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Techmarine Servitors.


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Greetings Brothers and Sisters, I have just been reading through my C:SM and found this C:SM, pg 138 - "You may include one unit of Servitors for every techmarine..." now my question is this. If I take a Thunderfire Cannon which comes with a techmarine do I gain access to the Servitors?
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It can go either way, really. Some folks say that the unit entry is "Thunderfire Cannon" and not "Techmarine" (that's the Elite slot choice). others say that becuase the Techmarine Gunner stat line is listed under the Thunderfire Cannon unit entry, that is enough because it contains the word Techmarine.


Either way, the important thing to remember is that should you purchase Servitors for said Thunderfire-manning Techmainre, he cannot join them until the Cannon has been destroyed. The Techmarine Gunner is not an independent character until the cannon is gone.

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I find myself agreeing with ShinyRhino, it can go either way. Personally I lean towards the way that you can take a unit of Servitors for every TFC as a Techmarine is included. It wouldn't be the best idea anyway, as like ShinyRhino says they couldn't be joined by the Techmarine until the TFC dies, and so will be susceptible to mindlock.
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Hmm, interesting one.


As the text box says "You may include one unit of Servitors for every Techmarine or Master of the Forge in your army" I wold say yes, as you've met the requirements for buying the Servitors.


The only thing I'll point out here is that under the TFC entry the Techmarine doesn't have the 'Independent Character' special rule and so won't be able to join the unit of Servitors even if the TFC dies. I guess it was left out to stop people attaching it to a unit as heavy support, although that would've been cool to have it lending it's weight of fire to a Devastator or Tactical squad.

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C:sm pg. 73

Note that the Techmarine does not benefit from the Independent Character and the Blessing of the Omnissiah special rules unless his Thunderfire Cannon has been destroyed.


The Techmarine can regain the IC rules.

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C:sm pg. 73
Note that the Techmarine does not benefit from the Independent Character and the Blessing of the Omnissiah special rules unless his Thunderfire Cannon has been destroyed.


The Techmarine can regain the IC rules.


Quite right. That'll teach me to read the background page rather than just the army list entry.


@Myxx - Yes, he has the Bolster Defences special rule

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Thank you all for your help with this question. What I'm getting out of the answers is technically yes but it all comes down to is if your opponent will allow it.
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Either way, the important thing to remember is that should you purchase Servitors for said Thunderfire-manning Techmainre, he cannot join them until the Cannon has been destroyed. The Techmarine Gunner is not an independent character until the cannon is gone.


Sorry, I know this is off-topic, but reading it reminded me of something I've been trying to figure out; how do you destroy the cannon without killing the Techmarine?

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The Thunderfire is an Artillery unit, which means that incoming fire that hits must roll dice to see WHO it hits: the Techmarine or the gun. 5 or 6 and the hit is against the Techmarine. So if none of the hits land on the Techmarine (or he makes all his saves), while the Cannon takes any glancing or penetrating hit, it is removed and the Techmarine hangs out all alone. Even more fun is that it isn't a killpoint until BOTH are gone. So if you run him over to a nearby squad and join them, it's that much harder to get the KP for the TFC. :)
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The Thunderfire is an Artillery unit, which means that incoming fire that hits must roll dice to see WHO it hits: the Techmarine or the gun. 5 or 6 and the hit is against the Techmarine. So if none of the hits land on the Techmarine (or he makes all his saves), while the Cannon takes any glancing or penetrating hit, it is removed and the Techmarine hangs out all alone. Even more fun is that it isn't a killpoint until BOTH are gone. So if you run him over to a nearby squad and join them, it's that much harder to get the KP for the TFC. :)


Ah I see, I've never used or faced any Artillery units before so thanks for the info. Much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
While the option is not exactly a great one, you could potentially get 2 plasmacannon blasts to add into your 4 thundefire cannon shots each turn. Thats a lot of blasty death. Being worth the points though is a different story, but maybe an option for a mini devastator squad.
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