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Thunder hammer question.

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My friend and I have had a discussion about how exactly the initiative reducing ability of a thunder hammer worked. If I take a daemon prince and give him the mark of slaanesh so his initiative would be 5(6), gets hit by a thunder hammer, does he strike in the next round of combat at initiative 1(2) or at initiative 1?
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For the next 11 days (until the new BRB comes out), that prince is going at Ini 1 his next turn.


He has effectively Ini 6, and then is lowered to 1. Its not 5 +1 as you would have with furious charge.


Hope it helps!

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Note that the thunder hammer ability only applies to models that take a wound and survive. Any that are hit but failed to wound, or those that pass invulnerable saves still fight at normal initiative.
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