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Marduks Word Bearer anointed.


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Hi guys.


So im making a fluffy word bearers army and am putting together my terminators. Does anyone know what they are armed with in the word bearers books? I know one has a reaper auto cannon and power fist, one has a chainfist and combi bolter, one has a combi bolter and lightning claw, one has a combi melta and power weapon. What is #5 armed with and how many are there total?



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Kol Saresk is correct, there were 200 of them in the 34th Host alone. They were armed with all different combinations of weapons, and are led by the hosts' Coryphaus, Kol Badar, who is armed with a combi-melta and a lightning claw.


I have a few in my representation of the 34th Host. If interested, you can check them out via the link in my sig below.


I hope this helps. :)



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Yeah sorry. I think the Anointed are different from the "chosen" of each Legion(i.e. the Justaerin and the Altrementar[spelling might be wrong because I am doing it off the top of my head]) in that they are the elite of each individual company/Host, not the split up remnants of the original First Company. Which explains their large numbers.
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There is no reason fluff wise, that I am aware of, that it couldn't be a term used for the "terminator elite" in other Word Bearer Hosts. I have applied that logic to the possessed squads that I have and refer to them as the Gal Vorbak in honour of the legions first possessed, as it translates from Colchisian as "blessed sons", and those who are possessed would be considered blessed.


In that same vein I can see the "terminator elite" throughout the legion referred to as the Annointed. But that's what's cool about creating your own Host, you can do whatever however you want to. :P



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As a note, though, it definitely doesn't apply to every host - ADB's Word Bearer Terminators aren't called Anointed.



Actually the various Hosts didn't even exist as of ADB's The First Heretic, the Word Bearers were still a legion divided in various chapters like the "Serrated Sun," which Argel Tal and those that became the Gal Vorbak were a part of. Now it would seem logical that the Chapters devolved into the hosts as the centuries went by but as of yet, at least from what I have read, that has not happened and it could be entirely different. Though I admit I have yet to read Aurelian or listen to Butchers Nails to see what has happened there.


So I would think that the idea of the Annointed being only part of one particular Host is a distinct possibility, but not etched in stone. Just my thoughts on it though.





And I agree with Vesper, I hope we have some more options. Hammernator counterparts, all termi armies, chosen in termi armour.....Who knows?

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Actually the various Hosts didn't even exist as of ADB's The First Heretic, the Word Bearers were still a legion divided in various chapters like the "Serrated Sun," which Argel Tal and those that became the Gal Vorbak were a part of. Now it would seem logical that the Chapters devolved into the hosts as the centuries went by but as of yet, at least from what I have read, that has not happened and it could be entirely different. Though I admit I have yet to read Aurelian or listen to Butchers Nails to see what has happened there.

No, I mean that the Terminators from ADB's personal host aren't called Anointed.

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Actually the various Hosts didn't even exist as of ADB's The First Heretic, the Word Bearers were still a legion divided in various chapters like the "Serrated Sun," which Argel Tal and those that became the Gal Vorbak were a part of. Now it would seem logical that the Chapters devolved into the hosts as the centuries went by but as of yet, at least from what I have read, that has not happened and it could be entirely different. Though I admit I have yet to read Aurelian or listen to Butchers Nails to see what has happened there.

No, I mean that the Terminators from ADB's personal host aren't called Anointed.



Ahhh....Didn't he also move away from Word Bearers for his personal army as well? To a Black Legion or World Eaters off shoot? I remember reading about it, but not recalling it clearly at the moment, lol....



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The Mukrah Jal is what he named his Terminator elite. But I don't see why it is a massive issue since he did that before Anthoney Reynolds began to write the Word Bearers series. It's like people came up with different names for the Night Lords Terminators but once Soul Hunter came out, the fan base shofted all Night Lords Terminators into the Atramentar.
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What it comes down to, HJL, is this:


They are your terminator elite of your Word Bearer Host. If you want to call them "the Annointed" or the "Mukrah Jal" or "the Blessed" or even "Suicide Squad #16543245678" you can, lol.

The point being make them as you want. I play the 34th Host using the members present in the middle of Dark Creed, even though some of those members were dead by the end of the book. I am even tempted to go back and model a version of Jarulek and a First Acolyte version of Marduk to have the option to play them in events prior to the trilogy. Well just have to see how things go.


Anyhow keep having fun and keep pumping out the great looking force that you have been!



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Ok. I think ill paint them up and leave the arms off untill the new edition so that i can see how things will change.
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Hi guys.


So im making a fluffy word bearers army and am putting together my terminators. Does anyone know what they are armed with in the word bearers books? I know one has a reaper auto cannon and power fist, one has a chainfist and combi bolter, one has a combi bolter and lightning claw, one has a combi melta and power weapon. What is #5 armed with and how many are there total?




You COULD always just run with the 4 of them and stick Kol Badar in the unit as the 5th guy....

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The Mukrah Jal is what he named his Terminator elite. But I don't see why it is a massive issue since he did that before Anthoney Reynolds began to write the Word Bearers series. It's like people came up with different names for the Night Lords Terminators but once Soul Hunter came out, the fan base shofted all Night Lords Terminators into the Atramentar.


Naw, the series was long finished by the time I started my (ultimately changed) Word Bearer host.


That said, here's a cut and paste from the Dramatis Personnae of Betrayer.


Argel Tal -- Gal Vorbak, Commander of the Mukrah Jal

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The Mukrah Jal is what he named his Terminator elite. But I don't see why it is a massive issue since he did that before Anthoney Reynolds began to write the Word Bearers series. It's like people came up with different names for the Night Lords Terminators but once Soul Hunter came out, the fan base shofted all Night Lords Terminators into the Atramentar.


Naw, the series was long finished by the time I started my (ultimately changed) Word Bearer host.


That said, here's a cut and paste from the Dramatis Personnae of Betrayer.


Argel Tal -- Gal Vorbak, Commander of the Mukrah Jal

I stand corrected and "Schweet!" comes to mind.

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The Mukrah Jal is what he named his Terminator elite. But I don't see why it is a massive issue since he did that before Anthoney Reynolds began to write the Word Bearers series. It's like people came up with different names for the Night Lords Terminators but once Soul Hunter came out, the fan base shofted all Night Lords Terminators into the Atramentar.


Naw, the series was long finished by the time I started my (ultimately changed) Word Bearer host.


That said, here's a cut and paste from the Dramatis Personnae of Betrayer.


Argel Tal -- Gal Vorbak, Commander of the Mukrah Jal



Damn! Love that!! Hehe! I am impatiently awaiting the release!!! :)




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The Mukrah Jal is what he named his Terminator elite. But I don't see why it is a massive issue since he did that before Anthoney Reynolds began to write the Word Bearers series. It's like people came up with different names for the Night Lords Terminators but once Soul Hunter came out, the fan base shofted all Night Lords Terminators into the Atramentar.


Naw, the series was long finished by the time I started my (ultimately changed) Word Bearer host.


That said, here's a cut and paste from the Dramatis Personnae of Betrayer.


Argel Tal -- Gal Vorbak, Commander of the Mukrah Jal



Damn! Love that!! Hehe! I am impatiently awaiting the release!!! :)




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