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forge world resin

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hey there im thinking about getting a couple of sets from forge world, tyberos and severin loth, however after all the horror stories i read on here about finecast im just wondering has anyone here experience of these models and what kind of quality they are. im a bit slow to spend that kind of money since i have no experience of using resin, also i dont have much interest in repairing or straightening what i would expect to be mint condition products.
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From what I've seen and experienced FW Resin is better quality than Finecast, but even then theres a chance of issues. However FW's Customer Service is top notch and they will replace any defective parts, sometimes even giving a whole new model if the defects are severe.
However FW's Customer Service is top notch and they will replace any defective parts, sometimes even giving a whole new model if the defects are severe.


My former flatmate had a Laser Destroyer from FW and had the little screen/scanner bit fall off and was sent an entire new kit just for a tiny piece you can't see when assembled.


FW have some of the best customer service out there in my opinion, such that even if there is a problem you don't need to worry about it.

FW resin has improved by miles in the last few years. I used to hate FW, and for a good reason - some of the early stuff I got might as well have been a lump of resin that I had to trim and file to correct size and shape. However, all of my more recent purchases have been damn near flawless. Even if they aren't, FW will go out of their way to make you happy and replace anything that is messed up.


Actually, now that I think about it, the current Finecast quality (or lack thereof) is on a par with what Forgeworld used to be a few years ago (circa end of 3rd - dawn of 4th Edition).

Just be careful when working with resin, the way a craft knife handles it is different and can cause some nasty accidents.


You can also check out the link in my signature about working with resin, looks like the safety part needs reworking though as Forge World resin has been announced non harmful, unless you are prone to respiratory illnesses such as asthma.


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