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What calls you to the four winds?


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I play Chaos because I play everything except Grey Knights (I am still looking for more monkey models so I can play them too, but that is another story). Part of the fun in Chaos is that they kind of are the Orks of power armored armies; any conversion is acceptable. Also, Aaron Dembkis-Bowden makes the Night Lords so damned sexy just like Graham McNeill does for Iron Warriors. I need to get my hands on a Mk IV set of legs for my Honsou conversion now that I think about it as well as find a suitable head (and no, the official model of him does not suffice for me as I a) do not own him, :HQ: cannot afford to get one second hand, and c) want him to look like he does on the anthology cover anyway).


Yet what has really captured my love for Chaos has been the Dornian Heresy. I am painting my initial army up to be a sampler platter with an emphasis on the Imperial Fists, but it will have a little bit of all the traitors who still work together, perhaps as part of one of Sigismund's Black Crusades. From there I will expand my Space Wolves first as I do own plenty of Khornate stuff and it will throw people to play a Space Wolf army with the Chaos Codex, rather than doing it the other way around like everyone else does. Following that, more Imperial Fists will be in order so I can run only that Legion, but I will want to see what the new Codex brings before I get to that stage, but I have my 2,200 point point vow (including a Brass Scorpion, who does not contribute towards the total, but is getting a proper Space Wolf painting so was included for completeness) so I have plenty to keep me busy for the Summer.

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Tough one.


My first real introduction to Chaos Marines was the game Dark Crusade. I just loved the twitchy marines and hammy voice acting ("Sanity is for the weak!"). Along the way I also started reading more stuff from the Black Library, including Storm of Iron and eventually the Night Lords series and Horus Heresy books.


When I decided I wanted to try the tabletop I had a tough time deciding on an army. I think the first two codexes I bought were Blood Angels and vanilla Space Marines. Over time I collected at least a box or two from 5 or so armies, with some Orks, Marines, and Necrons painted. All of them (and a few I thought about but didn't buy the models for) had aspects to them that I really liked but somehow when I finally settled it had become an easier decision. Chaos Marines hit all the right notes. The concept of Chaos itself is incredibly intriguing, and then you have the backstory of the traitor legions... bitter 10,000 year old members of a failed rebellion rubbing elbows with more recent renegades, all trying to eak out a living among sanctuaries like the Maelstrom and Eye of Terror. And not only do they survive, but they break out in huge crusades that strike fear in the hearts of the Imperium's citizens. Combine a playstyle (with smaller numbers of elite units) and endless conversion possibilities with a wide range of archetypes (from mustache twirling "Sanity is for the weak!" types to more serious depictions common to the HH series to more tragics types such like in the short story "Honour among fiends" and the choice was easy.

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Why do I play Chaos?


Fluff wise:

Binding demons into your warmachines in order to make them better. Summoning demons to do your bidding. Plus Iron Warriors are awesome.

Right now my CSM are descendants of IW's and they are called Iron Reapers. They persue knowledge in gaining/innovating/inventing warmachines. Furthermore I am toying around that they have a mini empire in a dwarf galaxy. :D


Interwinding the fluff into the game:

The current codex is okay wish I can field Razorbacks and having a customizable hq choice. Although it is great that I can field Shock Troops (berserkers). Bionic Implated Astartes (plague marines) and Warp Smiths and their mindless demons (1k sons). Also it is awesome to have a successfull experimented astartes to warp exposure aiding the army (Demon Princes).

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