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IA:Dragon Lords WIP


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Anyway, Here's what i got so far.



Index Astartes


The Dragon Lords




Why was the Chapter Founded?

Crusade(at first); Standing Force


The Dragon Lords were founded at the turn of the 38th millennium, and created to help further increase the strength at the Eastern Fringes from both xenos and heretics attacks. However, it would not be long til they soon established their homeworld and are standing guard in the Erwynn’s World sector. The Erwynn’s Worlds are rich in mineral and also has a few minor factory worlds. Although minor to the Imperium, the Dragon Lords sees it as important in their war efforts. Striking a Pact with the factory worlds of providing them with protection for equipments, the chapter has since protected them from the horrors of the galaxy as well as from the threat of the Eldar race. This pact was made during the early days of the chapters founding. The newly formed chapter has received the Erwynn’s World's distress call for help against a force of Dark Eldars were raiding the factories for technology as well as slaves.


The Dragon Lords were always fascinated by the wonders of the galaxy. So fascinated by it that they store these ‘wonders’ in the deepest of vaults in their chambers. Or so some say. Some, who have fought with the Dragon Lords, claims that the chapter were using dark technologies or even going as far as to say they are using Xenos technologies. However when Inquisitors and the Adepts of Mars investigated their Fortress Monastery, nothing of the unusual was found making these reports a rumor. However over the many years before their contact was lost, sightings of the dragon lords using forbidden and/or xeno technology continues to rise. Some scholars thought that the chapter was searching for something or that when they were combating the Dark Eldars in the Erwynn’s Worlds Sector, they came across an ancient text telling of the end of time. Whatever it is, one thing was for sure, the Dragon Lords has became obsess with hoarding these vast treasures of the galaxy.




The Chapter took the name of the Dragon Lords when they first visited the planet, Gargon. The inhabitants saw these beings, as legend have it say, as ‘Gods’ when they came down from the very heavens themselves. Soaring on wings of fire, the people of the planet started to worship them as a ‘god’ long lost. When they first came down from the very heaven, riding in their thunderhawks, the inhabitants called them “Sky Gods.”


Livery and Heraldry(Pictures)

The Heraldry of the Dragon Lords is a dragon breathing fire out of its mouth on an ice blue background.


The Livery of the Dragon Lord is half red and half ice blue. It is from their homeworld that the livery was first used seeing the important of fire and ice. Where one can and will cleanse the soul, the other hardens it for battle. This livery also gave rise to their battle cry: With Fire and Ice!


Home World


“They were born from the harsh plains. Forged in the fires of war. Protectors of the weak. Warriors of the Dragon Father.”—Unknown


What type of planet is the Chapter’s Home world?

Feral World (Gragon); was once a city state world with fortresses rising to the skies; now nature has once more taken over and these fortresses has became mountains to the people on the planet; one of these fortresses is now the training ground for potential new recruits for the Dragon Lords; These training grounds has also became a hunting ground for the chapter as well to help further hone their skills; people of the planet are a nomadic tribe using a primitive tool to move around; primitive tool is called the Delta Glider(think of the staff that aang uses to move around in the sky); contest held once every few years to see whose swift, strong and smart by the nomadic tribes; this contest is also a time to make new alliance and marriage arrangements; the Dragon Lords uses this event to help get recruits.


Home World Predominant Terrain

Ice(planet in a state of ice age); Plains near the equator






Combat Doctrine

Lightning Strike


The Dragon Lords uses a series of lightning strikes against their enemies. Using a series of attacks with both thunderhawks and storm talons, the chapter rains down hell to the enemies.


Special Equipment(s)

Modified Weapons; Relic Weapons:


The Dragon Lords has been known to be expert craftsmen in making many different weapons. One of these many specially made modified weapons that is produced by the chapter is a staff carried only by the librarians of the chapter. This staff is special due to the shaped and the how it is used as well. At the top of the staff, it has the head of a snake with its mouth open. Inside that mouth, is a flamethrower that the librarians could use if they get into close combat with the Xenos.


The Dragon Lords has become renown, in the Erwynn’s Worlds, for their fanatics for Technology. Their Techmarines are provided by the minor factory worlds in the sector. Although, their fascination with technology are not as fanatical as that of the Iron Hands and their Successors. They are still on par with this ancient’ chapter. Along with their obsession of technology, there have been rumors that the chapter is hoarding these technology and ancient artifacts. For what, we do not know but this could explain the reason why contact with them has been lost since the turn of the 41st millennium.


Alone with modifying weapons, the Dragon Lords carry about them relic Thunder hammers, passed down from captain to captain as a status symbol, from the beginning of their founding. In total, they have 9 Thunder Hammers. Each for the captain and the chapter master as well.




1st (Dragon Slayers) Company: Veteran company led by Chieftain Grazil Dragonfist

2nd (Black Flames) Company: Battle company led by Chieftain Drakken Draco

3rd (Blood Hunters) Company: Battle company led by Chieftain Krux Grazil

4th (Raptor) Company: Battle company led by Chieftain Drusus Kai

5th (Inferno) Company: Assault Company led by Chieftain Karven Castro

6th (Slashers) Company: Assault company led by Chieftain Raziel Qauzi

7th (Hell Hounds) Company: Assault Company led by Chieftain Volcanus Primus

8th Company: Scout company under command of Chieftain Glaius


Chapter Masters: Chapter Master Rokken(First), Chapter Master Cortez(Second),Chapter Master Raiziel(current)


Silient Guards(Honour Guards): Lycus Tridon(Captain), Dargus Krok, Valorus Kai, Corwin Kardon, Validus Maldir, Xavier Corvus, Talos Igneel



The Chapter has a belief that Vulkan and the Dragon Father, thought to be the Emperor, would be reborn anew. This belief has, in turn over time, gave birth to two different cults, The Order of the Phoenix and The Dragon Cult.


The Order of the Phoenix is a cult made up mostly of the chapter’s librarians. The cult’s beliefs that the Dragon Father and Vulkan will one day be reborn like that of a phoenix, guiding the Imperium from its darkest hour. With the rebirth of the Dragon Father and Vulkan, both of them will beginning a new crusade to rid the galaxy of all its horrors.


The Dragon Cult, as some would say, is a perverted version of the Salamanders’ Promethean Cult. It is said that to take the steps of the Dragon Cult is a dangerous one however, the Chapter belief that each marine must stand together as brothers. In this sense, the Chapter has created a bond that is truly hard to break. When formed into scout squads and even when they are training to be one of the marines, the Dragon Lords hose a ritual to bond the young recruits together. This bonding ritual is called blood bonding. A ritual in which each of the young recruits takes a knife and make a small cut on their hand letting blood flow into a bowl. With the blood in the bowl, the young recruits drinks it thus completing the ritual. The value placed upon them are that of “Brothers before all else”. This ritual has let some to believe that the chapter could also be related to the Blood Angels.


The Chapter, along with their beliefs of the Order of the Phoenix and the Dragon Cult, also belief in honoring their ancestors. Deep in the mountains of their Fortress Monastery, Dragons’ Fangs, there is a vast vault which holds the names of all the marines killed in action and a separate tablet that holds the names of all the brothers who were lost in battle.



The Dragon Lords believes themselves to be the proud successor of the Salamanders and therefore Sons of Vulkans. Although, Imperial records has shown that the Salamanders never had any successors to begin with or if they did, they never knew of it. The Dragon Lords does not have jet-black skin, like that of their self proclaimed parent chapter, as their homeworld does not have a high level of radiation like Nocturne does. If indeed the chapter is a descendent of the Salamander Chapter, scholars point to this to help further reinforce their theory that the Salamander’s jet-black skin are a result of the environment. Upon further examining of their gene-seeds, it has been concluded that the Dragon Lords’ reflexes are on the level of an average human. It could be that this is the cause for the chapter to rely upon each other even in the darkest of times. Even after all of this, the Salamanders denies that they have any, if at all, a successor chapter.


Although, the Dragon Lords’ gene-seed remained pure to this very day. It has been known on certain occasions that their gene-seed has been flawed to a certain degree. It should be noted that the marines of the Dragon Lords places a high value in their brotherhood. It would be this very bond that would be both a curse and a blessing for the marines. Some has called it a curse for the fact that the marines would have so close of a bond that they tend to not leave their brothers, dead or not. Other has called it a blessing, for the most parts, for their bond are so strong that it seems like they have a psychic bond with one another.





Chapter Current status




Adeptus Mechanicus(?)

Adeptus Astartes Chapters(?)



Dark Eldar

The Eldar


Still playing around with the Combat Doctrine. Need help ion this area? Thanks! :unsure:

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  Race Bannon said:
This could be the right place.


I'm not finding anything that could be 'definitive' ... so whatever you want to do can work! Maybe this thread could turn into a dedicated source for all things related to the Chapter?


Yeah, that would be nice since little is known of the dragon lords so we, the poeple of the Bolterandchainsword community, could make stuff up and edited it however we want.


This discussion board can be anything related to the chapter whether informative or made-up is fine.

Well, apparently all contact to them has been lost since 998M41. So, if you are writing an IA, are you placing it before or after this?


Anyway, liking it so far, only thing I don't necessarily agree on is Salamanders geneseed. It seems too obvious. Personally, I'd go with Ultras or maybe DA.

  Blackrat said:
Well, apparently all contact to them has been lost since 998M41. So, if you are writing an IA, are you placing it before or after this?


I personally say an absence of almost two years is nothing to be worried about. IIRC there has been at least one chapter that disappeared for centuries on end before reappearing again. Two years ain't diddly. :)


As far as the Sally gene-seed goes - there's plenty of chapters who are named obviously (to the point where the examples could possibly be in the tens now, rather than a handful). Dragon Lords being Sally descendents, to me, is a no-brainer. I say go for it DarkLiege.

@Blackrat I'm actually writing my IA before the dragon lords are reported 'lost'. As for the Gene-seed, like Olisredan said, it just seem pretty obvious to me that the dragon lords are Sally descendents.


@Oliserdan Thanks for the words of encouragements for me to work on IA.


I actually started an IA for the Dragon Lords with Sally geneseed using the ol' Chapter Background generator from the Heresy online website.

  DarkLiege said:
@Blackrat I'm actually writing my IA before the dragon lords are reported 'lost'. As for the Gene-seed, like Olisredan said, it just seem pretty obvious to me that the dragon lords are Sally descendents.

Oh indeed, if you feel that way, go for it. I feel going against the obvious would be interesting, but then again, I couldn't imagine a chapter with, for example, the word "blood" in their name to be anything but of BA geneseed :tu: I will definitely keep an eye on your progress with this. They were one of the chapters I considered when starting my army, so it's interesting to see what you can come up with.

Nice, you have a knack for naming things, although Drakken Draco made me rather amused. I hope you don't mind if I snatch some of your company names. I have been struggling with mine since I came up with the chapter :)


The only thing that I'm not so sure about is the safeguarding of one mineral rich world. What mineral would be so invaluable that an entire chapter is dedicated to guard over just one planet?

@Blackrat I would not mind you taking some of the company name. Fell free to take it. :wub: Everything is still a works in progress and will be edited for finals if I come around to that one. :D


Edit: Names-- the name slasher is from the tv series Nova Terra produced by steven spielberg, Dragon Slayers from fairy tail the anime, and everything else I got while thinking of dragons. lol :D As for the chapter name I use the heresy online's name generator.


Here's a Link to it if you want to use it: http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/misc.p...emplate=smnames

  • 3 weeks later...
The Dragon Lords are created to stand guard in the Erwynn’s World, out in the far reaches of the Eastern Fringes. The Erwynn’s Worlds is rich in mineral as well as a few minor factory worlds thus, they stand guard from the aliens and the heretics. Although minor to the Imperium, the Dragon Lords sees it as important in their war efforts. Striking a deal with the factory worlds of protection for equipment, the Dragon Lords has become a tech fanatic chapter.


There is one Space Marine for every world in the Imperium. They might be charged with a region, but having them be responsible for a single planet is a criminal waste.


* * *


Well, they're certainly heavy on the word dragon...


What you've done here is, I think, very similar to what Phil Kelly did with the Space Wolves and what Matt Ward did with the Blood Angels - you've stuck the word dragon on everything without much consideration of creating a coherent whole or of things beyond the word dragon (and fire). Almost every 'dragon' chapter does this.


The chapter doesn't really have much personality or anything like that - they're just a fairly flat chapter whose planet has big lizards on it. The Salamanders are humane and tied closely to their people and like fire and smithing - the Dragon Lords need something like that (but distinct from that). A unique personality trait or two to make them a unique chapter as opposed to just a gathering of Marines.


What do you like about dragons? What are some stereotypical traits of dragons? What are unique aspects of dragons that might make for a unique chapter (beyond fire)?


You should also consider these things in the context of the Salamanders - the Salamanders are one way. So what are some aspects of the Salamanders that match well with dragons? What are some aspects that contrast with dragons?


And what do you want your chapter to be like? Nice? Nasty? Brave? Sneaky? Cunning? Something else?

Thanks for the reply, Octavulg ^_^ I'll think about those things before posting my next post.


How about changing it so it would be something like this: The Dragon Lords are created to help further secure the Eastern Galactic realm from Xenos, Traitors and Heretics. it was not before long beofre the chapter starts to stand guard in the Erwynn’s World, out in the far reaches of the Eastern Fringes. The Erwynn’s Worlds is rich in mineral as well as a few minor factory worlds thus, they stand guard from the aliens and the heretics. Although minor to the Imperium, the Dragon Lords sees it as important in their war efforts. Striking a deal with the factory worlds of protection for equipment, the Dragon Lords has become a tech fanatic chapter.


This is all I could think of so far. :)

Dragons are often found hoarding treasure in myths from Western Europe. Perhaps the Dragon Lords have begun hoarding tech and artifacts that aren't rightfully theirs? A bit of a dark side to them, shall we say. Or perhaps they have a habit of striking out around their sector, burning whole villages to the ground without explanation and antagonizing the populace - because their Librarians predict dire events if they don't.


I'm not sure about Asian Dragons but I remember something about them being lucky or a guardian spirit or something? What if the Dragon Lords had a habit of looking after or elevating the families of their initiates above the common rabble of their system?


Just a few ideas.


Also - The number of Chapter enemies is a bit excessive I think. Every Space Marine Chapter fights all those enemies but that is something that should be reserved for a particularly hated foe. Maybe the Eldar have a habit of stealing their treasure so they harbour a big grudge? Maybe Chaos taint/psykers are the reason they raze villages without warning so they hate them for forcing their hand, and turning the system against them? Maybe the Dark Eldar have a soft spot for kidnapping and butchering the families of initiates after they've been elevated to a new status so every member of the Chapter has a personal grudge against them?


Those are just some things I'm throwing out. I wouldn't go with them all, but pick one and develop/elaborate/change/generate ideas until you are happy.

@Octavulg: okay, so I looked over most of the things and tried to edited out most of the whole 'dragon' theme for the chapter. Let's hope this one is better than the last one. :pinch: I want to focus on the whole brothers in arm thing where the chapter tend not to abandon their battle brothers. I also try to down play the whole fire thing going on with the chapter.


@GrimApostle: Thanks for the ideas!:( I like the whole thing of them being hoarder of 'treasure' since I wanted them to be kind of a tech fanatic. Maybe they have a obsession with finding tech and not reporting it to the Imperium. It could be this very reason that the Eldars and their dark kins are their hated foes. For the Eldars, they don't want people finding out certain secrets in the ruins of worlds so they attack the chapter. I was also thinking that the Dragon Lords were a crusading chapter that happen to recieve a transmission from the system crying for help. when they got there the chapter fought against the dark Eldars who was raiding tech and people from their world. Just a few thoguht. :D


I want the chapter to be still be humane and tied closely with their people(but that might change) but instead of liking fire and smithing(which the factory worlds help provides), they instead likes to be cunning and aggressive. Cunning it the way that they study their enemies and aggressive in the way that they are sometimes quick to anger(?). Maybe one aspect of the dragon I like is their claws so maybe the chapter has lightning claws instead of using the standard power fists. The Homeworld will not include lizard or if it does only one type of it.


Btw, I thought of this idea of how the imperium lost contact with the dragon lords but not sure if it works or not. here it goes:


The Dragon Lords lost contact with the Imperium proper because as time went on the psychic/shamans notice that the astronomicon were growing weaker and weaker as time passed on. By the current date, the astronomicon was grown so weak that the imperium thought that they lost contact with the Dragon Lords.


Something similar to this. Tell me what you think. this is just a start. :D


Here's how the space marines of the Dragon Lords look like.



Tell me what you think of the newly added info and such. :D Feedbacks are always welcome.

Glad I could help!


You could have them stationed in the Segmentum Pacificus. As of current 40k timeline, the fluff says that all contact with the Segmentum Pacificus has been lost. I don't know if this has always been the case as 6th is the first universal rulebook I've bought - but I've not seen it mentioned before and I was suitably surprised.


Now what is going on out there, who knows - but it leaves it open to you. Perhaps the Dragon Lords have lost communication beyond the Segmentum Pacificus and don't want to draw the attention of whatever threat blacked out the rest of the galaxy - even though it's them who have been blacked out. They could be doing this to protect their system, or what they believe are the last outposts of humanity in the galaxy, or even just their treasures. Again, it's up to you.


I look forward to seeing what you do with this.


As for the paint scheme, it looks a bit harsh to me but if you like it then by all means go for it. Do you want a blue/red colour scheme or were there other combinations you liked? I can throw around some ideas on the painter if you like.

  GrimApostle said:
As for the paint scheme, it looks a bit harsh to me but if you like it then by all means go for it. Do you want a blue/red colour scheme or were there other combinations you liked? I can throw around some ideas on the painter if you like.


Sure, I would love to see what kind of scheme for come up with in the painter. If I like one of the scheme, I'll let you know about it so you can sent me the pic. via PM. ;) I'm still trying to down play the whole fire and dragon feel that the chapter has. Although, for me, the red and blue colors reflects their battle-cry of "With Fire and Ice".


You could have them stationed in the Segmentum Pacificus. As of current 40k timeline, the fluff says that all contact with the Segmentum Pacificus has been lost. I don't know if this has always been the case as 6th is the first universal rulebook I've bought - but I've not seen it mentioned before and I was suitably surprised.


I'll keep them where they are right now and I have not yet got my hand on the 6th edition rulebook. I'll try to get it asap. :D

  Ecritter said:
Never been a fan of the standard split color scheme, try this one.




I like the scheme as it still say true to the battle-cry of With Fire and Ice. However, I want to see more before I finally decide on the scheme of the marines. The red in the middle, to me, is saying something along the line of "Our soul and our spirit shall never be quench like the rage flames of hell" orsomething like it. :D While, the blue is like ice that protect similar to that of armor.

@Octavulg: okay, so I looked over most of the things and tried to edited out most of the whole 'dragon' theme for the chapter. Let's hope this one is better than the last one. biggrin.gif I want to focus on the whole brothers in arm thing where the chapter tend not to abandon their battle brothers. I also try to down play the whole fire thing going on with the chapter.


See, not abandoning their brothers and things like that doesn't feel very dragony. Dragons are, well, dicks. Solitary ones, at that. Very concerned with what's best for them (individually).


GrimApostle's suggestion re: treasure hoarding is definitely a good idea. It shouldn't necessarily just be tech, IMO - they should probably like beautiful things for their own sake (though they shouldn't make them).


I want the chapter to be still be humane and tied closely with their people(but that might change) but instead of liking fire and smithing(which the factory worlds help provides), they instead likes to be cunning and aggressive. Cunning it the way that they study their enemies and aggressive in the way that they are sometimes quick to anger(?). Maybe one aspect of the dragon I like is their claws so maybe the chapter has lightning claws instead of using the standard power fists. The Homeworld will not include lizard or if it does only one type of it.


Keep in mind - liking fire is OK for a dragony chapter. It's just important not to overdo it.


Here's how the space marines of the Dragon Lords look like.


Nice. I'm a big fan of halved schemes. They can be a little tricky to paint, though. :D

  Octavulg said:
GrimApostle's suggestion re: treasure hoarding is definitely a good idea. It shouldn't necessarily just be tech, IMO - they should probably like beautiful things for their own sake (though they shouldn't make them).


Can you maybe elaborate on the idea of the chapter having a liking to beautiful things? Thanks! :rolleyes: I thought of this idea last night as I could not sleep. How about the chapter hoards both techs and Xenos Techs. Marines of other chapters on several occasion saw them using these techs. This rumor made its way over to the Inquisitors. However, when they investigated the chapters themselves, they found no traces of these techs. Some say they hid it in the deepest of vaults known only to a select few while others claim otherwise. Just some ideas flowing around in my mind. Tell me what you think of it? Thanks! ;)

I have two points:


-First is that this hording of things considered precious to the Dragon Lords is similar to a certain individual known as Trazyn the Infanite. A curious Overlord that goes around the galaxy to collect various items and protect them from the claws of time. I like to picture this and it would fit the chapter well.


-Second point is that I've had two friends now with a chapter named the Dragon Lords. One decided to change it to the Fire Drakes. Personaly I liked that one better as the Dragon Lords became old fast.


I agree with all the above posts and that the Chapter desperatly needs this character.


Good luck!


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