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Hello all, I'm new to these forums, well at least in terms of posting. I've been reading these forums for quite a number of years. I've been involved in the hobby for twelve years, despite having not played or touched my armies for 4 years. I am a huge 40k fan, with Chaos, Tau, and Blood Angel armies (though 4th Chaos, 3rd Tau and 3rd Blood Angels). I am avidly into the fluff of the 40k universe, having read all the Horus Heresy novels to this point, and a large number of other 40k novels. In real life I am a electrician for a living, but my passion is producing and playing electronic music, namely drum and bass. So one day I hope to be able to quit my day job and live my dream. Hope to have some wonderful, intelligent conversations with everyone here.





aka Steezy

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