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Abaddon's whereabouts


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So, I KNOW I read something about Abaddon post 13th Black Crusade focusing his forces on an imperial world. Now, I fail to remember where I saw this, I think it was in an Apocalypse book, but still, can't put my finger on it. Do you guys remember what I'm talking about ?
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In the Apocalypse book, Creed was used as bait to lure Abaddon into an assault, in which he would be ambushed. I'm not sure the outcome of it lore-wise, but the 13th Black Crusade campaign was retconned (the same as the Storm of Chaos for Fantasy). As far as contemporary lore is concerned, the 13th Black Crusade is beginning. The mustering is happening now.
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If I remember right, it ended like he stopped at Creed because his latest Plant Killer was damaged and he was amassing a revenge assault just to burn the worlds to the ground along with the Grey Knights who damaged his ship.


As far as Cadia goes, I think it ended as the orbit of Cadia was Imperial control, the Forgeworld Agripinna(spelling?) was completely under Imperial control, but every other planet was either under Chaos control(Typhon even got himself a daemon world), Ork control or was being contested. And there was only like one fortress left on Cadia or something like that.

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Yes, I know the blurry outcome of the 13th, with GW trying to dilute the humiliation of the loyalists with "the fleet". But from what I remember of the fluff I was talking about was something after Cadia, where Abaddon was stuck for some time trying to take the planet.
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Sorry, most of the Eye of Terror campaign was before my fluff and it seems to be almost impossible to find GW published campaign reports. Most are colored by the fans' opinions. Like I said, the Imperial fleet had moved back into Cadia and secured orbit, but Abaddon and his primary fleet moved onto another planet on the way to Terra where the Planet Killer was disabled(not destroyed) by a boarding party of Grey Knights who then retreated to a planet and the fluff "ended" with Abaddon going at the planet with a fury that would have topped a woman scorned.
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It's a battle report on page 80 of the Apocalypse Rulebook.

Thesus Reach is an industrial planet unaware of its own impending destruction. It sits in the path of Abaddon the Despoiler's thirteenth Black Crusade, the greatest and most successful Chaos incursion the galaxy has ever known. The High Lords of Terra have anticipated Abaddon's arrival upon this planet. They have ordered a lethal trap for him, using none other than Ursarkar Creed as bait. When Abaddon's presence on the planet is confirmed, the Inquisition intends to unleash exterminatus upon whatever is left of Thesus Reach.

In the end Abaddon fails to kill Creed, teleports back to the Planet Killer and orders it to fire at the planet.


However, it seems that the incident was retconned in White Dwarf 386:


Also, I note the date given to 'The Death of Thesus Reach' with sadness. Apocalypse heavily implies that the battle takes place after the Eye of Terror campaign (Thesus Reach isn't one of the planets in the Cadian Gate fought over during the campaign, the Black Crusade grinds to a halt following Abaddon's defeat there). By shifting it back to 995.M41, it takes place before Abaddon's assault on Cadia, and makes far less sense.


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Wow, GW really wants to bash Chaos to the death.

Thank you guys.


Well they just can't admitt that their posterboys screwed during the EoT and that chaos won big time hadn't GW activly helped the imperium and thereby rigging the campaign.

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Wow, GW really wants to bash Chaos to the death.

Thank you guys.


Naw. Quite the opposite. While I don't think there'll ever be a current-serving GW employee that outright states the Eye of Terror Campaign was a mistake lore-wise, it's not really a secret that ever since then, GW has shunted the calendar of events back to a situation where Chaos is now on the edge of its ultimate victory. The 13th Black Crusade will tear the Imperium apart. Yes, 10 years ago there was an in-store campaign with a fudged ending that didn't bear out too well in the lore, but that was 10 years and several editions ago. It's meaningless to 10 years of fans that weren't there, and it's meaningless given how so much has changed since then. Part of the process is, as we've seen here and there, setting a few events back before the EoT event itself, because - in the setting - the Crusade hasn't happened.


Let's see if the next edition of the Rulebook and the Chaos Codex bears that out, because I suspect it will, given the way the lore has gone in recent years.

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Wow, GW really wants to bash Chaos to the death.

Thank you guys.


Naw. Quite the opposite. While I don't think there'll ever be a current-serving GW employee that outright states the Eye of Terror Campaign was a mistake lore-wise, it's not really a secret that ever since then, GW has shunted the calendar of events back to a situation where Chaos is now on the edge of its ultimate victory. The 13th Black Crusade will tear the Imperium apart. Yes, 10 years ago there was an in-store campaign with a fudged ending that didn't bear out too well in the lore, but that was 10 years and several editions ago. It's meaningless to 10 years of fans that weren't there, and it's meaningless given how so much has changed since then. Part of the process is, as we've seen here and there, setting a few events back before the EoT event itself, because - in the setting - the Crusade hasn't happened.


Let's see if the next edition of the Rulebook and the Chaos Codex bears that out, because I suspect it will, given the way the lore has gone in recent years.

Same thing with WFB. Storm of Chaos never happened. Yet.

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Wow, GW really wants to bash Chaos to the death.

Thank you guys.


Naw. Quite the opposite. While I don't think there'll ever be a current-serving GW employee that outright states the Eye of Terror Campaign was a mistake lore-wise, it's not really a secret that ever since then, GW has shunted the calendar of events back to a situation where Chaos is now on the edge of its ultimate victory. The 13th Black Crusade will tear the Imperium apart. Yes, 10 years ago there was an in-store campaign with a fudged ending that didn't bear out too well in the lore, but that was 10 years and several editions ago. It's meaningless to 10 years of fans that weren't there, and it's meaningless given how so much has changed since then. Part of the process is, as we've seen here and there, setting a few events back before the EoT event itself, because - in the setting - the Crusade hasn't happened.


Let's see if the next edition of the Rulebook and the Chaos Codex bears that out, because I suspect it will, given the way the lore has gone in recent years.


God, that campaign was really a great time.

You said the actual fluff is back to pre-13thBC, where Chaos is about to launch the last offensive that will be the last of the million nails in the coffin of the Imperium. But we know that Chaos won the global campaign. It does not seems really far from the utlimate victory you talk about. Is it all about being too close to midnight ? Is it about the way the end has been written with the magical hand of GW more or less saving the day with "the fleet" ?

About the upcoming edition and fluff, I think you're right, even if I'd literaly sell my soul to see the second battle of Terra, but hey, what would be left after that ?

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Warhammer 40k.. Final edition. All loyalist forces, return to Terra! Defend the throne world! Abbadon steps foot once more on the imperial palace. The astronomicon is under assault, the imperium is about to fall.


Brilliant, I'd play it. I played loyalist in the 13th black crusade and even to me it felt hollow. Like any real victories I had didn't matter because the GW wouldn't let the imperium lose the space lanes anyway.. I hope that the despoiler unleashes his wrath soon, we need a big, climactic fight to the end across the galaxy. Let it burn.

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As a Chaos player in that campaign, I can tell you for a fact that the Imperium's ability to control the space lanes wasn't GW meddling or trying to rewrite the fluff to deny the Legions the victory we earned in those weeks. It was the result of the Chaos strategy. We deliberately focused on the planets of the Cadian system, pounding on each in turn, gunning to drop their control percentages because every 5% or 10% (I don't recall which) triggered a "cascade" effect on other planets in the system, cutting their control percentages as well. We were so effectively kicking ass and taking names planet-side that we basically ignored posting to the space lanes. I guarantee that if we had focused on posting to the system as a whole (ie, the space lanes) we never would have overrun the Gate. And St. Josmane's Hope would still exist. :devil:
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We were able to post on space lines ? Gee, I don't remember about that.



You could post results to individual planets, but you could also post them against that system's overall control percentage as well -- ie, its space lanes.

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Damn, that campaign was fantastic. Best time I ever had with 40k. It was big and narrative, it had a cool website, the fans really got into it. There were some wonk things about it, like putting dark eldar on team chaos fighting against the eldar and trying to help Ahriman penetrate the webway and the library... but even that turned out awesome as the deldar players rebelled and basically tanked that theater of the campaign for chaos, which was also fun and cool.
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