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What to put on Scrolls/Banners

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I was wondering about names for vehicles, weapons and dreads that can go on the scrolls and banners that they bear. I have a few ideas, does anyone have any suggestions? I want to stick to the Latin, but I want to avoid all of the Sanguine and stuff. Such as:


Filius Contritio (Son of Destruction)

Satanae Malleus (Satan's Hammer)

Inquieto (Restless Soul)


And specialy for a Contempter,


Ferrum Bellator (Iron Warrior)


Not the best I know but it's a starting point.


Any ideas?



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You are in luck! There recently was a thread on this topic.


"Blood Angely words, What do you write on them pesky scrolls?"



The thread has all kinds of latin translations (and most of it isn't necessarily blood or Sanguinius oriented) and other tools for finding fitting content for scrolls.

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