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E Tenebrae Lux

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just thought i'd start up a thread to see how chaos players are doing with their vows for the unforgiven painting challenge. what are people's biggest stoppers? for me its time, having 2 jobs eats up a fair bit of it but i'm getting there. also, has anyone thought of additional vows after their first? i know having a dated codex is one of the biggest ball breakers at the moment, but i'm in a good position where i have a small 1000 pt army i can add in after my first vow is complete (and its so very near complete now :P ). hope its going good guys, i know we can pull it outta the bag when they least expect it. leinmann
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My first vow (six Havocs) is about 80% done. I hope to get them finished this week, then I should be good to make a second vow of five Chosen.

I think if 6th edition came out before the new-vows deadline (which it won't) then we might get a lot more entries with people painting up the starter CSMs (assuming all the rumors are true).

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not even started yet. ive got another 3 chaos space marines to paint which should be this week and then ill get cracking on my terminators. itll probably take me a week or two to get them done assuming nothing comes along to take up all of my spare time.
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