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Purity Seal Parchment

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I want to paint a purity seal with a long parchment (it's from the GK box, if you look at the illustration on the box it's on the hand of the guy who is stabbing a severed demon head into the ground). I have no problem making decent-looking text on the parchment (I have a superfine technical pen).


But, I have a problem making the parchment look like paper decent-looking weathered paper. My first go at it resulted in a parchment that was way too dark - I think I overdid it with the wash. Didn't help that the varnish dried glossy for some ungodly reason, either. So, I think I'll gently scrape the paint and varnish off with a x-acto, and do it over. The parchment is rather sturdy so I shouldn't have problems scraping it. I'd like to do better this time though.


I have the following paints that were mentioned in some tutorials I found:


- Skull White

- Bleached Bone

- Devlan Mud

- Chaos Black

- Scorched Brown


Problem is, all tutorials are found mention these paints in combination with other paints... besides the growing headaches, I'd rather not buy any more paint pots, seeing as how I paint once in a blue moon, and only if it happens to be the third Tuesday on a month with an "r" in its name.


Is there a way I could achieve a decent-looking parchment with what I have?

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I usually paint them bleached bone and then use sepia wash. Griphon Sepia is not as dark as Devlan Mud and it can go on just as it is.


With the Devlan Mud, it needs to have the surface tenson reduced so that the darker color does not sit on the flat portions of the seal. Some people use a drop of dish soap (washup liquid) straight in the bottle with their washes. If you prefer, jsut get a light dab on your paint brush and then mix that with a drop or two of Devlan Mud on your pallet. This will let more of the pigment slip away from the flat surfaces, leaving the darker edges without as much overall "smear."


So that's it. Bleached Bone as a base, Devlan Mud sparingly and with a touch of dish soap as a light wash. Finish off with script wiggles in Chaos Black.


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