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Starting a New Space Marine Chapter: Help and Advice Please


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Battles that Ghost Company was in:

Helped in the very beginning of the Second War for Armageddon, using scout bikes to allow drop pods to fall with pinpoint accuracy.


Fought off the Bad Moonz Ork Tribe on the desert planet of Corelia V, stopping them from reaching an Inquisitor's secret project. Almost failed as a few Ork drop pods (or there Ork equivalent) managed to fall onto the workshop and breached the defences. Many Space Marines died as a result of this, but vanquished the Tribe with the help of the Inquisitor inside who stopped any wounds from bleeding until an Apothecary could heal them.


The Ghost Company also was called out for major battles, but just to scout the planet and help with the landing of drop pods.



Backstory: Originally created to help in the First War of Armageddon, they were delayed because of the body mass mutation that made them all wiry and lithe. The (who provides gene seeds to the space marines, will look up and add in later) advised the unit to not go into combat, as this may flaw the entire gene seed. Chapter Master Sollers Umbra (Lithe Shadow in Latin), suggested that the unit be turned into a scout unit, used to help any chapter in the universe in case of a stealth or infiltration mission that even the Raven Guard couldn't complete. The unit then created there own Codex of sorts, filled with expanded knowledge of stealth, scout training and the use of lighter weapons and killing with them. (Stuck in-between only having Scouts and Assault squad style people or just Scouts). New recruits to the Chapter would start out with basic scouts training, as most other Space Marine Chapters, but the level of training elevates at a much higher rate. Later, once a recruit is ready, he is put into a (alternate name for company here) and fights with either a bike squad or on foot as another scout. The most specialized Marines will be put into a group of fighters like them, such as a sniper squadron or a heavy bloter group. Snipers most always have camocloaks(if I could find models that hav them) and sniper rifles and are used as first strike scouts in a battle, striking from long range to take out the most fearsome of foes before the groun units and bikes go in afterward.


(Anybody know what a Warhammer 40K Space Marine Battleship would look like. I want the Hell Born Storm to have a shape so I can show where this and that is.




* Did you plan on Umbra being the current chapter master? If he was around at the founding, then he wouldn't be.

* The AdMech provide Gene-Seed.

* How would it "flaw" the geneseed? No sources point to it being affected by actions, unless said actions are dodgy or Chaos-related.


* Chapters don't tend to take on specific roles, and be entirely based on them. You can say that they often detatch units to assist task forces from other chapters, but otherwise, they should act as a cohesive force that can deploy pretty much anything Codex. My suggestions would be to make them Codex-adherent, but:

-- Marines maintain scout training throughout career; can be deployed in scout armour at any point

-- Dislike use of transports, as they go against idea of stealth

-- Devastator squads use lighter weapons, such as sniper rifles

-- Tanks are only used at long range; as such, Vindicators are less-used

-- Conventional bike squads and Speeders mainly deployed as "distractions"

These are just a few suggestions; feel free to pick and choose.

Also, the largest denomination of Space Marine ship is called a Battle Barge.

I like the ideas. I was thinking that the infantry force would mostly have scout armor and a few regular marine in power armor to use as a assault squad for close quarters. I like the idea for the Devastator squads, with them having sniper rifles instead of heavier weapons. As for the gene seed problem, I was thinking because of the lack of body mass and stregth, only a select few could get into power armor and the rest had to stay in scout armor.


A battle barge will work to be my chapters "home world". I will paint it in the chapters color scheme later. Also, does anyone know who sells spacemarines in camo cloaks


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