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A few beginner tactics


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Hey guys,


I thought I'd share a few tactics and tips. (One of which i'm sure has been shared already and definitely referenced in one of the list threads).



They range from super simple to reasonably difficult to pull off, but when you can do it, it is particularly helpful!




1. IC Protection. (Difficulty Level: 1/5)



This is more for the starting out players as the tourney players and grey-beards will no doubt consider this second nature.

It revolves around the movement and placement of Independent Characters and how that works in relation to how assault moves must be made.



Take this situation - we have Corbs (or any other squishy priest) with a squad.

The squad we are going to charge has a special weapon in it.

We obviously want to keep our Priest alive.

So, when we disembark:



* Its useful to make sure that the IC is never the closest model to the enemy.



We need to be able to make sure the enemy cant funnel us where he wants us to go.

As a result, having one or two models ahead of the IC is a good idea (in this example we have a few more, but its not necessary - in fact, the more range of movement the IC has, the better).


In the movement phase:



* We need to ensure that the special weapon of the enemy will have a unit to engage in base to base, so we need to feed him that.


In the case above this involves sending marines out on the left or right flanks of the enemy's squad.


Then, when we charge:



* The enemy must now move into base to base where possible.

In the case above the first pile in move is to the closest model, being the BA on the right.


** Remember that it is compulsory to move into base to base where possible. The enemy fist cant just stay there because he's 2" away and happy. This is an oft misinterpreted or misunderstood rule.


Conclusion - you've saved Corbs for at least a turn!



2. IC Sacrifice Difficulty Level: 2/5


There comes a time where it's charge or be charged, and even though you hate fighting fair fights, you need to just get stuck in.

Now, say you're up against an enemy IC of killyness and a squad. What then?


Say for example your DC now have an opportunity to charge Typhus and a squad of Plagues. You know that Typhus is just going to stomp on your DC.

So, what do you do? Go toe to toe?


Nope. Do the opposite of tactic one.



*Move your models in such a way that the IC is the only one that will be attacking his IC.


The idea is not to beat the IC - but beat the squad and prevent wounds on you, so you may live to fight another round.


After the charge:



You have your chaplain engaged with Typhus -so the most you're going to lose against him is 2 wounds- as opposed to 5.


Obviously this works for all different types of situations that are similar where you have a super killy enemy HQ and a relatively unbuffed IC on your side.



3. The Big Boy Block/Divide and Conquer Difficulty Level: 4/5


Thanks to BA speed we have a few tricks up our sleeve that we can use in certain situations.

This is the most situational tactic and will only work with models with bigger than normal bases.

It's great for dealing with terminators, paladins, crushers/fiends, TWC etc.


You will need:

1. One or two squads of very mobile units like Attack Bikes, Speeders or other mobile Vehicles.

2. At least one mobile vehicle

3. As many assault ready units as you have ready to charge.



Lets take this scenario:


It's now our turn, and we have these bloody Paladins to deal with - Draigo's there too.




Mephy is there behind the rhino which is carrying a DC with 2PF/TH weapons.


Smashing in to their lines is likely to get Mephy milked, and the DC wiped. So, we need another way around this.


Step 1:

After disembarking and moving the DC along the one side, tank shock the unit.


NB: You need to Tank Shock them in a very particular way so that the majority of the unit will be on the one side of the tank, and only a model or two on the other.


NB2: Too many players make the mistake of moving the entire unit after the tank shock. Remember, its only the models that are IN the way of the tank that may move- and then, they must move the shortest distance required to move out of 1" from the enemy but within 2" of each other.




Step 2:


Start blocking the pile in routes of the enemy with your mobile units.


Like such:



Now, most of you wiley players will see what has happened.


Step 3:


Charge. And enemy pile in.




Now, because of our awesome tactical prowess ( ;) ), we have worked it that a few of the Paladin's are not even in the combat. Not only that- neither is Draigo- he's just in the back line cheerleading.


Now in this situation, we've taken a risk, because Mephy is still within 2" of the Hammer. Ideally we would want to cut the hammer out from combat with him.

However, mephy only needs to score 5 wounds from his six rerolling S10 attacks to force a 5+ save from him- or he dies.


Since we're in hypothetical world, lets say it happens.

After the dust settles Mephy and 6 hammer/fist attacks from the DC are enough to wipe out the squad with 2or 3 casualties in return.


Step 4:


If things went perfectly to plan, you have one more sneaky trick you can pull.



Pile the DC in first, and block the way for Mephy. That way he's free from being locked in Combat with Draigo, and can go on in the following turn to damage other things.




As noted, this is the most difficult tactic listed to get right, but it is doable and one can pull it off!

Hope that helps both newer and older players alike.




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So, do I get this right: You can't move OVER enemy models while piling in (although you can get arbitrarily close), and you can only pile in up to 6 inches, therefore draigo stays out of combat? :)



You cannot move over or through any models - enemy or friendly.

The only models that can do this are Skimmers and Jet/Jump packs and jetbikes- and then only in movement phase, not in assault.


So, yup, yup! Draigo cannot squeeze through the 1" gap and therefore stays out of combat cause he doesn't have enough movement to get into BTB in his 6"!

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Just to consolidate some information, would it be worth adding your "mitigating rage" diagram to the above?


Also it is worth knowing that the blocking tactic can be undone by the special rules of certain enemy units such as a Banshee Exarch or Harlequins (advance apologies if I am wrong). My point is, it's worth knowing your enemy before trying the tactic :)

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mort show them how to draw units out of cover with their own follow up moves.


Not sure i know that one buddy!! :tu: Throw it up on vassal and repost here :wacko:


Just to consolidate some information, would it be worth adding your "mitigating rage" diagram to the above?


Also it is worth knowing that the blocking tactic can be undone by the special rules of certain enemy units such as a Banshee Exarch or Harlequins (advance apologies if I am wrong). My point is, it's worth knowing your enemy before trying the tactic ;)


both great ideas- will try work on that!!

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Not sure i know that one buddy!! blush.gif Throw it up on vassal and repost here happy.gif

charge a unit from the side . keep to 6" range because if you get to close too many of your dudes will end up engaged . then charged your dudes will be clumped up with 2-3 in actual range of enemy . then enemy gets his consolidation move , if the arc is right you can get half the unit out of cover . then your other unit charges just the dudes that are not in cover [important if someone is doing this with termis not charging out of a LR crusader] + important because BA squads are offten smaller and can be drawn out of cover that way.

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Your tank shock plan, although inspired, doesn't take into consideration a death or glory attack. Daemon Hammers are still essentially Thunder Hammers, yes?


That is correct sir - if you'll take a look at the pic, you're carefully avoiding the hammers. Remember, only the models in the path of the tank can take a free hit. Most people think anyone in the unit can take the shot. Its not the case.

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Going to throw in a refinement of Jeske's cover-tow technique. I've found that it may be useful for that, but its even more useful for objective denial. If an enemy has a squad on an objective, but some of the models in the unit are more than 3" away from it, assault those specific models. Doable with a small squad/independent character, but can be used with big squads if you get them in the correct position in the movement phase that only a few will be able to reach (sounds counter-intuitive, but its key). Since your models won't be able to make it all the way in because you've used up your 6" charge move, then the enemy must come to you, hauling them off the objective in the process when they have to move to you to fight, and then with pile-in moves afterwards, as ones still near the objective will have to close up once guys near the front have died. It won't always work, but it can be a good thing to bear in mind.
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Not sure i know that one buddy!! blush.gif Throw it up on vassal and repost here happy.gif

charge a unit from the side . keep to 6" range because if you get to close too many of your dudes will end up engaged . then charged your dudes will be clumped up with 2-3 in actual range of enemy . then enemy gets his consolidation move , if the arc is right you can get half the unit out of cover . then your other unit charges just the dudes that are not in cover [important if someone is doing this with termis not charging out of a LR crusader] + important because BA squads are offten smaller and can be drawn out of cover that way.


Don't all assault moves have to be made before the enemy reacts?

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nope - you move unit A in to enemy unit b. Enemy unit B then must work through all the consolidation moves, then you can go on to charging unit C into enemy unit B.

According to my rulebook, consolidation moves are made "after all enemy assault moves" so all charges then consolidations.

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nope - you move unit A in to enemy unit b. Enemy unit B then must work through all the consolidation moves, then you can go on to charging unit C into enemy unit B.

According to my rulebook, consolidation moves are made "after all enemy assault moves" so all charges then consolidations.


Thats what I thought. And to be clear, when we say consolidation, we mean pile in moves right?

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nope - you move unit A in to enemy unit b. Enemy unit B then must work through all the consolidation moves, then you can go on to charging unit C into enemy unit B.

According to my rulebook, consolidation moves are made "after all enemy assault moves" so all charges then consolidations.


Thats what I thought. And to be clear, when we say consolidation, we mean pile in moves right?


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It won't always work, but it can be a good thing to bear in mind.


Definitely! I won an extremely close tournament game (in a tourney I went on to win) by pulling this exact maneuver. Mephiston pulled a squad of daemonettes off an objective (yeah, I know, BA vs Daemons theoretically shouldn't be close, lame), that was then claimed by a Razorback squad that had just barely managed to get within 3".


Hoping the new ruleset doesn't invalidate some of these strategies, because particularly the third one Morticon posted up is brilliant.

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It won't always work, but it can be a good thing to bear in mind.


Definitely! I won an extremely close tournament game (in a tourney I went on to win) by pulling this exact maneuver. Mephiston pulled a squad of daemonettes off an objective (yeah, I know, BA vs Daemons theoretically shouldn't be close, lame), that was then claimed by a Razorback squad that had just barely managed to get within 3".


Hoping the new ruleset doesn't invalidate some of these strategies, because particularly the third one Morticon posted up is brilliant.



Yeah, ill back that.


Well done mort, this should be added to by anyone with great tactics and then stickied for all time.

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