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Four Land Raider List

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I had a 2000 point tournment on Sunday. I thought I would just make a fun list and I have never used more than two Land Raiders in one list before and I own five so I thought it was time to roll out the armour and have some fun.


The list was:





Sanguary Priest

-Power Weapon

-Melta Bombs


Assault Terminator Squad (5 man)

-5 TH/SS

-Land Raider Redeemer



Assault Squad (10 man)


-2 Flamers

-Land Raider Crusader



Tactical Squad (5 man)

-Land Raider


Tactical Squad (5 man)

-Land Raider


Tactical Squad (5 man)


-Twin-Linked Lascannon



I got two crushing victories and one minor lose getting me Second place in the tournment.


I was really surprised with how well this list did. I only lost to the player won got First and in the first game of the day, losing with 1 to 0 in objectives. He said it was a hard list to get around. The second game was kill points and he only had Ahaddon, Typhus, and two Terminators on the board at the end and he only killed the Assault Squad. Three game was against guard and once I killed the Medusas he really didn't have anything to take down a Land Raider other than Meltas and I was keeping clear of them until it was the right time to charge in.

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Armour 14 is a pain to deal with, I used to take three demolishers with IG and people just cant deal with that much AV14 :tu:


Personally, I'd lose the tacticals and take assault squads instead, even if you have lose the razor too.

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Armour 14 is a pain to deal with, I used to take three demolishers with IG and people just cant deal with that much AV14 :tu:


Personally, I'd lose the tacticals and take assault squads instead, even if you have lose the razor too.

I am really thinking about dropping the Terminators and reducing the Assault Squad to a eight man and then adding another eight man Assault Squad, another Priest and maybe a Chaplain or another Reclusiarch but I havn't really worked on it. The terminators were a huge waste of points because they never got into combat ever. I really like the Tacticals in the basic Land Raider because I am not rushing them into the enemies face and they are a great bunker for a cheap scoring unit.


Whats the plan when you go up aginst DE?


I will trying it once with Deep Striking Land Raiders and see how that goes and maybe I will get most of the Lance weapons before he can shoot back.

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Adding a scriptor for shield might be nice as well :)

That is a great idea. I am putting that into the plans to see what I can come up with.


If you took Assault Marines instead of Tacticals wouldn't you save 35 points on each Land Raider? Across the 2 Raiders and Razorback you'll have an extra 105 points to play with :)

It would be more like 75 because Assault Squads are more points than Tacticals but I remembered that last night. I will work on the list again when I get home.

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If I remember correctly, you can manage to squeeze four into a 1500 point list. All you get though is four five man assault squads and a cheapo captain, but four land raiders definitely scares the crap out of people when it's all they've got to shoot at along with a mixed variety of Raiders instead of just Crusaders like Templars.

Each RAS had a melta gun, one normal raider, one crusader, and two redeemers. I dind't think it was a very good list at 1500 points though since each destroyed raider was a real sock to the gut.

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