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Music for the Unaligned Legions


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This is a topic I've seen in a couple of the legion specific (or at least god specific) forums. Forgive me if I missed an obvious one, I did a search and didn't find anything.


I'm just curious if anyone has some music that gets them in the mood for their non god-specific legions.


always gets me in the mood for not just Black Legion but Chaos Marines in general. Kind of an old song. I guess I can blame/praise my father for introducing me to them.
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These tracks may be from an album called "Plague Angel" but Marduk's "Steel Inferno" and "Blutrache" (especially when back to back, so that the battle sounds synch up) are part of the inspiration for my Undivided DIY warband.


Another album that springs to mind (in its entirety) is "Rebel Extravaganza" by Satyricon.

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My top five modeling/painting/gaming songs...inspirational, and pumps me up for the slaughter!!



5. Cataract- Legion at the Gates

4. Hatebreed - Last Breath

3. Deadlock - Bloodpact

2. Ramallah - If I Die Today

1. Earth Crisis -......no, seriously, anything by Earth Crisis will make you want to wage war... :devil: Ecocide is probably my favorite, though.

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Queen - I Want It All


Yes. Now I want to make a Slaaneshi Freddie Mercury Chaos Lord.

Don't take this the wrong way, but when I hear that song I keep thinking of that Dr. Pepper commercial. Then I have a strong urge to go out and buy one.

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Yes. Now I want to make a Slaaneshi Freddie Mercury Chaos Lord.


*gasp* I never thought of that, it'll be the first thing I do once the new codex arrives..


I'll be using this pose as reference



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Trypticon - A Thousand Lies

Watain - Malfeitor

Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted

Sepultura - Roots



I could happily go on and one. But I have work in the morning, and I don't need to start having some kind of metal-gasm freakout at 2am.

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Bolt Thrower is awesome, I'd pick Eternal War, Realm of Chaos and Drowned in torment to be sthe soundtrack to the Pantheon of Chaos



-Faith and Fire

-Hordes of Chaos

-Armies of Immortals


The chantings of our cathedrals sure are heavy ; )

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Just a few tracks from a couple of bands (I could think of a lot more from most of them):


Bolt Thrower - Contact... Wait out, A Symbol of Eight (but really, most Bolt Thrower although some of it has a more loyalist feel)


Slayer - War Ensemble, Spirit in Black, Born of Fire, Chemical Warfare


Venom - Seven Gates of Hell, The Evil One


Bal-Sagoth - The Empyreal Lexicon, Star-Maps of the Ancient Cosmographers, Behold the Armies of War Descend Screaming From the Heavens (mostly for the "The Galaxy Burrrrns!" part)


Heaven and Hell - Breaking into Heaven


Bruce Dickinson - Darkside of Aquarius


Mercyful Fate - Evil, Come to the Sabbath


Well, I'll stop myself here :)

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