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Aargh, I think I am going mad!

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And wasn't that rumors indicated that emphasis will be put on Legions? Or have these rumors been countered? I'm positively biased...

The rumors are very..... specific. They were saying something that in order to play Legion/Cult-specific armies, You were going to have to take certain special characters, kind of like the SM Codex is set up with needing Khan for a Bike Army, Shrike for a Hit-and-run and so on so forth.

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And wasn't that rumors indicated that emphasis will be put on Legions? Or have these rumors been countered? I'm positively biased...

The rumors are very..... specific. They were saying something that in order to play Legion/Cult-specific armies, You were going to have to take certain special characters, kind of like the SM Codex is set up with needing Khan for a Bike Army, Shrike for a Hit-and-run and so on so forth.


I hope that is just a rumor. If it isn't i'll burn my army and start playing... i don't know... Tyranids. Or Necrons. Or but a gym card, grow muscles and become a douche.


I hate this game. I'll never be good at it.

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As someone else has stated, is this what this forum has come to? I know it's the internet, I know it's free speech, but this is just the 7th or 8th thread that's going down the road of discussing all of these rumours in various forms and how they are good/bad/need salt/not likely/idiocy/akin to a mayan prophecy.


Secondly, going back to the OP, I find this thread slightly melo-dramatic. Is the awaiting of a new Codex driving you that mad? I think you've got it good. I mean no offense, because we all want a new army book, but really, if that's the worst of your lot then you've got it pretty sweet!


Lets all relax until there's something on the website or something concrete. I'm unsure if Tau players have been like this for 10 years, well, maybe 5 would be more accurate. If they did, I'm pretty sure they'd be so constipated with anticipation that they are probably an environmental hazard.

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As someone else has stated, is this what this forum has come to? I know it's the internet, I know it's free speech, but this is just the 7th or 8th thread that's going down the road of discussing all of these rumours in various forms and how they are good/bad/need salt/not likely/idiocy/akin to a mayan prophecy.

would you rather have one about how bad the dex we have right now is ? because technicly speaking the chaos forum may as wel have been closed years ago [talk about books or FW can be done elsewhere on B&C] , to be more precise when we had the full unit by unit evaluation of the dex.



I'm unsure if Tau players have been like this for 10 years, well, maybe 5 would be more accurate. If they did, I'm pretty sure they'd be so constipated with anticipation that they are probably an environmental hazard.



the tau still have more "options" and way to play then we do and we are dex made in mind with 5th ed rule set. + they never had a realy bad dex we had 2 out of 5 [if we count slaves or 2 out of 2 if we dont] .

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would you rather have one about how bad the dex we have right now is ?


Sure cos there's none of them already!


the tau still have more "options" and way to play then we do and we are dex made in mind with 5th ed rule set. + they never had a realy bad dex we had 2 out of 5 [if we count slaves or 2 out of 2 if we dont] .


Not really the point I was making... they haven't had a reworking of their codex since before the Euro became legal tender. Everyone else is getting new toys, why shouldnt they? Same for DA or BT players... do we really need to resort to becoming fixated on any snippet of news regarding a codex that we have no real way of knowing when it is getting released?


Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to happen tomorrow. But I've got enough going on to be able to say "well, I'll make time for it if/when it happens"... It's in no way driving me insane.


The over abundance of caffiene, work based procedures and rules along with sleeping like you-know-what on an awful matress is doing that job just fine!

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Everyone else is getting new toys, why shouldnt they?

have you seen the nids or sob dex ?



It's in no way driving me insane.

how offten do you play per week and how offten are you playing using the gav dex ?

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Our reward for beating the crap out of the loyalists during the EoT campaign. Totally worth it.
A we didnt beat the crap out of anything . just one dude in one store did something GW shouldnt let him do [switch teh % control of any sector so he picked cadia] B it was more or less retconed with both timeline being pushed back to 13th not ended yet and us having no space/deep space control so those dudes on cadia will die after 3/4 week without food/water[and that is counting canibalism] C our only actual "win" in the whole thing was GW master trolling DA players which [maybe am odd] is not a good thing. one should not "win" stuff by making another whole community cheated .

Sweet Ruinous Powers, not this again. One of you is arguing meta-game mechanics, the other is giving fluffy reasons for why Cadia will get eaten by the warp. Let the EoT thing lie.

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I'm not going mad, but I am looking forward to its release. As soon as it goes up on advance orders on the GW site, I'll be clicking "buy" and then running out to my post man every day, grabbing his mail sack and running away just in case my spoils have arrived.




I'm more excited about getting some new kits, though. I really want GW to release a plastic Dreadclaw and a plastic Obliterator kit. (the latter assuming they don't end up being useless in the update)


I did used to be a lot more excited about Legions. I logged on every day to see if there was any new info up and around, but to be honest, with GW's new marketing strategy of not telling us anything, pouncing on us suddenly with new stuff that I can't afford due to not having a huge disposable income and not being warned far enough in advance to be able to save up some cash, I've almost completely lost interest.

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As someone else has stated, is this what this forum has come to? I know it's the internet, I know it's free speech, but this is just the 7th or 8th thread that's going down the road of discussing all of these rumours in various forms and how they are good/bad/need salt/not likely/idiocy/akin to a mayan prophecy.


Secondly, going back to the OP, I find this thread slightly melo-dramatic. Is the awaiting of a new Codex driving you that mad? I think you've got it good. I mean no offense, because we all want a new army book, but really, if that's the worst of your lot then you've got it pretty sweet!


Lets all relax until there's something on the website or something concrete. I'm unsure if Tau players have been like this for 10 years, well, maybe 5 would be more accurate. If they did, I'm pretty sure they'd be so constipated with anticipation that they are probably an environmental hazard.


Indeed. As a Tau player of unusual circumstance (was convinced not to pick up Daemon Hunters, was pushed into a "not space marine army" for the sake of my opponents who were all Loyalist Space Marine armies...)


After dealing with the WONDERFUL Space Marine Player advice of "Take as many Firewarriors as possible, Strength 5 guns! 30in Range!!!!" (not just my 'friends' said that, I've seen it on several forums too, so it's either ignorance or a mass troll. I'm leaning towards a mixture) I found Advanced Tau tactica, and raged at being a punching bag for the imperial players and dumping as much money as I had into it.


Then was the whole every idea I came up with was "Not 40k enough" or "You're mixing in stuff from Star Trek, Halo and Star Gate, why can't you just base if off 40k stuff?" I wanted to just throw my stuff away, but that was like admitting defeat, and I'd spent so much money and I wouldn't get close to what I'd paid. I was really, really angry. So I gave up with that, and made the nastiest Tau army you can, ignored any and all objectives and just went to killing space marines. I became Kill Space Marines At All Costs. And I talked lots, and lots of crap.


They won't play me anymore.

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Does a preview video that says "23.06.12" combined with a GW store saying that it would be "extremely beneficial" to come in the same date. It is either an actual release or a "Come in to reserve copies!" I'm not exactly sure how previous editions came out, but to me, it would be stupid to build up anticipation for a specific date only for that date to be an announcement.
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It's just gonna be an announcement but I reckon only to say next week is the release, 23 is a saturday I think and then seven days later the release on another saturday hehe, thats why I love being a kiwi we gonna get it a day before everyone else
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Well it just seems stupid for a store to tell you to come in just to hear an announcement. Following their previous history, they don't announce things until the day immediately before, or the day of. Not two weeks in advance. Unless it is an actual release. Like the entire SM range being upgraded to Finecast. But they didn't tell anyone about the new flyers until the day of.
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Sweet Ruinous Powers, not this again. One of you is arguing meta-game mechanics, the other is giving fluffy reasons for why Cadia will get eaten by the warp. Let the EoT thing lie.

nope I was talking about fluff. where in the gav dex you have the part about us wining eye , ahriman looting the Black Library , or how the his coven rejoined the magnus 1ksons ? or how we wiped out one of the white scar brotherhoods and how the chapter swore a death oath against BL ?

everything was in the eye book and that was made illegal and our book +the 5th ed rule book rewinded the time line to 13th is just started/is going on right now .

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It's in no way driving me insane.

how offten do you play per week and how offten are you playing using the gav dex ?


Maybe a couple of times a month if I'm lucky due to other commitments. But again, that kind of proves my point... If the worst thing happening in your life is the fact that you're having to wait eons for a new codex, then your life is one I would swap with tomorrow.

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not the worse thing in life there are much worse things . But in the game life its 6 wasted years of w40k . double the last 2 as I like to play nids too . Do I play other armies ? sure I play everything . Do I play other systems ? sure . Doesnt change the fact that what the gav dex did to the both w40k and chaos player community around the world is something no one can make good , no matter how good/OP the next dex is. There are a lot of local communities that died out because of the gav dex.
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If the worst thing happening in your life is the fact that you're having to wait eons for a new codex, then your life is one I would swap with tomorrow.

Exactly. Those who react and think so, who play this game only 'cause of that fact in life they're nothing - those are lost and damned forever. And those for whom it's just a great hobby and who is a real fan of their armies - those will be rewarded as Chaos will rise again. So i think.

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If the worst thing happening in your life is the fact that you're having to wait eons for a new codex, then your life is one I would swap with tomorrow.

Exactly. Those who react and think so, who play this game only 'cause of that fact in life they're nothing - those are lost and damned forever. And those for whom it's just a great hobby and who is a real fan of their armies - those will be rewarded as Chaos will rise again. So i think.


Thank you!! I was starting to think I was the crazy one in here.


For those that do still think that this wait is the worst thing in their life, go visit an oncology or dialysis ward.

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I can't wait for the next codex, even if it is very bad I will still play chaos marines just for the fact I love plague marines. I would never change armies and will only ever play chaos after all I play for fun and because of chaos marines awesome background (I mean no other army has as cool fluff as we do) as such I always take a chaos sorcerer even though I should take a Daemon Prince or a Lord to stand more of a chance winning games. I say bring on the new codex this follower of Nurgle is ready for the worst but praying for the best
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If the worst thing happening in your life is the fact that you're having to wait eons for a new codex, then your life is one I would swap with tomorrow.

Exactly. Those who react and think so, who play this game only 'cause of that fact in life they're nothing - those are lost and damned forever. And those for whom it's just a great hobby and who is a real fan of their armies - those will be rewarded as Chaos will rise again. So i think.


Thank you!! I was starting to think I was the crazy one in here.


For those that do still think that this wait is the worst thing in their life, go visit an oncology or dialysis ward.


That is what is so terrible... They are just waiting for death... A quick death is all fine but the wait is terrible... Pain and suffering is something I have to bear everyday. Physical pain is easy to deal with but the mind is much harder to control. Waiting is a terrible thing.

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I'm making two different cult squads right now, Rubrics and Plague Marines. Frustrated because I want to make the whole squad for each but I'm too scared that really cool new options will come out, so I'm only doing 5 of each.


I've got me some "high tech" plague marines using a teleport homer as a personal icon with those backpack chaos star things to represent their FNP (they're supposed to be a "pathfinders" type unit, one guy has an auspex and the targeting pack from the Devastators box, and they will go hand in hand with my Blight Drones/Storm Talons), and for my Rubrics I'm using a (very) radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and Death Watch marines from the dodgiest, most borderline chapters the Imperium has to offer. I can't wait to get them done, but I'm stuck waiting on the new codex just to be on the safe side.


I've also got the beginnings of my Iron Warriors squad, but I'm holding out to see if Legion troops can be represented with different toys, so right now it's just a bunch of shoulder pads and MkIII helmets in a little plastic bag.


I'm sure I have other problems, but none of them are fun like these.

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From the teaser trailers they've been putting out I'm guessing that they might announce the new edition of the 40k rule book next week (with the VI being a massive clue). Surely the chaos codex can't be too far behind that
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