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Hi there, this seems kinda basic to ask I suppose, but the company that I usually get my brushes from seems to have/be disappearing.


This means I'm trying to find another manufacturer of brushes that produces good quality brushes. I tried the citadel brushes again after a long hiatus, and am disappointed with the quality already.


Is there any brushes that you guys recommend? I usually paint with OOO or OO, and do detail with 10/O or 20/O.


All the brushes I find recently, just lose their pointed shape after a couple of uses, and I only have a few of my old good brushes left. Any help would be appreciated.

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A few is all you'll need, really. I've been using the last three I bought (A #1 for larger work, a #0 for general, and a #000 for fine detail) for several years. Even my first #0 that's got to be almost ten years old is still used as my good rough brush.


If you don't have some already, spend $3 on a small cake of Brush Cleaner like "The Masters" brand, and that's all you'll ever need to keep all of your brushes in great shape for a looong time. The stuff pays for itself the first time you rescue a brush with dried-in paint, with no effort at all.

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