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Spear Head


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Hey guys just had a quick question about the "Out rider" Spear Head


1- Can you take a stormraven gunship and a dreadnought in it?

2- If yes can you allocate the hits to the Dreadnought via the out rider rules if its being transported in the Stormraven?


Thanks guys!

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Hey guys just had a quick question about the "Out rider" Spear Head


1- Can you take a stormraven gunship and a dreadnought in it?

Yes, the Spearhead simply requires 2 or 3 of the type listed (tank, skimmer, walker).

2- If yes can you allocate the hits to the Dreadnought via the out rider rules if its being transported in the Stormraven?

By RAW - I would say no, as a transported model is not "near" the trasnport it's off the table. It is embarked and for rules purposes is "co-existing" with the transport model, but it is not actually "near".

By RAI - I would think it could be doable, as a Techmarine can repair the vehicle he is embarked in even though he is not technically "in base contact" with the transport. Same type of deal.

By Fluff - I would say definitely no. There is no way for a dreadnought strapped to the :lol: end of a Stormraven to maneuver such that it intercepts an incoming shot.

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You could probly do it, but Id expect your opponent to call shenanigans. The really arent enough rules for vehicles transporting vehicles for me to give a definitive off hand RAW though.
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