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Land Speeder Storm


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I've never fielded a land speeder storm before. Since it is a transport vehicle, my question is threefold.


Firstly can I get confirmation that I have to buy a unit of five scouts separately to have men actually occupying the LS I.E they don't come free with the unit?


Secondly can those five scouts enter and exit the LS at any time as per the rules regarding a rhino?


Finally, are there any restrictions on what guns the scouts can take?



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You need to buy the scout squad and you are not restricted to what equipment you can buy.. (Only 5 men can fit in the storm)


It is open-topped. So you have more options compared to the rhino... You can assault after moving... Also it is fast so if you move over 12 you cannot get out.

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1 - Correct.

2 - Not really. There are enough differences that I will say no. Read up on the transport rules on page 66 and also the rules for open topped and fast vehicles both of which are on page 70.

3 - Do the rules for the landspeeder storm say there are restrictions? My C:SM is boxed up in the garage and I don't feel like dragging it out, but whatever it says in the rules, that's all the rules you need.

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