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Hey everyone, almost saved up for my first 40k set and getting hyped to making my first army. Just wanting to introduce myself along with some kinda newbie questions >.< (so sorry if I sound like a idiot about some things o.e).



So First off, with the Chapters, is it possible to make your own chapter, and can they be used in tournies (I know I'm a long way away from a actual one but wanting to know ahead of time before I get anything painted >.>). Second, army choice being, Space Marines. Love em' and always have been a fan of them (counting every single computer DoW title and the console game). Suggestions on a new player wanting to get into the painting and such are also welcome >.< (My worst fear, having a badly painted army -.- I'm a bit ocd about things, this being one of them). Also I sort of have a mindset on what kinda army id have (like unit composition, but again this is subject to change) mainly a dig in your heels kidna army, holding the line, with loads of slow firepower (although yes melee might be a problem, soooo yeah once the rulebooks are bought and read, I might make some changes) .



Anywho sorry for the wall of text but yeah, introductions and such >.> (please don't bite my head off! D; a bit nervous on getting into this)

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Hail and welcome, brother! :)


So First off, with the Chapters, is it possible to make your own chapter, and can they be used in tournies.


Yes, and I do believe yes.


If you need help picking out colours for them there are space marine painters here, which are pretty cool, let alone very useful. <_<


Suggestions on a new player wanting to get into the painting and such are also welcome.


Firstly, a pretty old rule of thumb here; thin your paints. Having a 50/50 mix of water to paint is a good start. That way you won't obscure details with paint should you accidently put it on a little thick.


As far as other help goes there is: The Painting Tutorials subforum is good for a wide variety of techniques, from beginner to advanced, that's searchable (using the search function near the bottom of the subforum page). B&C's Librarium Painting Tutorials (which I'd recommend if you fancy more intermediate techniques). I would also recommend UselesswizarD's Youtube Channel which I think may be very helpful to you as a beginner.


Also I sort of have a mindset on what kinda army id have (like unit composition, but again this is subject to change) mainly a dig in your heels kidna army, holding the line, with loads of slow firepower (although yes melee might be a problem, soooo yeah once the rulebooks are bought and read, I might make some changes).


I recommend hanging on for a little bit until 6th edition comes out (which should be relatively soon) before getting the proper rulebook, as you'll find that if you get the current one your copy of the rules will only last for a short while and then the new edition will arrive, putting a spanner in the works. As for help with an army list, when you get round to constructing one, have a look at the Army List subforum to glean useful knowledge off of others or even post up a list of your own for comments/critique and advice. :)


Hope that helps. Any questions, just ask. :lol:

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Thanks for the advice, guess I will wait a bit to get that starter kit thing (the assault on black reach I think it is?). Also will do on the advice for thinning the paint, I didn't know ya had to thin it some before starting. I guess another question would be (since I have to wait to read the rule book now) I have seen talk on thing a number of elite choices (having only so many slot), I guess my question is how many slots do you have for what unit types in a specific army? It may be a bit off to ask (seeing as I'm still 20 bucks off from the first kit but meh, I think I can get it soonish).

Oh and thanks for the painter link, I have two schemes so far



edit "had to fix that last one"

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Thanks for the advice, guess I will wait a bit to get that starter kit thing (the assault on black reach I think it is?).


That's the current one, yes. Chances are, when the new edition arrives there'll be a new starter set released too.


Also will do on the advice for thinning the paint, I didn't know ya had to thin it some before starting.


Well, you don't absolutely have to, but you'll be a step ahead of other beginners if you do that. <_<


I guess another question would be (since I have to wait to read the rule book now) I have seen talk on thing a number of elite choices (having only so many slot), I guess my question is how many slots do you have for what unit types in a specific army?


Well, usually you'll be allowed three elite choices in any one given army (gamewise). That means you can use three units classified as 'Elites' per game (my favourite is the Sternguard unit but Dreadnoughts are a popular choice, too). It could be three sternguard units if you so wish, or three of any other 'Elite' unit for that matter, or a mix.


The top colour scheme looks like it has promise. It needs a bit of a tweak but it's better than the other one, imo.

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Hmm well one of my friends said something like techmarines give a buff to vehicles (again taking his word, I have no clue yet XD ) so I was thinking one of them and two dreadnaughts. As for the first paint idea, yeah that was supposed to be a darker brown, (like a shade darker) but meh, its a work in progress x.x I guess I can jump to the Discussion for peoples thoughts on my elite choices then, though still getting used to the phrases people use for stuff like weapons and all XD But again thanks for the starting advice, hoping within id saaaay, a year I can have a full army (like enough sets to really roll with)
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