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Hello all :)


BrdrJmpr here (it makes sense, just sound it out ;)


a long time Dark Angels player, I hail from Louisiana, now living in the southern part of Colorado Springs, though I'm currently away from the states for several months. my LGS is Dragons and Dragoons in Colorado Springs. I'm about 40% gamer and 60% painter.


My interest in rumors that my DAs are getting a new codex (can you hear that.. its the sounds of Angels.. Angels sending lead downrange!!) in a few months has got me fiending for 40K stuff while I'm away.


so, that's me! Folks on here seem to be pleasent enough, so I look forward the initiation hazings ;)

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Hello everyone, been lurking on these forums for a while, but the DA painting challenge got me to actually open up and start posting more!


A little about me:


I used to play Warhammer fantasy quite regularly, and then decided I wanted to have a 40k army. After looking through all the options, I finally decided on The Dark Angels, mainly cause I loved their colors and what little story line I knew of them.


This was 6 years ago. Due to many personal life issues, I was forced to take a hiatus from miniatures altogether. Sucks, considering how much enjoyment I got from painting them, and fielding them week after week. But, such is life.


Recently though, in the last month, I have found myself back in the fold, and enjoying every minute of it. I picked up new models for DA, got the latest Codex, and have been going at it since then. Even though I have heard that DA armies are underpowered unless running either a DW or RW army, I find myself really not caring. I am still completely loyal to the faction I have chosen, even to the point where I am kind of a purist (I'll run an assault squad, and use the DA codex every time, don't care!).


Thing is, when it comes to 40k, I am still a complete noob. But that's ok, I don't mind. I plan on playing and enjoying myself no matter if I lose every single game. But sooner or later, my Angels of Repentance are gonna come around and be a force to be reckoned with!

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Hail and welcome to you too, brother! I'm sure the DA players in these parts will be pleased to have another dedicated member among their ranks. :P
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi first time posting on here ,first off im not a gamer but iv been collecting and converting miniatures for 11 years im 26 from england my fav army to collect are ofcourse the sons of russ but i do have a thing for pre heresey ts and night lords , im always open for ideas for conversions and im happy to help with any of yours
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