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Question concering the Prince of Crows

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Hey guys. I know I should really be working on my Carcharodons for the tale of17 gamers but, I had a quick question about Sevatar that I needed to ask.


Would it be out of the question, as far as Sevatar's personality goes, to have a protege of sorts? I am making a counts as Khârn character for my Night Lord warband, Greith, and I kinda wanted to find a way to explain why he's so exceptional in combat, as opposed to most of his Legion which is pretty average compared to others. I just wanted your thoughts on it.


hell, if I could get A D-B to answer this, that would be a treat. Its his character after all.

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There are many types of protege, one of which would be the unofficial kind. Perhaps he personally would never take on a protege, but there is a young marine, inspired and awed by Sevatar's battle prowess, who takes it upon himself to follow in his adopted mentors footsteps. He studies Sevatar's battle records, memorizes the tactics he employes and attempts to imitate Sevatar's training and combat styles.


As far as why he is better then the others, some people are just naturally more talented then others. Or maybe he has been blessed by the dark gods, a potential champion of chaos, who's senses and reflexes have been sharpened, his sense of awareness so great he can almost predict his enemies movements before they even know what they will do.

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Thanks for your thoughts so far, guys.


The basic jist that I really had was I would make him Sevatar's direct protege or just forget the Prince of Crows all together because it is simply not in the nature of the character to worship Sevatar, no matter how bad ass he was. The idea I had that the young Nostramon showed miraculous potential from the get go although he display a disturbing lack of indifference for his comrades, killing the other children on a whim with little rhyme or reason in and out of training exercises. It was because of this, that he caught the Prince of Crow's eye. I use the word protege very loosely in the sense of what I expect their relationship to be. Sevatar was the captain of the first company, and displayed considerable talent in leading his brothers and in battle tactics. Greith showed no such potential. He was simply a natural born killer and Sevatar simply allowed that skill to blossom. The most skilled warrior in the legion teaching a promising youngblood how to kill. I doubt the two even cared much for each other. No doubt Greith attempted a great many times attempting to kill his captain, at first out of sheer amusement and then after the first failure progresses into a challenge the young warrior creates for himself and ultimately fails.


In present day, Greith is champion of the Ankou Pact, avatar of some so called 'Blood God' he couldn't give two flying *%@#s about, (he gives Khorne skulls, Khorne gives him power. Easy deal) and simply goes about killing indiscriminately across the battlefield. Friend or foe, ally or enemy; he doesn't care who you are. He'll kill you for the sheer amusement of it. As far as his opinion on Sevatar would be, he feels rather cheated that the captain died at the hands of someone else and not him. Sevatar is the one opponent he was never able to kill, the one person he saw as what he desired to rise above and savor the killing blow as he severed the Prince of Crow's head. That one desire and dream was denied.



If it helps, here's what he looks like so far.






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Just standard Skull White Spray Paint, or whatever GW calls it.


The white primer.



Oh woops. I meant what model did you use as a base.

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Thanks for the kind words and I don't mean to be rude but can we stay on topic please. I posted the model to get a feel of the character and to see if people thought it fit the protege idea.


If you want a list of bits, you can find it on my WIP thread. Its called Greith the Blood-Stained Grin.

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could be that the Sevatars gene seed was used and this marine some how manages to retain some of Sevatars memories

This might not be possible as there are some references in Void Stalker, mainly made by Mercutian, to the fact that Sevatar might not actually be dead so if they aren't sure of his demise then they probably didn't recover his gene seed for implantation into a new marine.

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