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Mother of Tzeench!


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Sounds like a plan for the most part. If we get to choose powers, then I would go for that Divination power that allows for BS4 snap-fire every time! (Since you can't claim cover saves while assaulting...)
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Sounds like a plan for the most part. If we get to choose powers, then I would go for that Divination power that allows for BS4 snap-fire every time! (Since you can't claim cover saves while assaulting...)


That would be very nice... unfortunately CSM can't take divination...because a Tzeentch sorcerer wouldn't have any idea about reading the future... WHAT!?!?





I'm more than a little confused as to why sorcerers can't take divination.

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Wait, what? WE can't take Divination?




Yeah, tell me about it... bloody ridiculous.


I think they're trying to focus on chaos psykers as purely offensive. Hopefully we'll get some buffing powers with the new dex.

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... and then you will get laughed at for ignoring the rules.


Even if it is the Chaos thing to do.

haha naww I'm not really going to ignore the rules. I'll just bide my time until we get a new book and all new psychic powers. I bet I'll totally not care about not getting divination and biomancy when the new codex hits.

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We had a whole cult deicated to being seers, Ahriman was one. Am getting fed up of all the powers (this is in fantasy as well) making chaos look like some stupide HULK SMASH!!!! kind of deal when with Tzeentch, they should be able to use the buffs as well as if not better then pure offensive power.

Why do I have the feeling this codex is goign to be just as bad for the Thousand sons as the last :tu:

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The way I see it...we might not be getting "divination" at the moment but when we do get a new codex we might not even want to swap out our codex psychic powers for the standard BRB powers. I'll stand by my conviction that as Thousand Sons and especially as anyone that takes Ahriman we will get a ton of psychic power options.


p.s. And if we get shafted or really don't like how we are still limited to 3 powers for Ahriman one can always house rule with your mates that Ahriman can choose an entire discipline or 6 from across all disciplines to represent his superior knowledge. Same would go for Tigurius...though he is obviously no where near as powerful as Ahriman.

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