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Hail, Brothers


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New to the forum, well finally joined to forum after skulking in the shadows. Been playing 40k off-and-on since the end of 2ds Edition, hmm think i just dated myself. I hail from Bermuda, yes there is 40k in the middle of the Atlantic.

Currently have a Black Consul force undergoing, a painting update and an Eldar army 90% finished.

Abit of a 40k fluff junkie, cant get enough of the stories. My recent passion has been introducing the hobby to the younger generation and running campaigns.

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hey there, welcome to the B&C! If your big into fluff, be sure to check out the Librarium, as well as the Index Astartes; lots of cool stuff in there you might like!



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Welcome - great to hear the hobby is in Bermuda! Do you have a games store there or do you have to mail order stuff?


P.S. Don't worry - plenty of us veterans from the 2nd edition days here :lol:

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