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Hi my fellow frater,


I am currently thinking of my own chaos warband fluff (ive worked out the 1k list) and am thinking of having them follow the chaos god Malal. I have looked at the Malal lives! website (very informative it was too).


I am just wondering if anyone else has an army who worship Malal? What sort of limitations this may place on the army? I am thinking of using "normal" chaos marines, using the mark of chaos undivided and not using cult troops/other marks. I might use a daemon prince as I like the model a lot (unsure how fluffy this is though!)


Am currently thinking of my fluff and will post up my ideas when they are a bit more concrete. Any advice/feedback/information would be very helpful!


Thanks in advance! :tu:

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Uh well, since Malal sorta got ret-conned into oblivion, do whatever you feel like. As far as army composition goes, it isn't like Malal favors heavy support units or makes special use of raptors. Daemon princes are fine- if the Night Lords can have em, so can you.


Followers of Malal would probably end up like the Soul Drinkers- fighting both the Imperium and Chaos.

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I played Sons of Malice for some time, because my previous army was screwed by the gavdex...

You can basicly have daemons and such, but if you want to play fluffy, don't use Chaos marks other than CG, and don't use cult troops without a concept like "yeah, those Plague marines have bionics/combat drugs".

For the fluff, Malal exists under the name of Malice, in 40k's lore. He's real and walks with the Sons of Malice in a quest to take back their homeworld (Scelus) during the 13th Black Crusade. They failed, but don't know their actual whereabouts.

There's a short story about them, don't remember where, twasn't that great, just decent.

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Uh well, since Malal sorta got ret-conned into oblivion, do whatever you feel like.


Only in Warhammer Fantasy. In 40K he never existed in the first place.

Never said he did. But apparently Belisarius wants to worship a warp god that very well might not exist, and that is his prerogative.

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There's a short story about them, don't remember where, twasn't that great, just decent.


It's the story "The Labyrinth" by Richard Ford in the Heroes of the Space Marines anthology. Malice is Malal with a nod-and-a-wink, so it's all there if the good Chaplain wants to use this story for inspiration.

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Malal was never retconned. He was just ignored by GW. It just might be a technicality but there is a difference to being ignored and being retconned. Retconned impies the fluff was rewritten, not just ignored. He did exist in 40k and continues to exist in 40k first as Malal and now as Malice and is the patron of the Sons of Malice as -Max- and Vesper pointed out.


Now, to answer the original question, to me an army devoted to Malal/Malice would have no limitations. Malal/Malice is the incarnation of the parasitic nature of Chaos and ironically embodies all of Chaos while also seeking to devour it. To me, that would mean he has access to everything. He is Chaos Undivided, Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Nurgle all thrown together along with their conflicting natures. So you can pretty much have everything. IIRC, the Warhammer fluff used to show this with Marks and Gear that acted very similar to the Marks and Gear from other Chaos Gods, but was usually turned against Chaos.

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Well, I still have my Sons of Malice and I can never turn down a conversation about Malal. <_<


With the current dex (and whatever life is left in it) I would say no limitations on what you want as others have mentioned. Something can always be done in the fluff to make everything fit like a glove. I myself had made Khârn and Berzerkers for my 'reboot' of my own force a year or two ago. They would represent the more blood thirsty SoM who wished to prove themselves before Malal through great acts of violence. There was also an idea that the parasitic relationship between them and Malal was taking a toll on the astartes and their blood frenzy resulted from this.


I do remember reading quite a bit about daemons and Malal. From what I remember is that he has none but it seems he used enslaved daemons of the other gods bound to his services (I think this was fanfluff as I have seen fan-made daemons for Malal too). If you want, you could make up your own daemons to be used in battle. If you want to bring Daemonettes, Bloodletters or whatever I would say go for it and model them with something that shows they are bound to Malal. They would have bindings and chains or something parasitic coming out from there body that shows these daemons are now slaves. Also, if you can, somehow show them in agony as I think that would be fitting due to their forced servitude toward Malal ;).


Remember, Malal is a parasite so he will always leech off of something and if it is from the powers of the other gods then all the better. Have fun building up your army!

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He did exist in 40k and continues to exist in 40k first as Malal and now as Malice and is the patron of the Sons of Malice as -Max- and Vesper pointed out.

As far as I am aware, Malal was only ever mentioned in sources of the Warhammer Fantasy franchise, specifically in old editions of the WHFB RPG (not even the main game and the Chaos armybooks), and in a number of short comics set in the WHFB universe. He was never mentioned in any WH40K source. Not that I know of. So Malal has about as much relevance for the 40K universe as other WHFB creations such as the Horned Rat or Gringni.


Since the 3.5 Codex Chaos Space Marines GW has added "winks" to the old material in the form of "Malice", which is compeareble to their depiction of the mercenary squad from the movie "Predator" in the 4th Edition rulebook. They might at some point mention how the Hrud worship a "Horned Hrud", but that would more be a tongue in cheek reference to the WHFB system rather than a serious attempt to establish the Horned Rat as a thing in the 40K universe.

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It really doesn't matter whether or not Malal was ever canonised in "official" 40K dogma (whatever that would entail). The universe and mythology are vast enough to include him or some variation if you so wish; Chaos and the Warp represent infinite potential; whatever can be imagined "exists" there to some greater or lesser degree. If you want Malal to be your force's patron daemon, go nuts; it allows for some rather nice colour scheme and conversion potential, what with all of the bisected skull motifs and what not one could run with.


Though much of the original RoC stuff doesn't hold true any longer, or is simply left up to implication these days, the Lost and the Damned book contained an extensive section providing rules and background for how Chaos players could create their own Chaos Gods, minor deities, patron daemons etc, along with associated Greater and Lesser daemons, daemonic marks and gifts etc. There is even an example of one such entity one of the writers has come up with based upon a Skaven named Kweethul Gristlegut, which is likely the original basis for The Horned Rat as a deity.


In background terms, the book describes how such entities may occur in the Warp as simply smaller vortices of inspiration and emotion that occur around the outskirts of the greater vortices of the Chaos Gods; they are essentially potential Gods that have yet to reach similar states of complexity and sentience, many of them described as "dreaming" in a manner similar to the potential state Slaanesh occupied before its eruption into full sentience. Others are mortals that have been elevated to Daemonic status either through arcane rituals or without dedication to any one of the Great Powers, simply becoming their own, self contained sentience within the Warp, separate from the direct influence of Chaos. The book also describes how certain Chaos Cults actively go about trying to bring such entities into being by engaging in certain mass activities and ritual worship (e.g. ritual murder in which each victim is murdered inexactly the same way, or ritual suicide in which they reach a specific, unified psychological state before dying, which in turn results in a coalescence of their souls in the Warp as a common vortex or entity).


There is plenty of scope for utilising or inventing whatever power or patron one wishes.

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wow! thanks guys-you chaos players are very helpful!:)


Far as i can find out malal was invented by some writers who used it in a story but there was some sort of issue with copyright? so GW now make references to malal (or malice) but thats about it...


I want my warband to of been wronged somehow and declared traitor (possibly by an over-zealous inquisitor?). Malal is basically anti-chaos and is the god of the oppressed so it kinda fits..


Im still working it out in my head at the moment...might attempt to write my basic ideas down later...


Thank you so much for all the help and information! :)


(does a columbo)- there is one more thing...using a daemon prince is ok, right? (i love the plastic model!)

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I want my warband to of been wronged somehow and declared traitor (possibly by an over-zealous inquisitor?). Malal is basically anti-chaos and is the god of the oppressed so it kinda fits..

Cool. Again, sounds similar to a Soul Drinker type scenario.

(does a columbo)- there is one more thing...using a daemon prince is ok, right? (i love the plastic model!)

Yeah, but feel free to explain why you have a demi-god of the warp striding into battle along with your renegades. Is it their former chapter master, rewarded for his actions in bringing so many souls to chaos? Is it a manifestation of your god's pleasure made flesh? Perhaps a daemon serving one of the other gods has been twisted by Malal/Malice into destroying its former masters? There is a lot of potential there.

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thanks for the reply!


I am mostly having my army led by a lord but I would like to occasionally use the lovely daemon prince model (in games of 1.5k plus-the big important battles!)


i am thinking of explaining it in one of the following ways-


1-my lord did such a good job that he has been "promoted"

2-he could be allied to my warband somehow

or even better...

3-it mentions daemons used by malal worshippers are enslaved..so maybe it could be a captured and enslaved daemon prince?


Regarding the background..im still thinking...i want them to basically be a victim of circumstances/events beyond their control...i want them to brood on this...maybe become bitter...i want them to open their eyes to the uncaring brutality of the imperium and to fight everybody (chaos, xenos, the imperium)


I need to think of the particular events that cause my marines to become renegades..


hope this waffle made sense! (its good to just throw whats in my head out there...)

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The only possible pitfall I can see is that, originally, there were no armies dedicated to Malal, as even other Malalite champions hated one another (Malal being the lord of contradiction and self loathing). As such, his warbands tended to consist of very loosely knit lone champions fighting together for a common cause before disbanding or turning on one another.


However, this seems to have been retconned with his re-interpretation as "Malice," and to make dedicating forces to him more workable. Even under the constraints of the old background, you could have an army that consists entirely of individuals that have willingly sacrificed their individual will to the domination of a single Malalite champion or daemon prince; automatons under that entity's direct control, or something like that. As already mentioned, this detail doesn't really hold great sway anyway (insofar as anything regarding Malal has ever been set in stone). You could also interpret the individual members of your force existing in a condition of sustained, ritual hatred for one another, only coming together as an organised force when it best suits the renegade God's interests. Otherwise, they act as lone reavers and agents, conducting Malal's interests in their own fashion.

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Hmmm...interesting stuff...


I am going to say that all my renegades can trust is each other-the imperium used them and betrayed them, they hate chaos, the xenos are not to be trusted...they can only rely on each other...and malal.


My lords name is-lord Angrus Blitz-the death knight.


My warband are called the death knights in his honour and to display their loyalty to each other.


All my renegades took on new names when they were "liberated from slavery" and do not use their "slave name" anymore...


Thank you so much for the feedback! :)

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Hey DAT, you made a couple of Sons of Malal for the LPC vow right? But thanks for the thread. I did a quick perusal over the opening post and it looks very interesting. I know what the rest of my night is being dedicated towards.
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Hey DAT, you made a couple of Sons of Malal for the LPC vow right? But thanks for the thread. I did a quick perusal over the opening post and it looks very interesting. I know what the rest of my night is being dedicated towards.

Yes, I did, and another Malal character that... well, you'll see :devil:

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@vesper-no sons of malice still paintscheme for me im afraid (see my sig! im a terrible painter!)


Im thinking of metallic armour, black pads, a skull for the symbol (a skull is malals symbol after all!)


I need to think a bit more on padding out my fluff but I have a rough idea now...thanks to you guys! thank you!


(waits till pay day when im going to get my first squad...begin the recruitment of the death knights!)

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