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Another Log by Termie

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Hail Fraters

I've been busy at work on some minis (seriously I've gone through 4 exacto blades and most of my greenstuff reserve!), here are a few that I think came out pretty nicely.

First up my Chapterhouse studios Truescale Honor Guard/ Random kill team. The CHS kit was nice and bland so I could spruce it up, I'm not too happy with the flamer guy and the walking dude with the combat blade. If anyone wants close ups just ask in the thread :mellow:



If anyone remembers my terminator armored chapter master, he finally has a pretty decent base, still a touch of work to do though. How can I get a good blood effect with the new GW paints?



I made a new weapon for that FW minotaur terminator who I made into a crimson guardian, more of him later.



And my favorite, my new true scale chapter master I did for funsies. I really like the head I chose for him as it makes him look a bit older, you will see when he's painted up.







Comments and criticisms appreciated.

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Thanks for the reply, the cape is a bit closer now that I have properly magnetized it, its only a mm from the torso (you know with the back bit sticking out, the sword pommel gets in the way though. It isn't too bad actually. Also what would people think if I made the flamer marine into a standard bearer?
I got the DK feet in and I have assembled most of the upper body. I have the legs made up too but I need to trim off some chaos stuff, they look a bit messy because theyre from my first ever defiler, and I need to do major work on the ankles. Currently waiting for the waist parts to come in.

The basic assembly for the walker is done, it just needs some more clean up work, I might add more shielding to its hips particularly near the top joint but what would I use? and sculpt some massive purity seals. Also is the front lascannon system too bulky?





Awesome walker there, really takes me back to the old days of mechs, it's going straight into my converting inspiration folder ;)

what are you going to be using it as, or is it getting some homebrew rules


The lascannons look good as they are

If you hadn't already done the top of the legs, and they weren't in solid metal, i'd say use the penitent engine 'thighs', other than that... maybe dreadnought/ironclad shinpads? possibly get 4 and layer them so they look like segmented armour, although looking at it, i think the ironclads would work better there,

Im gonna see if I can get it primed by next week I wanna paint it and my tartaros termies from here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=251891 and my boarding marines. But Guild Wars is taking up my time lol, prepping for GW2 in august :D


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