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Good afternoon! With my recent ETL vow, I'm back into 40k after puttin the hobby on hold in 05. That said I haven't played or made a list in a long time. So I have many questions!


Dreadnoughts: do any angel players take them as heavies? Or is it better to have them as elites for melee?

In terms of death co, how big do you guys run them?

Should weapons like handflamers/infernus pistols be restricted to units like honor guard as opposed to slapping one on an assault sarge since meltaguns/flamers are available to the squad? Who do you give them to?

And lastly:

At what point level are terminators a sound investment? And when bringing them do you termie up a librarian and/or priest?


I hope I'm not sounding like a dunce, I would just like some perspective from people who have played more recently than I. (which is probably everyone..)


Thanks for reading! ;)

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Dreads: I only run furiosos and DC dreads, I believe Razorbacks, Baals and normal Predators add enough support. However, they usually need a stormraven or drop pod (except the libby dread of course).


DC: Usually 7+Chaplain (or Lemartes) in a Rhino.


I prefer melters over pistols, they do not have enough range for me. Especially Honor Guard is usually better of with normal melters, and a sarge with PF (which is almost mandatory) costs too much for me with a pistol. Do not use handflamers, they suck ;P


I very often play a terminator squad with librarian (unleash rage) and naked priest in a Stormraven or Land Raider, which is viable at about 1500pts. But it really depends on how much you like termies (I like them a lot ;))

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I personnally thing making a TA Sang Priest is really good, it makes killing terminators with non-AP 2 or better weapons twice as hard... protecting your 40 point per turn investment, plus strength 9 on the charge with hammers/fists is better vs vehicles.


Not real seasoned with DC so ill avoid that topic, there are more knowledgable ppl around, but I would say look around for threads on this, there are several that I have read from B&C alone which are great I think.


I think HS Dreads are good for tying down good assault units when there are things that I want protected near by, They are not the squad munchers that the DC Dread and Furioso are I know, but its AV12 and if I use a lot of walking tac terminators as a fire base these guys are a great help, swooping in to intercept anything with alot of PW's or high initiative which would put a big hurt on my tac terminator guys before they can swing. The TA Libby can also help here giving Shield of Sang. to near by vehicles and dreadnoughts while allowing a lot of options to help support your tac termies.


You can run 10 Tac Termies with 2 Assault Cannons, TA Sang Priest, TA Libby, and 3 HS Dreads with Assault Cannons.

This list was alot different then what my opponent expected, knowing I had BA, it worked out very well for me the one time I played it and I expect to do more of this in the future. (Your bound to eventually get a 6 rend when you have 20 Assault cannon shots per turn) bottom line, I like HS Dreads, but they are used completely different then the more melee versions. The game I am talking about was vs Ultra Marines but I would think this would be even better vs hordes, which is why I made the list to begin with.

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Personally, I don't use hand flamers or infernus pistols often at all (ok, Sanguinary Guard get Infernus pistols on a few guys). Occasionally if I have left over points I might throw them on someone.


DC, I usually run 8 in a rhino with a chaplain. 1-2 power weapns, 1-2 powerfists depending on points.

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Dreadnoughts: do any angel players take them as heavies? Or is it better to have them as elites for melee?


They are ok as firesupport (2 x twin autocannons), but autolas preds are generally better at that task. Still, between that and assault dreads, I would take the fire support dread.


In terms of death co, how big do you guys run them?


I don't run them for anything other than lulz, but when I do its either as a 5 man squad in a razorback, or a 9-10 men squad in a Rhino.


Should weapons like handflamers/infernus pistols be restricted to units like honor guard as opposed to slapping one on an assault sarge since meltaguns/flamers are available to the squad? Who do you give them to?


Handflamers are crap, unfortunately. Infernus pistols I will give to a razor squad's sergeant to have extra reliability at popping armour, but that's about it.


And lastly:

At what point level are terminators a sound investment?


Depends which kind you are talking about.


And when bringing them do you termie up a librarian and/or priest?


Nope, unless I plan to deep strike assault termies, in which case you kinda have to.

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Dreadnoughts: do any angel players take them as heavies? Or is it better to have them as elites for melee?


I do. In the past I have run a "Mortis" configuration (TLLC, ML) and more recently AC, ML to act as an additional firebase (I play a Hybrid list). In the past it would get shot fairly quickly and thus be useless but as I have tweaked my army to give my opponent more juicier targets it lives a lot longer and tends to perform ok depending on what I do with it. (Sometimes it gets a DCCW if I expect the enemy to close on me.)


Only recently have I acquired the Furioso kit, but I'm still learning how to use it. Melee Dreadnoughts need a deliver system so a Drop Pod or a Stormraven are a must, but each have their drawbacks. Walking them on is a big no (last game I walked on a Death Company Dreadnought and it was immobilised ^_^ )


In terms of death co, how big do you guys run them?


In the past I have filled a Rhino with a Chaplain but these days when playing a small game I tend to go for seven models with no Chaplain as I try to be points efficient. 1-2 Power Weapons, 1 Power Fist with Bolter and possibly another Bolter completes the squad, but like everything else it will need support.


I have been thinking of dropping to six models and using a Flamerback, has anyone tried this?


Should weapons like handflamers/infernus pistols be restricted to units like honor guard as opposed to slapping one on an assault sarge since

meltaguns/flamers are available to the squad? Who do you give them to?


First off it is generally accepted that Honour Guard should be equipped with four Special Weapons and Jump Packs. However if you wish to have an assault-based squad then just do what you would with a regular squad: keep it simply but with one or two shooty upgrades.


RAS (or even Tactical) sergeants can benefit from pistols if you have the points available, but this depends on what you want the squad to do. If your RAS have two Flamers as you are combating hoard then it could be argued that a Hand Flamer would be of use (ignoring the fact that it is horribly points inefficient for what it does), however what happens if you face a monstrous creature or tank? In this case it could be argued that a Plasma or Infernus Pistol may be the better option: similarly if you have 1-2 Melta Guns and are facing a Mech force then the other two pistols could be considered useless and the Infernus Pistol is the way to go (unless you are confident that 1-2 Melta guns will suffice and would rather spend 15 points elsewhere).


As for me, my RAS Sergeant has a Plasma Pistol as I like the increased chance of killing something


And lastly:

At what point level are terminators a sound investment? And when bringing them do you termie up a librarian and/or priest?


Assault Terminators ideally need a delivery system such as a Stormraven of Land Raider Crusader. Yes the can be teleported but then they are often sitting ducks. With this is mind, I would say games above 2k would be the best way. Any force multiplier (Librarian/Chaplain/Priest) is good here and the best part is, they don't necessarily have to have Terminator Armour


It has been debated on here a lot but five Tactical Terminators don't really offer much to a Blood Angels army and so they need to appear in large numbers to be good (and get access to both Heavy Weapons) again, games above 2k are more suited as you're not putting too many points in one place. For this squad a Priest is the best option as it will make them especially hard to shift.


Just my two pence worth based on my experiences and what I have previously read on this board (and thus what I intend on trying out one day).

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Good afternoon! With my recent ETL vow, I'm back into 40k after puttin the hobby on hold in 05. That said I haven't played or made a list in a long time. So I have many questions!


Dreadnoughts: do any angel players take them as heavies? Or is it better to have them as elites for melee?

In terms of death co, how big do you guys run them?

Should weapons like handflamers/infernus pistols be restricted to units like honor guard as opposed to slapping one on an assault sarge since meltaguns/flamers are available to the squad? Who do you give them to?

And lastly:

At what point level are terminators a sound investment? And when bringing them do you termie up a librarian and/or priest?


I hope I'm not sounding like a dunce, I would just like some perspective from people who have played more recently than I. (which is probably everyone..)


Thanks for reading! :)


Dreads in HS are just there if you want a lot of dreads (beacuse it's fun!). They don't really add anything that other units doesn't do better. Like predators for fire support or furiosos for close up work. I do like the all flamer heavy dread and the assault cannon flamer combo. But that's just for variation.


I don't like small DC units. But then again I never run storm ravens. I never take anything less than 8 models in my dc. Smaller units will still attract a lot of fire and can be used to tarpit stuff, but if you actually want things done they need numbers.


Infernus pistol is ok if you have the points to spare. An extra shot of melta never hurt anyone... :P

Great pick on any character with bs 5, but those units aren't great picks themselves to begin with.


Not going to voice in on assault terminators since I've never gotten any good use out of them with this dex. Tacticals on the other hand I love. With a full squad and a priest they make for great support. Doable in 1500 pts and upwards.

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Dreadnoughts: do any angel players take them as heavies? Or is it better to have them as elites for melee?


I have the pf/melta dread from AOBR, I've used it a couple of times, its good, but not wow.

Not sure about the combat dreads, but it depends on your list.


In terms of death co, how big do you guys run them?

If I run them, in a raven, without jump packs.


Not really mastered them yet, usually bolters, 8-11 with reclusiarch, and two or three powerfists.

So far, they've just shredded everything they've faced.


Should weapons like handflamers/infernus pistols be restricted to units like honor guard as opposed to slapping one on an assault sarge since meltaguns/flamers are available to the squad? Who do you give them to?


I had a brief interest in pistols, but with the exception of flame pistols, I've given up on them.

The full sized weapon is better and cheaper.


At what point level are terminators a sound investment? And when bringing them do you termie up a librarian and/or priest?

Depends on the army they support.

I've used a basic squad at 1000pts without them point sinking me.

5 basics with an asscannon are a nasty mobile firebase.

Hammernators are probably not going to work at that level.


My next list is going to include 5 hamers and a termieclaw captain in a raven at 1750

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I'm taking a few dreads (though I have yet to test them!) I usually have at least one in my other marine armies so this won't be any different! I can't see myself filling up the heavy support choices with anything else really atm (might get vindicator/predator later on).


Currently have:


Dreadnought - assault cannon (general purpose - possibly drop podded in)

Dreadnought - Twinlinked heavy bolter/missile launcher (Infantry support)

Death company Dreadnought - (Fleets up a flank)

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