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Greetings and Salutations

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Hello all. I've been playing 40k for quite some time now and lurking here for a bit. I started playing as Ultramarines back in the day when there was just the space marine codex to choose and that what the paint guide in it showed l. Then a few years latter came codex Armageddon and first exposure to the Black Templar. I left the hobby for several years, returning when a friend purchased a Tau starter box for my birthday toward the end of fourth. But then I noticed the Templar Upgrade boxes. And thus began my desire to build a Templar Crusade. Though I have a fairly large Tau army and a growing Death Corporation of Krieg Artillery Company, my Template hold the greatest and warmest place in my heart.
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Hail and welcome, brother! Good to see someone returning to what they love. Also - it looks like the auto-checker has jumped you in places. I thought it was a typo to start with. :P
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