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Starting a New Space Marine Chapter: Help and Advice Please


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Hey Everyone,

I am looking to make a DIY Space Marine Chapter. I wanted to have a Rvrn Guard army, but I thought it would be better to start my own with the new version coming out soon. The chapter(in game) would have been very recently started and it would start out small, but expand as I got a bigger army. I need help with the name and with making a backstory. Any suggestions would be great. I have a first draft for a color scheme, but I am thinking that there may be two different ones in my chapter, with the captains and sergeant in bleached bone and blood red armor possibly.

first color scheme prototype, made on the Space Marine Painter with Boltgun Metal, Chaos Black, A bit of Bone White, Bad Moon Yellow and Chainmail. The eyes are Ice Blue for the time being.


Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you


I also think that the name should end with "Company".






Okay. Any place that has a large amount of warhammer 40k planet and lore information? I have a goo idea for a backstory, but I need something to base/branch it off of.

Chapter Backstory Mark 1:


The _____ Company was started in the midst of the First Armageddon War in the hope for the new chapter to turn the tide of the final battle between the Chaos Marine and the Imperium( Is there a name for this?). The newly formed chapter was then left on the planet after the other Space Marines had left, be tasked with protecting the planet and making sure none of the new residents had a clue about the impending threat.


The _______ Company was started from the geneseed of the Raven Guard, causing their pale, clammy skin. The main difference between the _______ Company and any other Space Marine chapter is that they were specifically modified to be chapter of scouts used to turn the tide of the First War of Armageddon. They specialize in quick and deadly attacks along with long range and small arms. They excel in close combat, there main form of defense when spotted. The chapter did nit grow as much as intended due to the fact that the Inquisitors ha to check each and every canidit to make certain that they knew nothing of the Chaos attack.


( That's all so far. Any comments or suggestions?)














...but also, since the chapter has the word "Company" in its name, cnsider re-naming the companies to groups like "Errands".

Anyway, good luck!

( That's all so far. Any comments or suggestions?)


My advice is to have a read of the DIY guide, linked to in the sticky at the top of the forum.

It's a bit of a long read, but will help you get around some of the pitfalls that await you on the road to DIY Chapter excellence. ;)

I need to look up camocloaks, but I like the idea. The Ghost Company(choose that name after much debate) is going to have slightly different rules for squads, hving a minimum of a 3 man squad and scout squads are 4 person including a sergeant. I want them to have lighter weapons(mainly no rocket launchers, heavy bolters, lasconnons, Meltas etc) and focus more on taking out any opposition from a length away and using quick strike tactics. The force will mainly be scout bikes and regulars space marines and scouts, with maybe a rhino and/or drop pod eventually, but will only start out as a infantry unit.


What is the rule on modifying/ making up psycher powers?

The Ghost Company was thrust into battle once more for the Second War for Armageddon, this time facing the Orks. They quickly went into action, but were separated from the other 3 space marine chapters, the Blood Angels, Salamanders and Ultramarines right off the bat. They held off the opposition from their new built Forge (each chapter has one, correct?), using the building as an advantage and building extra weapons when they had the resources. Most of the force was lost as they were pinned down, but the Chapter Master (he needs a name, any place to make one) lead a team of four snipers up onto a volcano, using the dark smoke and noise as cover and began to pick off the Orks, but had to stop as the virus bombs detonated and their deadly payload was swept by the wind towards there position.


(to be continued)

My Armageddon-lore knowledge isn't that great, but from the way you're describing it, it makes it seem like you've set them as one of the main factions. Major no-no; in fact, even if that wasn't what you intended, I'd suggest that you avoid established battles altogether.

Oh, and suggestion: Chapter Master Caecus Idoloni. Google translate, woo!

The 'Ghost Company' would work well and your colour scheme looks very nice.


What I suggest is you check out the sticky at the top of the forum and have a little think for a while. It's far more productive to post a reasonable chunk of info in one go.


Have a think about the basics





Combat Doctrine



It is generally best to avoid your chapter being the main characters in established and well known campaigns. You can certainly be formed as a result of a campaign or to see off future enemies. You could even stick your Chapter far off somewhere in the galaxy where they take part in your own made up campaign (Whether against Orks or Chaos etc).


What is the main theme/idea you want for your chapter? Do you think you could sum it up in a few key phrases? That might well oil up the old imagination.

I see what you mean about having the chapter in a major battle. Can anyone link to a list of all the planets in the 40k universe? I need another host planet. Ghost Company is going to be a scout based chapter, using slightly different rules on using scouts and making squads. As I stated before, the main squads will have a minimum of 3 infantry and the scout units will have 3 scouts and a sergeant. I want to make new psyched powers as well, so can anyone help as well? Also, where can I buy space marine scouts with camocloaks that are not painted.



Hey dude,


What you're essentially asking is for other people to do all the creative stuff for your chaptor. Your missing out on the fun because you think there's some complicated set of rules about what you can do.


Just make stuff up man, as long as you don't make the mistake of interfereing with the basic established cannon you can simply go crazy.


Some cannon things to watch out for:


Use an existing primarch and parent chaptor

Don't go all Blood Raven and say that you're an oiffshoot of a traitor legion

Don't take an established back story and copy/paste your chaptor in the middle of it

Don't pretend to hold significant favour with senior officials in the imperium

Find a subtle excuse as to why you're not well known

Welcome to the Liber! Please mind the ravening jaws of the C&C junkies! :D


The _____ Company was started in the midst of the First Armageddon War in the hope for the new chapter to turn the tide of the final battle between the Chaos Marine and the Imperium. As others have said, don't make them the glory boys of such a major canon campaign. Besides they would have to be founded during a certain Founding, which would take decades to set up and even so, a Scout Chapter would have made little difference


The main difference between the _______ Company and any other Space Marine chapter is that they were specifically modified to be chapter of scouts...

You what? A Chapter specially made for Scouts? The whole point is that the Scouts are trainee Astartes. If you mean in terms of the role of Scouts as a reconnaissance tool, then sure fine, but be clear about this to avoid future confusion. If not, then have fun with every other Chapter laughing at your army of n00bs in little armour.


The chapter did nit grow as much as intended due to the fact that the Inquisitors ha to check each and every canidit to make certain that they knew nothing of the Chaos attack. So they were going to be used to fight Chaos, but were not allowed to know who they were fighting....?


Can anyone link to a list of all the planets in the 40k universe? I need another host planet.

InquisitorHayn has already provided a link. Besides it would be foolish to claim a random planet as your own, so go with Phoros' advice and make your own up.


Ghost Company is going to be a scout based chapter, using slightly different rules on using scouts and making squads. As I stated before, the main squads will have a minimum of 3 infantry and the scout units will have 3 scouts and a sergeant. I want to make new psyched powers as well, so can anyone help as well? Also, where can I buy space marine scouts with camocloaks that are not painted.

This section of the site deals with background (fluff); you are asking for help with rules (crunch) - that belongs in the Rules section.


To echo what Jimmilicious said, you really have to a proactive stance to posting in the Liber; yes, we will help you with comments and suggestions, but you are the creator of this Chapter and it is up to you to come up with this stuff with yourself. This isn't 4chan, where you can LOL your way through everything as an anonymous poster. If you have any more questions, try reading up first instead of posting on here and asking these things.



/end of grumpiness

Thanks for all the help and conductive criticism.


New Ghost Company Backstory ideas:

Gene-seed: Raven Guard, but the pale skin has subsided and a new mutation makes the Ghost Company more wiry than other Chapters, making them more stealthy, but also more picked on as well.


Homeworld: Battle ship/space cruiser Hell-Born Storm. They constantly move about the galaxy to stop threats and help other Chapters.


Tactics: As before, they are a Scout based unit with different rules on squads. Regular squads can have a minimum of two infantry while scout units have the sergeant and 3 scouts. They mainly stay away from heavier weapons, leaving the other chapters to use them, but have a man in each (need to think of alternate name for a company) will have a heavy blotter to help with larger numbers of troops.


Battles and backstory tomorrow or Thursday.

How does a more wiry frame make them more stealthy when they have to wear the same Power Armor? I would move towards the idea of their training being more focused on stealth and evasion combined with precision strikes.


I like your choice of Ghost Company though!


I would choose other terms than "picked on." Maybe just something about how they are looked upon as a curiosity or an anomaly. Or perhaps it brings the attention of ________, who wants to comb their genetics for mutations more thoroughly because this is an out of the norm difference?


I don't know, just a few thoughts. Keep working at it, and take all C&C with a grain of salt. I know I bow my head to those with greater knowledge on building IAs, but they have to show me a good reason for it, not just, "hey change this."


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