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Storm Raven price increase!

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On GW US under storm raven they have it listed for 82.50!! That's insane if they expect that price.

Not a typo. Bunches of other things went up in price too, but I think the SR was among the hardest hit.


Here's a 12 page thread on the price increases (the first post has the old price, new price, and percentage increase of everything that saw a price hike):


I think the crazy thing is the MSRP is a 100% markup over cost. Most all shops, either online or retail, will happily give 20% off of GW stuff except actual GW stores. So really this hurts GW stores the most I think. The higher the price, the better a discount looks. Imagine an indy store buying a raven for $41.25 and selling it for $66, not bad and made $25. The local GW store is handcuffed to charging the full $82.50....good luck with that.

Take the out of proportion price increase and put some good spin on it.


Does this price increase indicate stunning new rules to be released for skimmer/flyers in the 6th ED BRB ?


Is the Stormraven going to be a must have vehicle for us ! is GW putting the price up of anticipated 6th ED favoured models?

not sure what you guys are talking about, the price on the Aussie site hasn't changed

Maybe that's just down under. I got an email a month ago showing GWs upcoming increase with a 'last chance order' before the new prices. So maybe we are just catching up to AU crazy prices? I hope not, I'm sure your increase is coming very soon.

Not a typo, as mentioned and this has been dealt with in the Annual Price Increase thread.


New price of the storm raven is $82.50.


Going to close this thread here since it exists in entirety elsewhere, and the point has been made.




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