviously you would need to tool up the Sergeant with a Power Fist and maybe a Combi-weapon, while the Priest would need a Power Weapon/Lightning Claw (might as well seeing as it is going to see combat).


Vorganov: In my experience Shotguns go with squads you plan to assault with, Sniper Rifles go with squads you plan on holding objectives with (along with a heavy weapon). A Bolter-armed Scout would go in the latter group but these would only be there for adding a bit of punch should you foresee the enemy getting near and for wound allocation games (so maybe one/two Bolters depending on numbers).

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