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Brother Angelus's E Tenebrae Lux Progress

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I set myself the challenge of getting a 1000pt Razorspam list painted, but with the UK double bank holiday i'm still waiting for most of the minis! I did crack on with one sergeant and the melta's. Heres the list;


Reclusiarch - 130

Sang Priest, Power Weapon - 65

Assault Marines x 6, Melta, Power Fist - 153

Assault Marines x 5, Melta, Power Weapon - 125

Assault Marines x 5, Melta, Power Fist - 135

Razorback, extra armour x 3 - 105

Baal, HB Sponsons x2 - 290




And here is the progress (guys are done, just need to sort out the 4 weapons and the bases);




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They are looking great. I especially like the clear crisp colours. My special weapon guys haven't got they weapons glued. They are just lying in their hands. That way they are exchangeable.

Impressive size vow too. Both in points and amount of models!


Happy painting!

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