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Blood Angels at Grim Open (with battle reports and pics)


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Care to hear about my time at the Grim Open? A review of the open if you will. If you are reading this post then I will assume you do. This will be a long post so make yourself a cup of tea and settle in. Seriously, like the longest post in the world.


What a great weekend, especially for someone like myself who is new to the tourney scene and doesn't know many of these folks. I met a bunch of great guys (and a gal, yes, 40k female gamers do exist!) who were really nice to a new guy like myself. Let me take an extra second and really state that. What a great group of people. I was, not intimidated, but definitely out of sorts when I first walked in the door, not knowing a soul, by game one I felt comfortable and welcomed, which really makes all the difference for a new guy.


Overall the tournament was run very smooth. It was a Nova style tournament which seems to be the most balance system for 40k out there. With a few minute drop outs the format was changed from a 6 games to 5 games. The weekend felt very casual, while I'm sure everyone was playing to win nothing felt competitive to the point of douchebaggery. There was also breakfast and lunch served, I'm a sucker for a good hamburger.


Before I get too far let me get my constructive bits out of the way (of which there are only a few). While I mentioned lunch was served it did trickle in, in a room full of gamers it went fast. It was obvious they were aware of this fact and everyone got to eat. Not sure what the best solution for something like this is other than brining in a few more grills.


With the way the seeding worked I ended up playing Brian round 2. I personally didnt mind as Brian is a great guy, but that stuff does bother some folks who might drive a few hours only to play someone they play every week. Also, it was a bad matchup for me as you'll find out. Thankfully that was really about it, and those are minor things to be sure. Now let's get into it.


Lastly some of the tables were very lacking in LOS blocking terrain. Maybe have a terrain competition and encourage people to bring or make some more terrain for the tables?


The tournament started with a rules packet and a fun little grab bag with some snacks, dice and bits, as well as a free drink/raffle coupon. Not sure if this is the standard or not as I said I am new to the tournament scene, but it was nice to know that I would at least leave the weekend with a new dice bag.


My list was themed around a Death Company squad Redeeming themselves by hunting down a bunch of Genestealers that escaped the Sin of Damnation Space Hulk. The list was the following.


Librarian - Terminator Armour, SS

Sang Priest - Terminator Armour

Terminators x 10 - 5 TH/SS, 5 LC

Furioso Librarian

Assault Squad x 10 - Sergeant w/ PS, Melta Bombs, 2 x Melta guns

Lemartes and Death Company x 10 - TH, PF, 5 x PS, 3 x CS

DC Dread - Cheating Claws

Stormraven - Las, MM, EA

Rifleman Dread


Clearly with 1 scoring unit, 2 death stars and only 8 KPs I would do great in KP missions and struggle with objectives and possibly table quarters.


The overall goal would be to smash face in KP's, try to predict the quarter the DC would end up (as a 480 troop choice under the Nova system they would always be worth full points) and push objective games to secondary or tertiary.



Game 1:

Blood Angels vs Tyranids


The Tyranid list was run by a Flyrant, had full Zoanthrope brood, Doom in a Pod, Hive guard, Ravaners, two tervigons, two mawlocs, and a 8-10 Genestealer unit.


This was a KP game, I believe quarters was the secondary, but I could be mistaken. I was playing Bill (I'm terrible with names and do apologize if I got that completely wrong.) This was a great game for me both strategically and thematically. Tyranids have lots of KPs and by list was themed around fighting Tyranids.


Deployment was dawn of war. The terrain on this table was pretty low, not much to block LOS. I held everything in reserve and walked it on turn 1. He deployed with the Flyrant, Tervigons and guants on my right, guants and zoanthropes just left of center. The genestealers, mawlocs and a tervigon went in reserve or outflanked. I brought on the furioso and assault marines left of center, the terminator death star on the right flank and and the stormraven went flat out up the left flank.


Next turn one of the mawlocs comes up right in my nice little formation of assault marines and the furioso. It scatters backwards, but only 5", not enough to go off the board. He kills a few marines and pushes me back a bit. The Doom also drops in to do his thing to my assault squad. The genestealers come inon my left near the stormraven. The Zoanthropes pop the Stormraven, to be expected, but the death company payload has now been deployed. Everything else kind of shuffles forward. Lots of Tervigon and Flyrant psychic tests fail on 11, failing without perils.




In my turn I attempt to Melta the doom off the table, 3++ for the win and the doom goes on to get up to 10 wounds. The furioso charges the Mawloc and force weapons him off the board. The furioso would shortly thereafter be immobilized with his back to the army by some hive guard. The death company fail a charge through terrain at the Genestealers, but the DC dread fleets and charges the Ravaners. My DC dread then decides to hit 2 out of 5 hitting in 3s, then miss one of his next two, then miss the last, 4 wounds, less than average to be sure. That thing needs rerolls when I'm rolling. The DC dread enventually killed the Ravaners, got immobilized in the process then popped by the zoans.




Next Bill casts paroxysm on the Deathcompany and charge them. A smart move but to take away my charge, but still a losing battle going through terrain. This assault lasted a few turns more than it should have, I hit twice out of 18 attacks needing 5s, but the DC eventually triumph with lemartes on one wound and pissed off and three other DC models. Lemartes goes on to assault and kill a full wound tervigon on his own on the charge, 7 attacks, I7, S4 reroll ing hits and wounds, what a beast! The DC unit goes on to kill a pooped gaunt unit, the spore and then get killed in combat by the doom.




While this is going on the Terminators are slowly walking forward with little resistance up the right flank. The second Mawloc comes up, kills one or two then gets assaulted by the terminators. This was where the Mawloc should have been focusing on killing the Priest instead of the librarian to get rid of FNP on the terminators. This would haunt Bill as the FNP may have been what kept the terminators alive till the end of the game. The terminators continue to push forward. After a few template from the zoans they eventually getting assaulted by guants, Ravaners and the tervigon in the next couple of turns. But at the end of the day they are terminator and come out on top.


Throughout this the Flyrant was bounding back and forth around the middle of the board buffing the bids, but eventually got brought down by the riflemen.


The game ended with a win to me on KP's. Bill was only down by about 200 or so VP's, had two objectives and two quarters, to my 0 objectives and two quarters. Great game, great opponent.



Game 2

Blood Angels vs Tyranids


My next game would have me seeded against Brian Fox, fellow Ordo member with his Tyranids (field of 22 and 3 nid players?!? Would my space hulk themed army fight all three nid players?) This was to be an uphill battle, objectives, against a good player, with a ton of scoring units, who knows my list! He joked about throwing the game (I think it was a joke, I told him to play like he meant it, but if only he had...).


Brian was running the swarmlord, two Tervigons and two gaunt units, 2x2 hive guard, ymgarl, two Genestealer units with broodlords, and two trygons.


The deployment was pitched battle. I won the roll and deployed my army. I deployed just right of center, it felt more centralized but the table actually spanned two tables. Brian deployed his swarmlord with a gaunt screen opposite the terminators, Tervigons on each half, and both trygons left of center. He infiltrated one unit Genestealers on my far left and outflanked the other.




First turn the terminators lumber forward, the stormraven goes flat out towards the trygons and tervigon on the left and the assault marines, well, they were in reserve. The furioso flys to intercept the Genestealers, assaults and ties them up, doing a few wounds and not taking much back in return.


Brian charges a trygon into the stormraven, immobilizing it, which wrecks from going flat out. The DC dread and DC pop out and now off to rage about the board. The rest of his units moved forwards, just playing a little positioning cat and mouse game.


I must have blacked out (black raged) the rest of the game as the details are a little hazy. The DC dread charges a trygon, hits one of 5 hits on the charge, then misses the next, 1 wound with cheater claws? He is then smashed by the trygon. The DC charge and kill a trygon and a unit of guants. But are then wiped out by the other trygon and some ymgarls.





The assault marines come on the board and get lucky with a poor roll for the Genestealers to come on. The start running away and eventually find they cannot avoid both a trygon and Genestealers and get trygoned off the board. The furioso librarian tried to help save the assault marines, but it was not to be. Still, it was an epic trygon explodes the furioso, the furioso force weapons the trygon.




The terminators cannot make it over the obstacle with three move through cover and run moves of only 1". They eventually get over the cover but can only find a swarmlord waiting for them. They had no real way to avoid him and with little support go down fighting.


Brian wins with 5 objectives, 4 quarters and all of toys off the board.




Now it was lunch time. It was also time to setup the armies for paint judging. I wont say I was a little excited about this, it was the big reason I came. I wanted to see if all the hours I spent had paid off. I was trying not to be to obfuscate but a little giddy eavesdropping while they looked over my army. I didn't hear much, but what I did I liked.



Game 3

Blood Angels vs Sisters of Battle


On to game three. Sisters of battle played by another great guy named Simon. I don't know sisters very well but I know they like Melta, and hey, I only have one vehicle and it's resistant to Melta to a degree, turns out that Melta would not be its concern. The list had about 5 rhino chassis, some death cult assassins, three walks, two of which were a squadron, some HQ choice that always comes back to life, and bunch of crazies carrying chain fists.



(I'm very anal with my dice.)


This will be a shorter tale as it was over as soon as it started. Spearhead deployment. Simon wins the role, sets up a parking lot, I set up opposite and almost do the smart thing and deploy my stormraven back a bit, but then I say "nah, let's rush it forward!" will I ever learn? Simon calls it that I will seise the initiative, dice roll, a 6! I Zerg rush that stormraven forward, push some of the other toys, then OMG I see it unfold, what is about to happen.




Simon sets his sights on the stormraven. The cant be killed chick moves in as do a group of chainfisters. He knows it needs to go down and doesnt want to chance it so unloads all of his worthwhile shooting into it. I'm praying it gets shot down, nope, stupid thing gets at best shaken. Then I come the chainfisters, they roll, get only get two pens, okay, I need anything but a 4 or 5. Dice roll, one was low, the other a 5. With the base surround there is no where for the DC to go, his turn one he is up by 820 points, and my favorite toys are in the dead pile. Bob Evers comes over, god bless him and tried to find some rule to save them, I knew it was not to be, me and Simon went in with the game. I pretended to make a big deal, loosing that many points hurts, but it's a game, Simon was a great guy and I only came to have some fun games. Bon was super cool to give me two raffle tickets for the pain and suffering I was enduring at the loss of the Death Company.




The rest was a wash, I learned why the DCA have such a reputation, a million power weapon attacks later and my terminator squad is toast. He eventually took all my toys off the table as well, GG Simon, GG.


End of day 1, a record of 1-2.


After a night of buffalo wild wings and a rest at the Hampton Inn we were back for game 4. Bob was really great about the matchups. He announced that he could adjust the seeding to keep people from playing the same person, but they would likely find themselves paired up with a prior opponent I the last round. Having the transparency made all the difference and I everyone was on board.



Game 4

Blood Angels vs Space Wolves


Game 4 had me paired against a fine chap by the name of Meatball. He was playing space wolves. He had a super lord on wolf, 2x3 thunder wolf cav, 2x5 long fangs, two rune priests, some grey hunters, scouts and a couple troops in rhinos.


This was KP's, then Objectives, then quarters I believe. This was a poor draw for meatball. This is the kind of game my army was made for, his against most other lists should have faired well, he did not have many KPs either and some were very hard to get.




I win the first turn, spearhead deployment. Once again I am all up front and center, playing a little cautious with the assault marines.


He reserves the grey hunters in a rhino, outflanks the scouts and puts the rest on the table, wolves on the right, fangs in terrain, troops and rhinos on the left.


I begin swinging everything except the assault marines and furioso around the left, with those two holding down the right. My rifleman shoots at the long fangs in cover, killing two, but they pass panic.




His turn he unloads into the stormraven, doing no real damage. His wolves move forward towards the center. I know with a 12" assault I need to be careful. Nothing else exciting really happens.




My turn the stormraven moves up a little shy of 12", the DC and Dread and now deployed! The DC dread fails to fleet out of terrain and gets stranded in the open, with no smoke, good luck buddy. The DC get a good assault in the thunder wolf unit without the lord. They are able to handily wipe them out, as a 480 point unit of Death Company with Lemartes tend to do on the charge. I love rerolling hits and wounds.


I bounce the furioso and assault marines back, playing a little cat and mouse with the other thunder wolf unit.


The rifleman keeps plinking at the long fangs, killing one more, but they pass panic.


The terminators are making the long walk across the board to the left to hopefully sweep through the juicy bits.




His turn he shoots a bit at the stormraven, after exploding the DC dread. He also does some psychic action at the terminators, but my psychic hood was strong this game. Actually it was very strong all tournament, succeeding more often than not. His reserve grey hunters came in this turn I believe as well. He then assaults the Death Company with the super wolf unit, but he found out he rolls like I do to hit, which is to say like :lol:. No wonder I take a Chaplin and a librarian with unleashed rage. The Death Company stick around which is all I need to get the furioso in the combat the next turn.




My turn the assault marines move towards the grey hunters in their little golf cart. The furioso goes wolf hunting and the terminators keep on foot slogging, one more turn of that for them. The Death Company eventually go down, but not before doing enough damage for the librarian to clean up, in his turn, keeping me safe from shooting. The assault marines explode the rhino and charge the juicy center, the consolidate out of the wreckage so they jump safely next turn.




At this point it was really just cleanup. The Terminators had reached the line and did what 600 points of terminators do, walk through troops and vehicles. I ended the game with one objective, all 4 table quarters and a boat load of points. Meatball was a great sport and definitely earned his Ordo die.



Game 5

Blood Angels vs Space Marines


Game 5 would find me fighting the 'nilla marines. Garrett had a 5 man terminator squad with librarian in a land raider, two speeders, two vindies, two riflemen dreads, a las autocannon predator, and some rhinos or razorbacks, some crap like that.


This was another one of those games, objectives and table quarters, with tertiary kill points. Not my lists kind of game. Playing a assault army, with little cover would not favor me.




I decided that "hey, terminators are hard to take down, and I have a unit of 12, let's walk across this board with no cover against a crap ton (technical term) of heavy shooting." It did not end well. The rifleman did what he could, which is nothing against the armour 13 front of the vindies, but they were my biggest threat, I had to try.




It was a blood bath. The stormraven got shot down, the Death Company got shot to crap upon disembarking. The DC dread got in a herp~a~slerp~derp~derp slap fight for like a million rounds (hyperbole) of close combat.




The game ended with the DC dread immobilized and with one weapon against a rifleman dread immobilized with one weapon. They would have gone on to fight for all of eternity, surely the emperor would be reborn before they killed each other. My rifleman dread also was immobilized with one weapon and my assault marine sergeant was laying down in cover just barely surviving large vindie blasts repeatedly landing in his head. But hey, I didn't get tabled.


So with a record of 2-3, being tabled in nearly all my losses it was time to ha d out the goodies. I ended up winning two raffle prizes out of three tickets, I'd like to think they were the two Bob gave me for the Death Company/Stormraven chainfisting. I won the 25th anniversary space marine and a Basilisk Earthshaker Cannon conversion kit.


I just so happened to have won the best Blood Angels player (**cough**default**cough**). I also won, and was very proud to have done so against the armies that were there best painted. Bill who I played in the first game won best display board. He won the knife I had my eye on for his display board, I won't the knife his wife was eyeing for best appearance. A swap was in order. Success!


I used the prize money to pay for 60% of a land raider, the terminators have earned a ride!


So that concludes my time at the Grim Open, possibly my last games of 5th edition, and the longest post I have ever written by probably 3000% (not hyperbole). I will definitely be back next year emperor willing.

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Awesome post, and an interesting read.


Really nice army you have there too!


The batreps were interesting and it sounds like you had a good time. With your list you have a lot of eggs in a few baskets which typically goes really well, or really badly.

I was particularly interested in how your DC laden SR went, despite dying (ALOT!) it generally seemed to deliver its cargo.



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Yes, the stormraven dies a lot, but it's a huge target. I'm a relatively inexperience gamer, painting is more my thing. I play what a like (clearly assault) and try to make it work. There isn't much the DC don't destroy on the charge, the trick is getting them to assault what you want them too. The Stormraven is great for that, but I need to learn that pushing it forward 24" isn't always the answer.
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My DC dread then decides to hit 2 out of 5 hitting in 3s, then miss one of his next two, then miss the last, 4 wounds, less than average to be sure. That thing needs rerolls when I'm rolling.


It does. The Blood Talons are lightening claws with the extra blender rule, meaning they reroll failed wounds.


Thanks for the write up and great looking army.

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My DC dread then decides to hit 2 out of 5 hitting in 3s, then miss one of his next two, then miss the last, 4 wounds, less than average to be sure. That thing needs rerolls when I'm rolling.


It does. The Blood Talons are lightening claws with the extra blender rule, meaning they reroll failed wounds.


Thanks for the write up and great looking army.


Sorry, should have been more specific. It needs rerolls to hit. I always wound =D.


Also, you can find most of my uploaded photos for all my armies at http://twrightii.imgur.com/all/

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Nice report. Really like your army both in terms of the painting and unit selection. It's the kind of army I'm looking to put together which includes all the good stuff like Dreads, Terminators and assault marines. Also I must mention how good the Tyranids of your second opponent they look brilliant especially the bigger monsters!
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how did the repentia manage to encircle your skimer base turn 1 ? enemy models can not go under your skimers skimers .


What you mean Jeske?

in the sob game the repentia managed to charge and encircle the storm raven [with the 800+pts unit] on turn one . destroyed everything because they couldnt disembark . I was thinking how is that possible turn 1 , as they dont have a 12" charge and no enemy unit can go under a skimer base [like fish of fury worked for tau] . the skimer base for SR is rather large so to have repentia on all sides to block possible deployment of troops would require movment longer , then imo, repentia could have . unless they were like 12" away on deployment. but even then you cant just go under a skimer base to block it on the other side .

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how did the repentia manage to encircle your skimer base turn 1 ? enemy models can not go under your skimers skimers .


What you mean Jeske?

and no enemy unit can go under a skimer base [like fish of fury worked for tau] .



movement issues aside, this is maybe outdated. Its true that you cant go under regular skimmers, but thats because of the model, not the rule.


You can totally go under the raven if you're more than 1" away from the hull/wings and/or the base.

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Great article, a nice last hurrah! for fifth :) I'm hoping to get my 'first' blood angels game in before 6th comes in ;p


Your all out assault army inspires me to keep following that theme with mine, I love the idea of a huge terminator squad - such a pity you can't mix assault/tactical termies like you used to be able to ;p . Have you ever tried teleporting them in, instead of marching them? - if you could pull it off, they 'could' be very threatening and avoid the long march? (sorry if I missed you doing this already!).


Now that the butt-ugly (but growing on me) storm talon is out, do you think you might grab one or two to chaperone your storm raven?


Also, awesome paint job! would be nice to see a squad by squad shot of them for our greedy eyes?


Cheers :D

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Have you ever tried teleporting them in, instead of marching them? - if you could pull it off, they 'could' be very threatening and avoid the long march? (sorry if I missed you doing this already!).


I didn't in this tournament, though I definitely should have in hind sight in the last game. With good Nova style terrain they can withstand a ton of shooting, 12 terminators go where they like! I have deep struck them before, but this is more dangerous with Nova style terrain as a big scatter will see them possibly wiped out from a mishap.


As far as more pictures go I can oblige.










Thanks for all the responses. It will definitely encourage me to do more of these for all my games, but at the moment I only get to fit in a couple games every couple of weeks. Watch this space =D

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Also, from the pic, it looks like they disembarked, then charged from the Rhino. More than enough movement it would appear.

it is still max 14" [and 18" for the saint] movement and that not even for more then 4 models[5 counting the saint] . the skimer base +deployment it should be impossible to get to the other side at least not the way it is show on the pic.

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Also, from the pic, it looks like they disembarked, then charged from the Rhino. More than enough movement it would appear.

it is still max 14" [and 18" for the saint] movement and that not even for more then 4 models[5 counting the saint] . the skimer base +deployment it should be impossible to get to the other side at least not the way it is show on the pic.



I may be wrong here, Jeske, but this is what I saw:



Those circles represent the repentia getting out and moving from the rhino.

The next move would have been the charge.



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Thanks for all the responses. It will definitely encourage me to do more of these for all my games, but at the moment I only get to fit in a couple games every couple of weeks. Watch this space =D



Matey, question in retrospect.


What did you find were the weaknesses of your army? What did you struggle with and at what points?

Do you think the inclusion/exclusion of anything in particular would have helped you? Or not?

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Matey, question in retrospect.


What did you find were the weaknesses of your army? What did you struggle with and at what points?

Do you think the inclusion/exclusion of anything in particular would have helped you? Or not?


One struggle I have it target priority, in the 2nd nid game ignoring the stealers initially to get at his lines would have been smarter. I also need to keep a more unified approach. It's easy to blast the DC forward in the Stormraven. I can't give my opponents a chance topics me apart. That's my problem with playing.


As a list goes it obviously struggles with objectives, I have to be really careful with my only scoring unit. It also is very elite, which means a good player with lots of crap can hold me up. I can't always control the game. Multi assaults can be tricky to get off against a good opponent. It would really help to have a throw away unit, but then again space marines don't really have much of that do they. Maybe a sniper scout squad to sit on an objective and put some potshots out here and there.


The list also obviously struggles without good terrain against some matchups.


That being said I'd rather take a list I like than and refine it slowly over time. Is a 480 point unit of DC a smart choice, probably not, but it is fun.

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That being said I'd rather take a list I like than and refine it slowly over time. Is a 480 point unit of DC a smart choice, probably not, but it is fun.



Here's my suggestion for ya ->

Would you consider dropping lemmy, 5power weapons and one DC member and just putting in a regular Chappy and getting a Rhino.

This way you can save yourself 95 points - still have a great killyness but more importantly have more units of threat. Your Rhino can speed up 18", your raven 24" as per usual - and now the enemy has two units to try kill.


You also have 95 points to grab a scoring scout squad with camo cloaks and a ML launcher, or 2 attack bikes. Probs need the scouts in your case.

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Those are good thoughts Morticon. Lemartes is my man, he never stays at home. Its just too much fun allocating one pw attack on him and pissing him off.


I also am not a huge fan of rhinos and razorbacks. I know they are good but I am just not drawn to them. That said a DC unit in a nicely weather black rhino may be something I could field =D

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