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Hello brothers!


I try to built a 1500-1750 hybrid list and thought Brother Corbulo would be a good point to start with. But I cannot decide where he should go with. Put him in a Raider with some Assault Marines? Or perhabs in a Rhino/ Razorback? I am really open minded to any suggestions where to put him best. How are your experiences concerning Brother Corbulo and the guys he went with?




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I find putting him in/with a lower threat vehicle/unit works very well. Alternatively, a very fast rhino.


JamesI and I both make use of a very effective 8Man RAS squad with Libby and rhino and then throw corbs in there. Works like a charm.


Failing that, when im not making use of that combo, Corbs is almost always in one of my razorbacks.

The DC rhino and the attack bikes are usually drawing a lot of the firepower, and the enemy doesnt always have the option of throwing a shot the way of a razor with one lascannon on it.


Raider could help, but its drawing fire anyway. Why make it easier for the opponent?

One this is for sure is he's always with a squad that has a special weapon (PW).

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I used to use Corbulo in razorbacks, but found he wasn't where I needed. Though this might have had more to do with my playstyle than the idea of Corbulo in Razors.


As Morticon said, I am a big fan of Corbulo, Librarian, 8 assault marines in a rhino. This unit doesn't appear to be the highest threat compared to Sanguinary Guard, Death Company, Terminators or whatever if your potent assault force. I usually put him in a squad with a powerfist, but I also have the librarian there to provide a power weapon. If I don't run the librarian in the squad, then I would usually swap to a power weapon on the sergeant.


I have not yet tried him in a Land Raider or Storm Raven, though expect I will try both in the future.

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used him once in a big 2500 pts game and he was king, soaking up 2 turns of combat attacks (after the turn where they charged) before a fist downed him (fist fluffed the first turn) that 2+ FNP is insanely powerfull againt normal attacks :cuss


but since hes on foot... yea like mort and james said, stick him in a "seemingly unimpressive unit" and he should survive alot longer ;) only used him in one game though so aint exactly the expert ;) dont know when its the best time to use that reroll for example :P

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Ok guys, thanks for your input so far. I like Morts and James idea to put Corbs in a Rhino (Razor) with some RAS. That could work well with my Tactical Squad and DC. I think I will try to work with that idea a bit. Would you think a PW is mandatory for such a squad because I don't know if I want to put my HQ alongside Corbs? Could be too tempting for my opponent to get rid of that guys. At the moment there is also a full 10 men squad of RAS with JP which also need some serious aid from my Libby.
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What our moderators have listed is how I run Corbulo too (he has replaced the regular Priest that would normally go here).


Now I know this is slightly off-topic but I guess one of the Assault Marines has a Melta Gun as his Special Weapon choice nine battles out of ten? Also, assuming you have a Power Fist on the Sergeant, does your Librarian have Unleash Rage as his offensive power?

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My 10 men RAS (JP) have 2 Melta guns and one fist on the Sergeant. They are normaly accombined by a "naked" JP Priest and a JP Libby with Rage and Shield/ FotD. If I get Corbs in my list I would kick the JP Priest. Of course I would have to assure, that my JP RAS still get FnP/ FC. Difficult decissions must be made. :)
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What our moderators have listed is how I run Corbulo too (he has replaced the regular Priest that would normally go here).


Now I know this is slightly off-topic but I guess one of the Assault Marines has a Melta Gun as his Special Weapon choice nine battles out of ten? Also, assuming you have a Power Fist on the Sergeant, does your Librarian have Unleash Rage as his offensive power?

My squad usually looks like you describe.


Librarian, unleash and either shield or fear depending on my mood


8 RAS, fist, meltagun.

Rhino, dozerblade.

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