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OK I am wanting to do marines for the new edition...


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But I want to do Silver marines. I want to check them all out and see what chapter I should go with. I know of a couple

Silver Skulls

Doom Eagles

Anybody know of others?

It would be nice if they had a readily available chapter icon I can buy, either decals or sculpted. Also not a ton of fluff so I can kinda do them up my own way.

You could always make your own. Argent Blades. Use the Dark Angel shoulder pads you can pick up at bits sites.


Or, start with a bits site like scibor (the are kind of large, tho) or puppetswar or where ever you like. Pick out some shoulder pads and icons you like, then make your chapter.


Here's an example ...


Argent Bulls

If your looking for silver marines try the Iron Knights you could always kit bash with the Black Templar bits. Theres not alot of info on them apart from they attend the feast of blades. Which is a contest held between the successors of Dorn and that there currently on a penatance crusade. Hope this helps you out mate

Iron Snakes are definitely the way to go. Red, white, blue, and SIIILVER, sittin' on chrome.


Who doesn't love freedom and bling? Seriously though, they worship the sea of Itaka (as the blood of the Emperor - noHeresyo)... They're like Greco-Anglo Space-Knights that have a Baptism obsession. What's not to love?


Okay. One thing not to love, I will be honest - white shoulder pads are a pain in the janglies. Ceramite white is not the miracle it's cracked up to be, and still takes >4 coats to cover well. But I bring it on myself, to be honest. I really shouldn't be painting the helmets a different colour and the backpacks another but you know, Pimpin', it's a lifestyle.

Silver Skulls!


But I think Iron Knights would be cool too. Starting to see a lot more Silver Skulls but hardly any Iron Knights.... or Doom Legion for that matter.


Check out AwesomePaintJob's Doom Legion tutorial on youtube. That is exactly how I base coat my Silver Skulls.



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