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Aargh, I think I am going mad!

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Brothers, I feel as though I am slowly turning in to a frothing, mad specimen, not unlike a World Eaters novitiate :P The wait for our new Codex is actually starting to get me down. I know that most people are sat in readiness to devour 6th Edition in the next month or so, but I really don’t care about that. And to add insult to my growing madness, GW choose to release abominations passing as Space Marine Aircraft! What is going on???




The tid-bits of information that have been dribbling through have done nothing to assuage my hunger; if anything, it’s making the wait worse – I want to see if it’s true that my Chosen can take Land Raider dedicated transports – that get Scout, no less! I want to see if Cultists and Renegade Guardsmen really are an option we can now take – if so, I will FINALLY be able to field an army that looks like how I originally envisioned my Chaos force should be. And if we can take zombies too – zombies, for the love of crumb-cake! – that will just be the cherry on top.


There’s also part of me that has a horrible feeling that Dark Angels will actually be the first release after 6th Ed. I really hope not, but I can see it happening. GW traditionally release a loyalist Marine Codex as their first army release each time they create a new Edition. There’s also the Dark Angel on the spine of White Dwarf over the last few months.


Brothers, my hope is fading, my frustration is rising.


How are you all coping with these last few months until we finally get the Codex we so badly, badly want/need/deserve?

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I'm almost constantly in the feotal position on the floor of my local gw when the WD comes out and it's got no mention of new Chaos dex.


Then I man up, take a drink and proced to get smashed by some kid and his SW with Tzeentch in my ear saying "Just a little longer and you'll take that smiling little kid and pound his face into the table"


Then I chuckle as my Plagues get mobbed by TWC and Zerkers swept by TDA wolf guard.

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Then I man up, take a drink and proced to get smashed by some kid and his SW with Tzeentch in my ear saying "Just a little longer and you'll take that smiling little kid and pound his face into the table"


Then I chuckle as my Plagues get mobbed by TWC and Zerkers swept by TDA wolf guard.


Happens so often nowadays....


I'm ready to go say hello to GW zerker style if we don't get our codex soon. :P

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I admit, as a relatively new 40k player I'm a bit anxious for a new codex, as I wonder if the choices I make based on the current one might end up messing me up.


On the other hand I fear new models because my theme is a Dawn of War 1 army and I worry units will change (even for the better, like no more rediculously sized horns) and want to finish before buying new guys.

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I'm not angry or frustrated about it, so much as curious as to what they're going to do with the army. The disappointment I felt when we got this last one was palpable to those around me, especially since my rather effective army from 3rd Edition almost unplayable, and its an experience I am hoping is reversed. In the meantime, I keep my desire for the new codex in the back of my mind while I continue to work and improve my loyalists. It is my dearest hope that I'll be able to shelve them soon and return to my roots -- to strap on the blue and green, and lead the hydra to war once more.
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I'm wary and in a way don't want to see it and not for the usual reasons. Mainly due tomthemfact that it site first out if the sheds so it's usually a little dicey rules wise, nothing to much to worry about but immsuremthe vast majority ofmpeople will be disappointed in some way and again take to the streets of the forums sailing and pulling at their hair. :) Every new codex is the same but the followers of chaos have it the lamentable wailing at the corporation (or dark gods) down to a fine art
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You know, I was about to make such a thread every day since I registered here.

Just so sick of this Gavdex crap. And yes, GW is full on loyalists. 9 Codices released in 5th : 6 loyalists. Awesome.

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Considering I haven't played Chaos since the early years of our current codex, I'm not so much boiling in my own anticipation as curdling in concern. Excited as I am that my favoured force is getting a much needed shot to the heart, I will be tempering my enthusiasm until I have read the book. Given that the current specimen is an example of what happens when a product is rushed out to fill product gaps, I don't mind if they take all the time in the world with the new one, so long as some genuine consideration, enthuisasm and inspiration goes into it. If it fails to deliver, then I'll be sticking with my Dark Eldar from here on out.
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The tic in my right eye that I get when someone in my local 40k league asks "Why don't you ever combat squad those plague marines?" or "You mean storm bolter, right?" has become pronounced. Every time I hear the points cost for an IG vendetta, or see a vanilla marine attack bike in a squad, I grit my teeth and mumble a prayer to the twin gods of Codex-Creep and Overpowered-To-Sell-New-Models. But I also have weak moments: I have gone so far, in the darkest hours of the bleakest night, to sketch up army lists using my models and a different codex.


I have a quantifiable amount of dread (that I keep on an old land raider box) that the new codex will make great swaths of my collection worse on the tabletop, while simultaneously providing us the opportunity to field worse-than-conscripts cultists and a flier that looks like skull-and-spike covered sheep's bladder, with WS 3 and no ranged weapons (!)


I cope by wearing my monocle, making sure that my army looks the best I can make it, and trying to convince my fellow players that we want to start playing semi-regular Apocalypse games.

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Wait, people still wear monocles? :D


Here's a ray of hope for you Ammonius, in case you're unaware of this fact. A few months ago, there was a thread where someone at a con met Mat Ward and asked him about the new Chaos 'dex; Ward then told him he needed to find Phil Kelly and ask him. Implication: Phil Kelly wrote the new 'dex. This gives me hope because he also wrote Codex: Eldar (a friend of mine just took fourth at the Bug Eater GT in Omaha with it, being the only Eldar player present), Dark Eldar, and the new Space Wolves as well (which is a great book, full of options, aside from the idiocy of Wolves riding wolves).


So fingers crossed.

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tbh, i'm actually really looking forward to the new dex and actually i hope its gonna come out around about 3rd in line for 6th ed. i hope this because then it will be well and truly cemented as a true 6th ed codex, not just a 'counts as' with a mile long faq like the current chaos, dark angels and eldar codexes. to prep for the new dex, i've kept my new chaos army small, so nerfing will be kept to a minimum, ie my chosen unit, and so all my options atm are standard chaos marines, zerkers, lord, sorceror etc. i can envisage that the new dex will either give us a plethora of options, or shaft us and make them nothing more than spiky vanilla. but either way, i look forward to embracing it and being able to grin mischieviously. i know how that feels as i remember starting necrons when you got the free blister on white dwarf, and my dark eldar remember when wyches were an elite option who could take blasters :lol:
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I dread it.


There are games where updates exist to add new content or help balance. This is not one of those games. Updates are not made for balance, they are made to create a lack of balance. Yes, it will feel good to be on top of the codex pile for a few months (at best), but we will be the cheese codex that everyone complains about until the X codex is redone to beat us, the rest follow suit, and we are on the bottom needing a new codex again. That aside, it is more than certain that the way to build said new cheese army is to buy new models, which will cost a lot.

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I dread it.


There are games where updates exist to add new content or help balance. This is not one of those games. Updates are not made for balance, they are made to create a lack of balance. Yes, it will feel good to be on top of the codex pile for a few months (at best), but we will be the cheese codex that everyone complains about until the X codex is redone to beat us, the rest follow suit, and we are on the bottom needing a new codex again. That aside, it is more than certain that the way to build said new cheese army is to buy new models, which will cost a lot.

My, that is jaded, Zyl. For my part, I don't really mind the power of the codex as a whole, I am concerned about my beloved Nurgle. I hope that the children of the plague continue to be competitive and nasty. The last thing I want to do is have to proxy as Tsons. <_<

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I have mixed feelings. I believe that it is time that GW finally upgrades all of the outdated Codices. And I am biased in that Chaos should get first dibs because our "upgrade" literally gets chewed up by every single Codex out there. And last I heard, it is newer than the Eldar, Tyranids, Tau, Dark Angels and Black Templars. But some of the rumors do scare me. Like the giant Chaos dragon of 40k death.
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Could be worse. At least we're not wondering if the stormtalon is good


Hahahahahhaha!! This made me laugh XD so true



Personally I'm losing it. I can't WAIT for a damn new 'dex! Everyone's like "6th! 6th!" I don't care about 6th! The only good thing about 6th is that the sooner it comes, the sooner our new dex will come. I want some gorgeous new models and possessed that kick arse and a chaos lord who and can customise to hell and back! Not to mention some viable - they don't even have to be good, just viable - noise marines!


Stand firm brothers! The gods are generous with their gifts, and soon the galaxy shall tremble beneath our wrath!


(And if it doesn't, I'll raid the hell out of it from Commorragh)

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How are you all coping with these last few months until we finally get the Codex we so badly, badly want/need/deserve?
Having been playing the game at the release of a messy but fun, bad, bad to worse, to decent, and finally to a downright horrible army book - I can honestly say that I am not anxious to see the new book. Nor do I spend that much time thinking about it because,



The way I see it:


1. The Codex will be full of awesome fluff and balanced rules (under 6th ed.) with rules that allow players to field versatile, varied, fluffy/flavourful and fun armies based on the Legions - WITHOUT stereotyping them (i.e. Khârn is needed to field WE, all Rubrics are TSons, etc.)

2. The Codex will be full of crazy rules that make us the new OP marine army of the year (e.g. SW & GK).

3. The Codex will have retarded fluff, 60%+ of the units are broken, no emphasis on the legions, bland book is bland. Hey look, it is the current book all over again.


While I do hope that we will see option 1 come true, I suspect that we'll see more of 2 & 3 instead.


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How are you all coping with these last few months until we finally get the Codex we so badly, badly want/need/deserve?
Having been playing the game at the release of a messy but fun, bad, bad to worse, to decent, and finally to a downright horrible army book - I can honestly say that I am not anxious to see the new book. Nor do I spend that much time thinking about it because,



The way I see it:


1. The Codex will be full of awesome fluff and balanced rules (under 6th ed.) with rules that allow players to field versatile, varied, fluffy/flavourful and fun armies based on the Legions - WITHOUT stereotyping them (i.e. Khârn is needed to field WE, all Rubrics are TSons, etc.)

2. The Codex will be full of crazy rules that make us the new OP marine army of the year (e.g. SW & GK).

3. The Codex will have retarded fluff, 60%+ of the units are broken, no emphasis on the legions, bland book is bland. Hey look, it is the current book all over again.


While I do hope that we will see option 1 come true, I suspect that we'll see more of 2 & 3 instead.



At least a new Codex will most likely mean new minis - surely this is something to look fwd to... I mean, the Chaos range is very dated. And wasn't that rumors indicated that emphasis will be put on Legions? Or have these rumors been countered? I'm positively biased...

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A we didnt beat the crap out of anything . just one dude in one store did something GW shouldnt let him do [switch teh % control of any sector so he picked cadia] B it was more or less retconed with both timeline being pushed back to 13th not ended yet and us having no space/deep space control so those dudes on cadia will die after 3/4 week without food/water[and that is counting canibalism] C our only actual "win" in the whole thing was GW master trolling DA players which [maybe am odd] is not a good thing. one should not "win" stuff by making another whole community cheated .
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Chaos portals and daemon summoning do great when you lack orbital support, plus cadia is heavily fortified, with underground hives, fortresses... Plus, all major systems around Cadia are in our hands. Plus we won.
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